Today was supposed to be the day that Biden would decide whether to extend the evacuation from Afghanistan.
The Taliban declared that their red line for withdrawal is August 31. Word now is that Biden has accepted the red line.
President Joe Biden plans to stick to his August 31 deadline for U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan, an administration official said Tuesday.
Earlier, Biden and other G-7 leaders met virtually to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, with several pushing for him to keep U.S. troops in the country beyond next week’s deadline to facilitate the ongoing evacuation effort.
And Biden told our NATO allies and everyone else, except the Taliban, to go fly a kite.
Biden had previously promised to get everyone out. So much for that. Even getting all of the Americans out by August 31 will be a tall order.
The Biden admin is spinning this as a deal with the Taliban in which the Jihadists won’t interfere with the evacuation in exchange for Biden honoring their red line.
Like all deals with the Taliban, this one is worthless and meaningless.
Biden is also trying to blame this on the military, with his people claiming that it’s a military recommendation. You would think after getting blamed for Biden’s disaster, Milley and the rest would have grown a backbone.
But no such luck.
Basically, Biden is sticking with Plan A. Get out, claim mission accomplished, and expect plaudits. He’ll get them from Jennifer Rubin, but not from anyone with a soul.
It goes without saying that Afghans with visas will be left behind. The question is will Americans be left behind in Biden’s humiliating retreat?
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