The time for asking permission is over. Waiting for approval has to be a thing of the past.
It’s a way of thinking that has served me well in recent weeks breaking back into the USA and beginning a rolling speaking tour across the States. My mission is to support Donald J. Trump. But I have been taught by my audiences that there is something far more important to do. My mission is to gather people together and remind ourselves who we really are. And we are the side of love, laughter and light.
The things I am learning along the way have given me a burning new faith and optimism which perhaps can only be gleaned by being amongst people and by defying the very rules that seek to keep us apart.
Brits are currently banned from the USA – even those with visas. It is not a Muslim ban (although my country will be a Muslim majority in twenty years). It is a corona ban, on the basis that inflated British COVID death rates made the British Isles appear as the epicenter of some infernal plague. We have ‘The Science’ to thank for that.
It became impossible to sit at home as a passive observer when everything we know and love is being fought for on the other side of the Atlantic. At some fundamental level, I needed to be a part of this fight. I needed to break back into America.
There is no way to overstate the significance of the election faced by American people in November.
The 2020 Presidential election is a tipping point for Western Civilization. It marks the last stand of the right against the very wrong, of law and order against anarchy and chaos, and democracy over socialism. It is not political but biblical in proportion.
Much more than that, of course. At a personal level it dictates whether you will be able to: defend your own family and home; preserve your way of life; and give your children the future you foresaw when you were young.
My own journey was a complicated one: three canceled transatlantic flights; a completely unresponsive U.S. Embassy, which takes your application for a ‘national interest’ visit and sit on it; a ten-hour flight to Barbados; COVID swabs taken at the airport terminal; two days in isolation; fourteen days in quarantine; and daily temperature postings and checks.
While in Barbados, American Airlines took retaliatory action on the island’s COVID policy and canceled all flights to L.A., leaving me in quarantine with no onward journey.
But fifteen days later, and courtesy of my media visa, proof of quarantine and a kindly immigration officer at JFK, I made it back into the USA. “Welcome home,” she said, and I cried for the truth of the thing.
Because this isn’t about my country or yours. This is not Britain or America, foreigner versus native. We are all in this together and it is once more to the American people and the silenced majority that we call on for hope. It is the hope I want to awaken during my time here.
You know, I swore I would kiss all 64 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and in the last ten days I am the best part of 2,000 people closer to my target than before.
America is still brutally locked down in Democrat-run states. California is being suffocated by its rogue Governor Newsom until the very life is driven out of it. It is abuse, in every sense.
Shops and stores remain boarded up. Downtown L.A. is like the set of a movie for a zombie apocalypse and ordinary Americans are being pushed to the brink.
“I have considered ending my life” tells a man I have only just met, tears falling fast now as his most private thoughts spill out on my shoulder.
There have been many moments like this. Big strong men show me pictures of their little children on their phones and cry for their failed marriage that could not withstand the loss of their job and all that goes with it.
Other independent youngsters are now back home living with their parents, wondering what happened to the bright future they had. Many have watched their plans dissolving into nothingness right in front of their eyes; internships, placements abroad, job offers — all vanishing faster than Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 emails.
The elderly have taken the most brutal hit. Many have been made fearful to leave their homes and I wonder about them as I go about the place, hidden away in apartments, groomed by Democrat tyrants to relinquish the freedoms that they have the God-given right to enjoy.
As I travel about and people remember what it is like to be together and laugh with each other, emotions flow. Lockdown is so much more than a physical cruelty. It is emotionally that people have been damaged the most.
But my journey is not a sad one. And my truths from the road are not just of despair. In fact, the opposite is true.
Thanks to the kindness of the brave, I have spoken to crowds of people, gathered in rooms, churches, bars and gardens — not rebelling against anything, but quietly grouping in support of each other and the country they love; 200 patriots in Redlands, 210 in Nevada County, 240 in Rancho Cucamunga, a packed rally in Glendora, a full church in Murrieta, the truly determined in Beverly Hills.
Californians are not sleeping through this. Their energy is crackling, like power lines overhead.
Watching the elderly walk into these rooms is as uplifting a thing as I have ever seen. Their faces wide-eyed in surprise at the sight of so many smiling people, happily unmasked, delighting in speaking freely with friends.
I have held and hugged hundreds of these brave souls, both of us holding that little bit more tightly as we remember just how nice it feels to hold and to be held.
And I have cheered and clapped for others who take a moment to stand and share how they have come across to join our side. We are not Republican or Democrat now. We are together on the side of those who want the best for each other and their country. We are filled up with kindness and joy.
My audience will tell you we have laughed hard, sometimes at things we shouldn’t. But I make no apology for my saltiness. If I were always proper and polite I wouldn’t be standing on American soil today.
Others too are lighting a path. Pastor Tim Thompson has kept his church open defying the government lockdown. “I do not fear government. I take a knee for no man but Jesus Christ” he tells his congregation, calling on other pastors to open their doors.
I sat with him in his office as we prepared for our talk together and wondered what it was that was bothering me; had I forgotten something? Did I have pain? What was it babbling away at the back of my brain?
And then I realized. It was the sound of people downstairs coming together and having fun. It was the noise of laughter, the hubbub of voices, of chairs scraping and children running. It was the sound of people congregating.
And that’s the real truth of the road — that there are freedoms we do not know we are being denied until we find them again. We think it is about masks, or restrictions on travel, or businesses being closed. But it is so much more than that. It is the joy of each other.
We are missing the very essence of what fuels us as humans and makes us happy to be alive. We need each other. Our faces and our smiles recharge each other, and by coming together we are powered up and ready for this fight, like little fuel cells in a lightsaber stroking back the darkness.
It is this powerful force the Democrats are trying to take away. And the sparks produced when we defy their tyranny is electrifying.
Come, join us. We are walking with the light.
*For updates on dates and venues to see Katie Hopkins, or to grab Katie for your group, email:
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