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Roger Waters, the Jew-hating Pink Floyd member detested by his former bandmates, has once again put his virulent antisemitism on full display. There is something to learn, even from someone like him.
Roger Waters made some exceptionally-false comments
*There is a video of a 10/7 Hamas terrorist saying how he and his father raped the same woman before his father killed her. This is one of many videos of taped confessions.
*The forensic evidence of those killed strongly supports evidence of rape of many of the women brutally killed on that black day.
*Eyewitnesses to rapes have described in detail what took place.
*There are Hamas videos of women who clearly have been sexually assaulted prior to their being hijacked to Gaza.
As to the Bibas family, Hamas has produced several videos of the mother Bibas with two of her children being herded off by Hamas barbarians to Gaza. Hamas has never denied the presence of the members of the Bibas family in Gaza captivity. Additional video shows the Bibas clan in Hamas captivity.
So, here is a famous rock star well past his prime who has denied evidence that flies in the face of his white-hot Jew hatred. To admit the rapes would give the Jews some kind of credibility and right to sympathy. It would also make Hamas look bad. I have never heard Waters criticize Hamas or any anti-Jewish group or organization though he trotted out the standard, “Well, if there were any war crimes that day, I decry them” shtick. Waters needs reality to be bent to his lies on Piers Morgan’s show. Otherwise, his whole antisemitic structure that he has been peddling for decades would come crashing down on his head.
There was a time when truth was the ultimate moderator of varying opinions in the public sphere. Different people or groups could put forward opinions or ideas, but ultimately the truth would vindicate one side and condemn the other. The discovery of the concentration camps by advancing Allied armies ended all debate as to whether the Nazis were systematically murdering Jews and political enemies. Truth trumped apologists or people who claimed that such activities were beyond the realm of human capability. Pursuing the truth was the way that courts used to work, and there were some rare professors who were actually interested in truth more than some ideology that was impervious to any proof or facts. But as liberals became leftists, the truth was generally no longer their friend. The truth often stood diametrically opposed to their ideological goals and opinions. So they had a choice: jettison truth where it interferes with their world view or accept the truth as being determinant and modify their worldviews accordingly. Ideology was more important than truth, and that is how we find ourselves where we are today.
One can see that Roger Waters is willing to be ridiculous, to contradict evidence related by a terrified witness and even impugn his friends in Hamas as liars regarding videotaped evidence in order to support his view that Jews and Israelis are only evil and never worthy of any sympathy. But Waters is not alone by any stretch, and Jew hatred is only one field where truth is locked away for the greater goal of advancing positions based on lies and distortions. On the subject of 10/7, I was waiting for some college students to condemn Hamas’ actions against Israeli civilians that are undeniable and then continue on with their Jew hatred. But they can’t bring themselves—like Waters—to admit that Jews suffered anything undeserved on 10/7. If there were deaths, Israel was at fault. Hamas had, in their view, the unfortunate task of having to give the Jews what they deserved as colonialists. In a previous age, observers on the side would have been shocked by the protesters’ disingenuous statements and chants. They would have been chided for ignoring facts, twisting words, and looking only on one side of an issue in order to justify their already predetermined position, which is to hate (white) Jews. The Me Too crowd and the faux feminists could not even bring themselves to condemn the mass attack against Israeli women, civilians and soldiers alike. Their being Jewish meant that the sympathy normally granted to any woman who claims sexual violence was not available to them. As I wrote before, we live in an age in which one cannot condemn a riot or violence in the streets until he confirms if the perpetrators are on his ideological side or not.
But 10/7 and Israel are by no means the only subjects where leftists ignore, invert, or destroy the truth so as to keep fidelity with ideological purity. Those who support the open borders over which millions have illegally entered the US pooh-pooh the entry of fentanyl, the violence, the social displacement, the higher rents, and the added billions required to deal with these people. The ideology of an open border trumps all of those points. Ditto for the climate scam. EV cars apparently are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars, nothing extraordinary has occurred over the past two decades with regards to “climate,” windmills and sun-driven energy production are unreliable, not available 24/7, and expensive compared to traditional sources of energy. Doctors are willing to lie to claim that a guy who claims to be a woman does not have physical advantages over real women in sports. They are willing to perform operations on children that only damage the latter because the truth would get in the way of their ideology that men and women are interchangeable like parts on an airplane.
