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Prayers in schools and any kind of religious content, from the Ten Commandments to Christmas songs, remain widely opposed by litigious leftist organizations like the ACLU. And even the most modest efforts to keep kids from being exposed to graphic pornographic content have been assailed by the Biden administration which has sued school districts for trying to keep kids safe.
That’s why CAIR’s guide telling schools how to treat Muslim students is so extraordinary. The Islamist organization lays out rules for Islamic school prayers and tells schools to consult with mosques about sex ed. It warns schools against allowing Muslim girls to interact with boys in co-ed environments like swimming and dancing. And, in a time when leftist governors and school boards force girls to shower with transgender boys who claim to be members of their sex, it even insists that Muslim girls should shower in their burkinis even in single sex settings.
But what is truly extraordinary about the CAIR guide is that there will not be a word of protest against it from the same political establishment and media that smeared Florida laws empowering parents to protect students from sexual content as “Don’t Say Gay”.
There was a good deal of political discomfort when Muslims in Dearborn, MI, an Islamic dominated city, stormed a school board meeting to denounce LGBTQ content. Rather than addressing the fundamental conflict between its politics and Islamic law, the leftist media dishonestly blamed Republicans for having brainwashed Muslims to hate gay people.
Had an influential Christian or Jewish organization put out a similar guide to schools barring them from interacting in co-ed settings or being taught sexual materials, there would be outrage. The media would warn that we were on the verge of theocracy and schools would redouble their sexual programming. But that won’t be the reaction to the Muslim guide.
What will almost certainly happen instead is that the guide will be privately passed around by school administrations and treated as a mandate without it ever being publicly discussed.
But if implemented, these secret carve outs and exemptions will represent discrimination.
For example, under ‘Sex Education’, the CAIR guide states that “sex education material presented in schools are another sensitive matter to many Muslim families.” That is obviously true for all religious families, but apparently only Muslims will be entitled to that privilege.
CAIR claims that, “Islam puts great emphasis on modesty, chastity and morality.” As if Christians and Jews don’t. All parents and students should be able to opt out of sexual content in classes. Treating that as an exclusive entitlement for one single group is discriminatory.
Finally, in a truly extraordinary demand in an educational system that aggressively eliminates even the most basic vestiges of religion, CAIR tells schools that sex ed requires, “close contact with local Islamic centers is essential to encourage input from the Muslim community.”
Can anyone imagine a Christian group telling schools to run their curriculum past the local church in order to get approval from parents? Parental rights advocates were investigated as terrorists by the Biden administration for asking for much more modest limitations on porn and the ability to actually review what their children were being taught by woke teachers.
Beyond that, CAIR lays out an extensive set of proposed accommodations including not shaking hands with members of the opposite sex or looking “at persons of different sexes directly”. CAIR also proposes private showers since “Muslim boys and girls may not wish to take same-sex communal after-sport showers without wearing appropriate covering of their bodies.”
Furthermore, “Muslims may raise religious objections to coed physical education classes” and “should not be forced to participate in coed swimming classes.” They also should not be expected to bow in martial arts classes because that is reserved for their deity of choice. (Muslims in international competitive martial arts sports regularly bow to their opponents.)
Muslims understandably “may be hesitant to recite the pledge of allegiance”, but are expected to pray in schools including individual prayers in unused classrooms and group prayers on Fridays. They also need to wash their feet in the sink that everyone else washes their hands in.
CAIR warns that “lunch items containing ingredients derived from pork must be highlighted clearly” along with dijon mustard, jello and lard. Cafeteria personnel also won’t be allowed to use the same cutter “that has contacted pepperoni pizza” to avoid “cross-contamination.”
Even non-Muslim parents will be warned not to bring snacks that Muslims can’t eat.
The latter goes beyond any kind of reasonable accommodation into forcing Islamic religious practices on other students and their families. Telling other students that they can’t eat bacon sandwiches is not accommodation, it imposes an Islamic ban on pork on everyone else.
Not satisfied with mandating religious behavior for Muslim and non-Muslim students, CAIR tips its hand by demanding control over textbooks and ensuring that they incorporate Islamic views.
“One common error is the definition of ‘Allah’ as a particular Muslim god rather than the same God of Christianity and Judaism,” CAIR complains. It insists that, “Muslim educators should participate in the textbook selection process, particularly for history, social studies, and geography texts.” Are Christian and Jewish authorities allowed the same level of input?
