There’s a big difference between words and action, but if PM Boris Johnson makes it happen, this will kill Labour’s working class vote.
Low-skilled workers would not get visas under post-Brexit immigration plans unveiled by the government.
It is urging employers to “move away” from relying on “cheap labour” from Europe and invest in retaining staff and developing automation technology.
Labour said a “hostile environment” would make it hard to attract workers.
Labour’s workers are attracted by living on the dole and beheading British soldiers. But this narrative should sound familiar.
The Royal College of Nursing said the proposals would “not meet the health and care needs of the population”.
National Farmers’ Union president Minette Batters raised “serious concerns” about the “failure to recognise British food and farming’s needs”.
If a country’s agricultural sector can’t function without foreign workers, maybe it’s no longer viable. A country needs a citizenry more than it needs agribusiness.
But the real issue isn’t in the agricultural sector, it’s the urban drift of economic migrants who then don’t even work.
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