Roger Waters gladly came off as a lying lunatic so as not to give up on his multi-decade career as a Jew-hater. The same is true for leftists in every field of endeavor, as “the truth” is a friend only when it supports their positions and can be discarded when it gets in the way. In the end, truth will win out. The time has come for the West to get rid of leftist ideologues who are willfully destroying Western society.
Allan Goldstein says
How sad.
He DID compose some great studio epics…. especially “Echoes”.
Now he is lost on that insane planet of the subconscious to which he travelled in his (public) dream — for all to hear — in “Echoes” ….and he cannot get back nor wake up.
I recommend everyone here listen to that long song. It delineates what has evidently become his hellscape.
MuggsSpongedice says
I recommend every Jew destroy or trash their Pink Floyd albums and CDs along with Cat Stevens – I have – I will not listen to them anymore and they were so pivotal in my youth – especially when the CID under MKULTRA came into the barrack’s and spike the beer with hallucinogenic so the entire company including the captain were tripping our brains out and Dark Side of the Moon was endlessly looping on an 8 track being played on a boombox. – I refuse to listen to Pink Floyd and Cat Stevens any longer – After October 7, 2023 all bets are off with fashionable antisemites!
Allan Goldstein says
My parents and grandparents had the same problem with Wagner.
Many refuse to listen to Wagner to this day.
I am one of those who can listen — in spite of my hatred of the damned composer — to a few of his best efforts.
(As for “Dark Side”, that is mostly an Alan Parsons collaboration. …..and Alan has played Israel — very publicly in the face of opposition from Roger. ….and Alan posted selfies from Israel as a taunt at Roger.
Michael says
There are three albums created after Pink Floyd parted with Waters. All are great. Gilmour and his Jewish wife hate Waters’s antisemitism.
A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987)
The Division Bell (1994)
The Endless River (2014)
Jan VI says
Is Waters a Muslim? He should join Hamas; they would treat him much worse than Piers Morgan did.
I think I read that Waters was/is a drug addict. Maybe the drugs addled his brain.
I think this is a very good article.
MuggsSpongedice says
Roger Waters has long had mental problems and has been on psyche meds – seems his musical genius is his madness and his lyrics are his madness and Waters is truly on the Dark Side of Life.
Remember The Wall Rosebud and go move to a Islamic Nation where they Ban your Music
Kasandra says
The Left has been totally infected with the postmodernism mind virus. Post modernists deny the existence of objective fact and believe everything is just a narrative. It’s also a good way for them to avoid the objective truth that they are scum supporters of the legitimate heirs to the Nazis.
Mo de Profit says
Why did Morgan bother to interview him?
Morgan is already a total idiot
MuggsSpongedice says
To expose Roger Waters and no doubt for the ratings. Problem is, Roger Waters influences many in his generation, and younger generations. From baby boomers to whatever today’s generation is.
Allan Goldstein says
Roger’s albums sell, but the young who listen to Pink Floyd today are kids who take an interest in looking up that band online…..and what they are discovering from them is the early Syd Barret material.
Cat says
Idk what to think when idiots like Piers Morgan have such guests. It gives haters a platform. I’m not sure if whatsizname looks crazy to viewers or who those viewers are
( not me btw).
Shall we have the ghost of Adolf Hitler on as the next guest? And then the devil himself?
Cal from Canada says
That’s what makes Piers a good interviewer. He’ll debate with his guests. Makes for good TV. Back when he was on CNN, it was most entertaining when he had Ann Coulter on. If he could actually interview Hitler or the Devil, I’d certainly watch that. As for Roger, even though I am a Floyd fan, I always liked David Gilmour’s singing and guitar playing most (of course, Richard Wright contributed some great vocals too), while still crediting Roger’s songwriting contributions. A lot of great artists are nuts, look at actors like Johnny Depp (should have won an award for his portrayal of Whitey Bolger), and of course Deniro, as well as many more in Hollywood and in the music industry generally. Roger’s even corrupted Eric Clapton, who seems like such a great guy with his Crossroads Festival in support of his addiction centre. Not long ago I recieved an Email from him in regard to a benefit for the children of Gaza. Sounds good, but as I Emailed back to him, it will all be stolen and used to kill more Jews.