While Muslims do believe that Allah is also the god of Christians and Jews (and that, as the Koran repeatedly claims, Jews and Christians falsified Allah’s teachings which are only to be found in the Koran, not the Bible), many Christians and Jews do not believe this. There is no need to impose an Islamic view on Christians and Jews about their own religions. Schools can teach that Muslims believe that they are the successor (or predecessor) religion to Judaism and Christianity, much as the Bahai believe that they are the successor religion to Islam, but that this is their perspective. Much as Mormons and Christians have different understandings of their relationship, Muslims, Christians and Jews have very different perspectives on the matter.
When Islamist groups like CAIR pressure school officials to impose their theological dogma on non-Muslims, this amounts to transforming schools into missionary enterprises for Islam.
CAIR has been putting out its guide to educators since 1997 and it has not changed a great deal in that time. The latest more polished edition leaves out the missionizing Koran quotes and has softened language that appeared to be mandating student behavior in schools such as “men and boys are always to be covered from the navel to the knee” or “Muslim boys and girls may not take same-sex communal after-sport showers without wearing appropriate covering of their bodies.“ While the language has been made less severe, the intent is the same. CAIR is seeking to exercise control over the behavior of Muslim students in school.
This is also where the CAIR guide fundamentally differs from parents advocating for children. CAIR doesn’t represent parents, it represents Islamic dogma. While Democrats and the media have assailed parental advocacy, they have had nothing to say about an Islamist group putting out a guide dictating the behavior of administrators, teachers, students and non-Muslim parents.
And the real question may be how much of an influence has CAIR’s guide had on schools providing special exemptions for Muslims that they would not allow for non-Muslim students?
Parents of all religions, and of no religion, should be able to opt their children out of coming into contact with sexual materials. And if Democrats and the media want to attack Christian and Jewish parents for making such requests, they should also be consistent and take on CAIR.
Anything else is evidence of religious discrimination.
CAIR wants schools to consult mosques before teaching sex ed. Any schools that have done this also have to consult churches, synagogues and all other religious groups. Schools that allowed Muslim parents to opt out more easily than non-Muslim parents have engaged in religious discrimination and should be sued. The same goes for allowing school prayers and any other exemptions that were reserved specifically for Muslim students, but not non-Muslim ones.
We cannot have a country where non-Muslim girls have to shower with ‘transgender’ boys while Muslim students are offered private showers. Nor a country where mosques get approval over sex ed courses and Islamic scholars determine the theological content of textbooks.
The supreme right to determine the education of children belongs not to schools or to CAIR, but to parents.
Ultimately, there is only one solution — get rid of public education, get rid of government schools.
Government, tax payer FORCED education is a manifestation of the destructive moral code of altruism. The moral code that claims that need makes right.
Your child, your legal responsibility to educate your child at your own expense. The government has no moral right to tax your neighbors to fund your child’s education.
“There is a relevant parallel to the case of religion. The First Amendment rightly prevents the government from establishing a religion or abridging people’s right to free exercise of their religious beliefs. Forcing individuals to fund a specific religious organization against their will is a violation of their rights. So is forcing parents to send their children to a specific religious school. So, also, is establishing a government-run religion whose activities are funded by taxpayers, many of whom do not believe in this religion.
We’re used to thinking of religion as a special case, subject to considerations that don’t apply for some reason to other sorts of ideas. But there is no difference, in principle and as it pertains to the issue of rights, between religious ideas and any other ideas. If we think it’s a rights violation to set up a state-run religion whose ideas everyone is forced to fund whether or not they agree, we should take the same view of the practice of setting up a state-run school whose ideas everyone is forced to fund whether or not they agree.
Today’s controversies over ideological content in schools are just one manifestation of deep, fundamental problems inherently involved in public education. Those who are desperate for solutions need to recognize the fundamental problem and not further entrench it. To forge a path to a solution, we must be willing to confront the ways in which the problems in education that frustrate so many people today are unavoidable products of having public education — a system that injects government force into the intellectual realm. Then it will be clear that we need to advocate a move away from government controls and toward freedom in education.” – Sam Weaver, “The Real Cause of Indoctrination in Schools”
Yeah, get rid of this, get rid of that, don’t be altruistic, forget about God. Every man woman and child for themselves. Everyone going in a different direction, not caring if it’s working. Not caring if anything gets done.
A four cornered building magically grows a fifth side because some Objectivist has an idea.
Let’s all listen Sam, Peikoff and Mary Ann and of course Mommy Rand and all of the rest of the kooks you spam us with.
