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The border deal fails to secure the border. Its close requires an invasion of millions to trigger and even then would require processing a minimum of half a million illegal alien invaders. Unaccompanied alien minors from other countries, a group that has in the past included adult gang members, would be exempt from the system.
And every time a Senate member comes out and defends it, they reveal how much worse it really is.
Sen. Sinema said the Senate bill ends catch-and-release seen under former Presidents Obama and Trump, and that it creates a new authority requiring entrants to be detained or supervised until their asylum case is resolved…
She said that, under current conditions, the Department of Homeland Security needs more detention beds and cannot act unilaterally without congressional approval. Sinema cited the current figure as 34,000 beds, and said the bill would increase that to 50,000.
That’s 16,000 more beds. If you render that as a percentage, it sounds like a sizable increase, but it’s actually a fraction of the invading population.
The bill supposedly promises to wrap up asylum cases in 90 days. With thousands and thousands of migrant encounters per day, those new ‘beds’ would be used up in less than a week.
That’s less than a week’s worth of detention capacity.
But it’s already been made clear that the border won’t be closed and the invaders won’t be detained. They’ll be released under some form of “supervision” which is the same failed system we have now. If they don’t show up for their interviews, they won’t be allowed to pull this stunt for another year. But they won’t actually leave either.
The President can close the border, completely, upon his own initiative. It is written into law, and has been for decades.
This entire crisis is 100% attributable to the present executive. No one else is responsible. It is impossible that anyone else be responsible.
Why was he not impeached and removed two years ago?
This is betrayal.
Let’s be fair here, Obama and every politician who refused to secure the border or reform immigration and asylum law all these years because they benefited politically or financially from it gets a little bit of the credit.
Biden could close the border, but what would happen to the future of his party?
Reminded me of the Dark Ages, when the native English invited the Anglo-Saxons in to help with their wars. Which they did. But the Anglo-Saxons eventually took power themselves.
You don’t let the coyote into the hen house, right? That’s just stupid.
And these wet backs are much worse than coyotes. And I can write from experience about coyotes and wet backs. Yeah, coyotes are wily but they aren’t even remotely likable except for their beautiful appearance. They’re extremely vicious and will bite you in the ass the first chance they get, then eat your dog.
Wet backs are worse. Not even a slinking coyote will rape and murder your daughter, sister, mother or grandmother. Deport all of them. To Afghanistan.
Alzheimer Joe doesn’t even know what day it is, much less what’s going on at the open border or the future of his anti-American party.
He just eats the chocolate chip ice cream his nurse caregivers give him and smiles while he shits his pants.
Yeah. Problems of old age. Notice all the aged Democrat politicians with suspicious undergarments bulging under their outer clothing.
It doesn’t afflict all the elderly, though. You’re still hardy. So am I.
But guys like Alzhemier Joe? They need to to be taken out. For the good of humanity.
The “Border Security bill”…lol. In this very Orwellian age in which we live, anyone could tell you at least two things this bill would NEVER provide: a border or security.
While the legacy media tells us otherwise, this deal has never been about ending the invasion. It seems to be quite the opposite to me, much like putting in an express lane. Adding detention capacity was never going to happen either because that would eventually help Trump…and the UniParty wouldn’t stand for that.
Speaker Johnson says the deal is DOA in the House as it currently stands anyway, so hopefully this is much ado about nothing. Lest we forget, EVERY list I’ve seen of the provisions in this bill started with $60 Billion to Ukraine.
assume the opposite meaning is true and you rarely go wrong in politics
I think of that when I read the words “gain of function.” It is a meaningless expression until one realizes the “gain” applies to creation of a bioweapon.
Beijing Biden is a bio-weapon. And I bet he stinks.
Sounds like a disaster.
Those cots look shitty to us but I can guarantee you that homeless Americans would love them.
Not that they’ll ever get them, even though a cell with a cot and a hot meal is the best thing for them. We gotta pay wet backs $9000 a month while they wallow in luxury hotels, don’t you know.
Yeah. Anything to get out of the cold, rain, and snow.
Yeah, cold, rain and snow. That stuff sucks, I can say from experience.
I was homeless and hated it. The constant degradation and struggle to free myself from squalor enraged me. It wasn’t easy, brother. Imagine getting through life when you can’t even take a real shower or leave any of your belongings behind.
“Wanh.” We all make do.
Nobody should be homeless but most of them are crazy scum. Put them in cells with a hot, a cot and some form of entertainment. Nothing can cure crazy but removal from society is the best option, in my opinion. They can’t be housed like normal people because most of them are nuts and many of them are on drugs and criminals. They steal stuff and sell it to get their drugs. Put them in cells that they’ll consider animal dens.
Anything about Border issues by the Democrats is for a Open Border since we wont vote for more Democrats they just Import Them
Senators need to be quizzed about their oaths of office.
On lie detector machines and shot when they fail.
The rest of the world and its elites and leaders see the handwriting on the wall.
The American Apocalypse is coming and is probably inevitable.
America and its citizens have been betrayed by its leaders, both left and right, for many years now.
The outright INVASION of America by the third world is the last straw.
The leaders encourage and facilitate it with impunity..
A pox on both the left and the right for having destroyed America and her citizenry.
There are more than a billion people living in poverty in the world. So, if you allow them all to come to America, then poverty will disappear in all the other countries and there will only be one country living in poverty, that would be the one billion who came to America plus the 330 million already here trying to take care of the other billion people. Great idea. Remind me to send a note to Biden. He can use it to get reelected. They will all vote for the Democrats.
A little humor for the evening.
Those five Latino youth who beat the cop should all he hanged by their necks until their Deas cremate their bodies and scatter the ashes over Soros Mansion where is living right now with his rotten son
Why do so many American political leaders and elites refuse to defend the USA and US citizens against INVASION ?
Why is America and US citizens being constantly betrayed by their leaders ?