“Who is Clarence Thomas? Is he my Saudi Arabian father who’s going to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body, with my life?” That was California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 6-3 takedown of Roe v. Wade. “Be prepared to live in defiance of these six people,” Kounalakis added, “who think that they have the right to tell you what you can do with their bodies.”
As the California Globe noted, of the six justices voting in the majority, Kounalakis named only Clarence Thomas, the sole African American, and the only justice called a “Saudi Arabian father.” People of all races and faiths across the country might wonder what California’s Lt. Gov. is all about.
Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis, is the daughter of real-estate tycoon Angelo Tsakopoulos. According to Greek USA Reporter, Angelos is a “top political donor to the Clintons as well as the Democratic Party,” whose “donations to former President Bill Clinton were rewarded with a night in the prestigious Lincoln Bedroom.” In 2013 Tsakopoulos, “confirmed that Hillary Clinton will seek the Democratic nomination in the next Presidential election.”
Angelo’s daughter Eleni, a protégé of Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer, raised more than $1 million for Hillary Clinton in 2008, and that money found its reward. On January 7, 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton swore in Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis as U.S. Ambassador to Hungary. Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis served as ambassador until 2013 but continued as a key Clinton supporter doing her best to beat back a presidential run by Joe Biden.
In a June 11, 2015 email, Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis tells John Podesta that a Bay Area bagman “swears Biden is running.” Eleni emailed Clinton confidant Jake Sullivan that “HRC indicated her view that it would be best to avoid Grexit” and a July 9, 2015 email to Sullivan, John Podesta and Huma Abedin, she supports “terms that will allow Greece to stay in the Eurozone.”
On October 11, 2015, Kounalakis emailed Podesta that “there is a Greek American love fest going on with Joe Biden, very boy-club.” The same day she emailed Podesta and Huma Abedin that “we had a David Brock dinner with Annie Karni from Politico. She asked to use four quotes from me (see attached). I told her the first two could be with attribution, and the second two without.”
As the emails to John Podesta and Humba Abedin reveal, “Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis,” as she styled herself, remains part of Hillary Clinton’s inner circle. Like Hillary, she is part of two-for-one package with husband Markos Kounalakis.
According to the Lt. Gov’s website, Dr. Kounalakis is “an award-winning, nationally-syndicated foreign affairs columnist, author, and scholar.” A political scientist, “Markos is currently a Visiting Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Markos earned his Ph.D. from Central European University.” That’s the outfit that was founded by billionaire George Soros in 1991.
According to the Hoover Institution website Dr. Kounalakis is a “Senior Fellow at the Center on Media, Data, and Society at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.” So Markos is still involved with the Big Guy. Eleni’s husband is also the author of “Putin’s powerful playbook: Hack, steal, disrupt, mislead, confuse,” in the October 30, 2016 Sacramento Bee, two days after FBI boss James Comey reopened the probe on Clinton’s emails.
As Dr. Markos explained, “Presidential debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton included a third participant: Vladimir Putin, standing in the background, stealthily inserting himself in the process.” Putin’s Russia “uses deniable cyber-hooliganism to actively prank the American political system. And it’s taking a toll. . . This is the Putin Playbook. Steal, cheat, attack, disrupt, mislead, confuse. If caught, lie and deny.”
And so on, a faithful rehash of Clinton campaign propaganda, proven false by Robert Mueller and his team. It’s hard to find any second thoughts from Dr. Markos Kounalakis, who wasn’t giving up.
In October of 2019, U.S. Special Forces, accompanied by military working dog (MWD) Conan, a Belgian Malinois, took down Islamic State terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Kounalakis didn’t see it as a victory over terrorism. “Humans may use animals for war, but we mustn’t abuse them,” wrote Dr. Markos, who quickly identified his true target.
“The Trump administration accepts the killing of journalists as the strategic cost of doing business. Given this indifference to human suffering, perhaps U.S. lawmakers should condemn Jeddah’s animal cruelty to focus the American public’s mind on how the kingdom mistreats not only its domestic animals but its humans too.” And so on.
In some publications, Markos Kounalakis was identified as someone who “grew up with farm dogs.” Nothing about his work as a Clinton propagandist and husband of the outspoken Eleni.
As the California Globe noted, with her rant against Clarence Thomas, the Lt. Gov Eleni “veered into weird racist territory.” Even in the San Francisco Bay Area people wondered if the “Saudi Arabian father” tag might be Islamophobic. Maybe Dr. Markos Kounalakis will explain it in a column. In the meantime, see if the establishment media bring it up when Clinton crony Eleni runs for higher office.
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