It’s the new Great Society
THX 1138,
This is an interesting suggestion – to ‘get rid of public education, get rid of government schools.’
In England, until sometime in 1870, all school education was either private or charitable. Many schools were operated by the Church of England. The Government passed laws, and took control of the school system. Today, there are still Catholic, C of E, and other schools (some State funded and others private).
The problem is, the government(s) would no doubt ne reluctant to surrender their control of the school system as it is a primary means to indoctrinate the population. Countries like France want to restrict schooling even further – banning home education (supposedly to prevent children being indoctrinated with fundamentalist Islamic teachings). In the UK even the Sunday school was threatened with OFSTED inspection under an ‘extremism’ legislation proposal .
In the USA, with separation of Church and State, it should certainly be the case that the State be unable to impose questionable teachings, materials, etc., on students of faith (contrary to the individual student’s faith).
Jehovah’s Witnesses won many religious freedom rights in the USA – including the right not to be obliged to salute the flag, sing a national anthem (hymn), or recite the oath of allegiance – and rightly so. It would probably be best for each faction to operate their own school systems independently of the other groups, with the Government unable to interfere with the requirements of entry for those applying to the faith based school.
Yes, let’s send the Satan worshippers to their own schools (along with the Atheists, and disciples of Ayn Rand). Good idea THX 1138!
I have no desire to fund your religion with the money I work for, and you should not be forced to fund Objectivism with the money you work for. It’s as morally simple as that.
Hmmmmmm, but the curran speaks of what muslims must do to homosexuals……………… so if they bring up the subject of sexual differences, shouldn’t they now have to hear about other types of sexuality?
Is a religion that does not believe in diversity of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and a whole bunch of other freedoms, a religion the Constitution can support???
I say NO!
What don’t they like about Dijon Mustard?
I think because Dijon has white wine in it.
Thanks, that must be it.
yes, anything with a trace of alcohol is haram and thus an issue
Like leftist elites they will continue to ask for more more more whenever they are given a concession.
Yeah, I was just reading about that last night, in East Africa during the 1850s, They considered every concession a sign of weakness, and asked for more, etc.
American public identity is not a personal religious identity. Islam in America is overstepping. Stomping.
So I’ll call this yet another campaign of deceitful “terrorist marketing”, this time in the realm of already perverted education, which continues to be lapped up by a “progressively” intentionally dumbed down, morally compromised and encouraged-to-be ignorant America.
This is an army of children, the up and coming generation, on a mission, groomed by their parents/imams, to take over America. It’s a mission made possible by America’s identity crisis. Think Hitler youth.
Why else expose your precious offspring, put your kids in a contemptible non religious public institution that mixes math with a sex class and the moral depravity of a communal shower?
At least the showers use water. There were communal “showers” in Auschwitz.
Re Dijon mustard – it may have wine in it.
CAIR’s pedophile “prophet”, the pig-faced dog mohammed, if he existed, was a rapist and a pedophile.
CAIR is a terror organization. Its members, officers, and supporters are terrorists. They should be treated as terrorists.
So, maybe a future category of Mixed Martial Arts–Trannies vs, Muslims?
I think mohammad”s strategy of telling the Muslim warriors that they could rape the infidels evidences the “morality” of big mo ,
Death for apostates? Oh such tolerance!
Remind me again, How many virgins do martyrs get, 72 or is it 666? Can allah revirginize those women or does he just keep making more to be serviced??
Here’s a photo from a Women’s Study bulletin board condemning the treatment of women in Islam–> <– Remember, silence is violence…
check your privilege
as oppressed people of color, Muslim rape is actually an act of resistance to colonialism, the more countries they colonize, the more they fight colonialism
and the more women they rape, the more they’re fighting the western white hetero-cis patriarchy
woke akbar
So making it aa crime to pray in School while allowing the Islamis to have loudspeakers set up in NYC to broadcast Islamic prayers and clog up the traffic with their prayers towards Mecca. The two faced specter of liberalism
Religious freedom is only for approved religions.
It’s why churches and synagogues were ruthlessly shut down during the pandemic, so were public prayers, except by Muslims.
“One common error is the definition of ‘Allah’ as a particular Muslim god rather than the same God of Christianity and Judaism,”
The trouble with objecting to that is the fact that Christians and Jews (e.g., Aquinas and Maimonides) thought Islamic theologians were discussing the same God they were. And while it is true that Mahometans have a different perspective than Christians, it is also true that the latter differ among themselves, even within a given denomination (e.g., Aquinas and Scotus on the mode of God’s existence.)
