California is a sanctuary state. Its veneration for open borders is greater than its concern for property or human life. Birth tourism from China has already become commonplace in California. But now birth tourism is giving way to burglary tourism.
Illegal migration is a huge problem. But legal tourists can also take advantage of our system to commit crimes. That’s what happened in Southern California when Chilean criminals here as tourists committed hundreds of burglaries.
Hundreds of break-ins are being blamed on international thieves from Chile who obtain temporary visas as part of a trend of “burglary tourism” in Southern California.
Jonathan Garay, 29, Kevin Castillo, 22, and Eduardo Queralto, 22, were arrested last week on suspicion of burglary and conspiracy, according to the Simi Valley Police Department. The three were in the United States on temporary visas from Chile, authorities said.
Investigators believe that the three are part of a larger operation in which international thieves obtain visa waivers to enter the U.S. Authorities said that the temporary visas make it difficult for authorities to track down the thieves.
Police estimated that hundreds of burglaries occurred in this spree of burglary tourism.
This is what happens when you open your borders and close your eyes to the consequences.
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