I can’t wait for the inevitable New Yorker piece justifying suicide bombing the children of Trump administration officials.
The media is just the Left. And the Left’s political radicalism has no stopping point. So neither does the media. And so you’ve got the Boston Globe running a cheerful piece suggesting tampering with the food that Trump administration officials eat.
The article, titled “Keep Kirstjen Nielsen unemployed and eating Grubhub over her kitchen sink,” was written by Luke O’Neil — a former waiter and current freelance writer, who has contributed to multiple publications, including The Globe, The Guardian, The New York Times, and others, according to Fox News.
The original version of the story — which was first edited for “tone” and later unpublished — began: “One of the biggest regrets of my life is not pissing in Bill Kristol’s salmon.”
“As for the waiters out there, I’m not saying you should tamper with anyone’s food, as that could get you into trouble. You might lose your serving job. But you’d be serving America. And you won’t have any regrets years later,” the columnist wrote.
Unhinged malice. Check. The continued Tumblrization of the media. Also check. Media having no limits and accepting no consequences. Also check.
After receiving significant blowback, The Globe edited the story, explaining with a note at the top, “A version of this column as originally published did not meet Globe standards and has been changed. The Globe regrets the previous tone of the piece.”
Not the content. The tone.
But I’m sure that a piece submitted to the Boston Globe on fantasies of befouling the food of Michael Moore or that of Ben Rhodes would have been published.
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