It is reasonable to object to special status for Islam, but it is not so plausible to push – as is now common – a very different interpretation from that taken by those who actually were fighting them.
Call me when Jews, Christians, or Muslims finally IDENTIFY a living, existing, God by objectively pointing to a referent entity in reality.
Then all of mankind can sit down and have a talk with this God and there will be no more controversies as to what this God wants from mankind.
Until then any claims about God should be private since there is no way to confirm, objectively, using our five senses and reason what this entity is or wills.
Thanks. Don’t think anyone will be calling you. But please, wait right here by the phone, far enough away from your computer so you can’t endlessly copy and paste your drivel. And no cheating by doing it on your phone either.
Until then any claims about your version of objectivity and reason, i.e. existence exists because existence exists because existence exists because existence exists, should be private, or is there something just so special about it that we must be beaten over the head by it.
I would bet that Christians already know what God wants from mankind. It’s pretty much been explained for the last 2000-5000 years. We certainly don’t need a lesson from you. And we don’t have to explain anything to you either.
You would make your belief in Objectivism compulsory, because you are basically a totalitarian, like all atheists. But guess what, God does not force anyone to believe. It’s all voluntary. Amazing, huh.
Thank God you have no power over anyone or anything, Mr. Irrelevancy.
Yes, today in America, at least for now, religious belief is voluntary. There does exist a separation of Church and State. Not because of Christianity but because of the Aristotelian Renaissance and the Aristotelian Age of Enlightenment.
The following European countries still impose a church tax Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland. So, you see Christianity to this day uses FORCE on citizens.
If you Christians could agree about your God there would not be dozens and dozens of different Christian denominations and sects. There would not have been 300 years of war and persecution between Catholic and Protestant and Protestant and Protestant.
The American Puritans would not have had to run from the persecution of the totalitarian theocracy of the Church of England. Only to arrive on the shores of Massachusetts to establish their own theocracy and persecute their own members.
Christianity prepared the ground for atheistic totalitarianism. Most of all through the religious moral code of self-sacrifice, of altruism. The Christian must sacrifice himself, be the humble servant, of Almighty God. The Marxist must sacrifice himself, be the humble servant, to Almighty Society.
Right now, as we speak, the separation of Church and State has been breached by the Biden administration. Your Lutheran Church, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, and other churches are receiving millions upon millions of tax-payer dollars to aid and abet the illegal alien invasion and destruction of America, all in the name of sacrifice.
“The basic political principle of the Objectivist ethics is: no man may initiate the use of physical force against others. No man—or group or society or government—has the right to assume the role of a criminal and initiate the use of physical compulsion against any man. Men have the right to use physical force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use. The ethical principle involved is simple and clear-cut: it is the difference between murder and self-defense. A holdup man seeks to gain a value, wealth, by killing his victim; the victim does not grow richer by killing a holdup man. The principle is: no man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force.” – Ayn Rand
I would say God is basically inaccessible to the 5 senses or whatever THX was babbling about, although from time to time God manifests himself for the benefits of the devotees. The world with its endless mix of good and bad, pleasure and pain, eventually makes us yearn for God, as a way to escape the suffering of the world.
If God did appear, THX would be the last to know, as noone would tell him, for fear THX would put God to some diabolical test. For example, saints in India were poisoned by their followers, as a way of testing them.
There are differences of opinion on the subject, but frankly it makes no sense to be teaching theology in schools anyway.
Why not simply use Allah without reference to any other religion.
CAIR would like to insist that Allah is the god of Christians and Jews and that is far from agreed on.
Maimonides was living and traveling under Muslim rule, additionally he was dealing with a situation in which Jews had been forcibly converted to Islam. Treating that as a heresy rather than paganism made it easier to urge them that they could return.
This needs to be immediately tested by Christian and Jewish organizations and leaders. They must make similar demands.
If denied, then they need to take the school systems to court for equal treatment, or demand the schools deny the muslims their ‘special’ treatment.
Simple as that.
And FOIA acts need to be used to determine to what extent staff are using the CAIR guide in local schools.
If your mortal enemy happens to hold some social views with which you agree, does that make them your ally? Spoiler alert: no. The practice CAIR supports is a political system with religious trappings that aims at world domination in opposition to the core values of America’s founders. There is no place for them in our society.
Mandating consultation on matters relating to sexuality and morality with members of a vicious cult – islam – whose “prophet” was a well documented paedophile is a recipe for disaster!