Steve says
Roger Waters didn’t “come off as” a lying lunatic. That’s what he is in fact. He sadly as ample company on the Left. In his own country there’s the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, as well as his predecessor Ken Livingstone, George Galloway, Baroness Jenny Tonge, Jeremy Corbyn and a large portion of the in the song to be governing Labour Party.
Telling fatuous lies, “No women were raped on October 7th and no Jews were massacred or kidnapped” or “Biden is sharp as a tack mentally” is seen as absolutely legitimate by the Left.
Mark Dunn says
Recently I’ve trying to understand the book of Jeremiah. Apparently truth has always been a tough sell.
Miranda Rose Smith says
“Men and women are interchangrable, like parts on an airplane? A sparkplug is not itnterchangeable with a catburator.
Intrepid says
“The time has come for the West to get rid of leftist ideologues who are willfully destroying Western society.”
The problem with getting rid of leftist ideologues is you would have shut down every Leftist rag newspaper. The faux journalists are the ones who give them coverage.
Hasn’t Waters been kicked out of the band yet? I always turn the station off when PF’s music comes on.
MuggsSpongedice says
that’s how successful the marxist commie have been
TRex says
The band no longer exists and Waters was given the boot decades ago. His solo tour, what I saw of it, was heavy on the Nazi get-ups and regalia. That started when the album “The Wall” came out. I don’t know, but I think it was around that time the other band members had their fill of him.
Paula says
Waters is but one of many antisemites who refuses to face reality. Self lobotomization seems to be a necessary component of adherence to leftist, totalitarian ideology, whereby rational thought is systematically destroyed.
When the existence of empirical evidence is repeatedly denied one’s decent into a kaleidoscope of both self and collective deception turns them into willing accomplices of psychopathic evil. Hamas’ mask of victimhood is only hidden from those for whom truth is an anathema and for those whose desire for acceptance comes at the price of their moral freedom and intellectual independence from such tyranny.
The left uses a constant barrage of falsity, like baby food, to manipulate those for whom critical thinking has become non-existent. For the rest of us, it is an unfolding tragedy to see so many easily and willingly assume the false righteousness of barbarity against a people invaded in an act of war.
Russ P. says
This is sad for me to see. I was into Pink Floyd way back in the 60s — when they were still an “underground” band. Forget Roger Waters’ politics. They were musical geniuses. Check out the albums “Ummagumma” and “A Saucerful of Secrets” sometime. As far as I am concerned, they are classics.
Geoff says
Waters has gone from being “comfortably numb” to incredibly dumb.
Johnny Dammitson says
I have noticed on at least one podcast I listened to that the liberal host turned against Roger Waters over his support of Putin and Russia. Well, it’s a start, I guess.
I wonder it’s too late to get a refund from iTunes for a purchase I made sixteen years ago of a Waters song he did for some forgotten kid’s movie. I liked the melody at the time, which was basically riffing on “Comfortably Numb”, but now I’ve just lost the taste for it over his increased antisemitism.
Snowfrog says
After watching the interview, Waters sentiments are more of an outright rejection of the Bible by this self proclaimed atheist. His claims about the Jews openly express his total ignorance and anti semantic attitude towards Jews. He just couldn’t hide it in his moronic, and typical liberal rescuer monotony. Liberals have a deep desire to be the heroes of the downtrodden by rescuing them from their unfortunate circumstances. Forget the fact that the Palestinians enabled Hamas and ignore their barbaric nature because Waters sees an opportunity to be a hero.
The truth is that Waters is an irrational opportunist who feels guilty for his wealth and expresses it by trashing the Jews. He must step on the Jews to project his relevance to the dozen or so people who admire him. Another unfulfilled life of a wealthy rocker who is desperate to matter. Sad interview.
Andrew Blackadder says
Methinks the current Useful Idiot Generation have a large Poster on their bedroom wall of Herr Waters as he is their Fuhrer without a doubt..
Thanks for the music in my younger years, born 1948, but WTF happened to this guy that he denies reality when actual Hamas buddies of his claim to have raped and beheaded young girls and much more awful things and yet this prick says they didn’t happen…
One guy I used to know suggested to me that it was actual Israeli Soldiers that attacked the women in Israel and made it look like they were Hamas coming over from Gaza and that’s why the IDF were slow in protecting the Israeli woman….. I didn’t know what to say to that moron but thankfully he doesn’t live near me anymore… He is really toxic
Planet Earth must have shifted slightly off its Axis..