Thirty years ago in 1993, a California court convicted state school superintendent Bill Honig on felony conflict of interest charges for approving $337,000 in public funds for consultants who worked for the Quality Education Project, run by the superintendent’s wife Nancy out of the couple’s San Francisco home. Thirty years later in 2023, another California operation dwarfs Honig’s scam in everything but the consequences.
Jennifer Siebel Newson founded the non-profit The Representation Project, “to fight sexism through films, education, research, and activism to build a world where everyone can achieve their full potential.”
As the Project contends, “rigid gender stereotypes are a public health crisis. For girls, gender stereotypes are the root cause of body hatred and shame, eating disorders, depression, low self-esteem, and low leadership ambition. For boys, gender role expectations are the primary driver of depression, risk-taking activities, substance abuse, suicide, and violence.”
The Representation Project “is the driving force behind a global movement to challenge damaging gender stereotypes and norms.” (emphasis added) Parents, students and taxpayers have cause to wonder how it works.
The watchdog organization Open the Books has learned that the Project’s films are freighted with woke propaganda, disturbing sexual content, and blatant promotional material for Gavin Newsom, governor of California. The Project solicits donors from his supporters and receives public tax dollars through the schools.
According to Open the Books, the Project “transforms public school expenditures into activist training expenses, and in the process exposes children to objectionable sexual content.” Parents might think of it as axis of Dr. Rachel Levine and the late Larry Flynt.
For example, the Project’s The Mask You Live In features website addresses of Porn Hub, MassiveCams, BDSM.XXX, and The film shows naked or mostly naked women being slapped, handcuffed, and brutalized in pornographic videos. The images are tagged with descriptions such as “domination,” “kinky couples,” and so forth.
The Project’s Miss Representation Middle School, includes a “genderbend person” telling children how biological sex, “gender expression,” “sexual attraction,” and “gender identity” exist on a spectrum, which can be mixed and matched. “The movie is not age appropriate for middle schoolers,” explains Katy Grimes of the California Globe, “and really should not have any place in school curriculum. It is pure propaganda.”
Consider also the Project’s The Great American Lie which considers the “privileged” to be “a cisgendered man,” “white,” “born in the United States,” “straight,” and speaking English as a first language. Though doubtless objectionable to parents, this propaganda cranks out big profits for the Newsoms.
Since The Representation Project was founded in 2011, Open the Books found, Jennifer Siebel has collected $1,501,727 in salary. Her current title is Chief Creative Officer and she sits on the nonprofit’s board of directors. Siebel Newsom also founded the for-profit Girls Club Entertainment Inc., which contracts with her nonprofit for the production costs associated with the movies and owns the license for Miss Representation.
According to tax records, the nonprofit Representation Project has paid Girls Club Entertainment $1,647,376 since 2012. Open the Books requested comment from Jennifer Siebel Newsom and her nonprofit “multiple times,” with no response. In similar style, the state’s press corps fails to ask the hard questions, and that comes as no surprise.
Inflation, crime and government incompetence are soaring, but for the establishment newspapers all is well in America. King Joe is on his throne, and at the far reaches of the nation the woke sturmtruppen keep the deplorables at bay. For his part, California Attorney General Rob Bonta seems to be looking the other way, and that hearkens back to Bill Honig.
California’s Political Reform Act prohibits public officials from reaping any direct or indirect benefit from any official action. The jury took only four hours to find Honig guilty on all charges. In February of 1993, the court suspended a one-year jail sentence but handed Honig four years of probation plus 1,000 hours of community service. The convicted felon was to make restitution payments of $274,754 and pay a fine of $10,000.
The state superintendent charged that Republican Attorney General Dan Lungren was acting as a hit-man for the deplorables of the time. As it turned out, the state AG, who also served in Congress, was only doing his job.
In 1996, the Court of Appeal affirmed Honig’s conviction but later reduced it to a misdemeanor and ended Honig’s probation. In 2011, recurring Gov. Jerry Brown nominated Honig to the state Board of Education but Honig withdrew. In 2018, on his way out the door, Gov. Brown pardoned the former superintendent, who still needs explanation.
Bill Honig posed as a reformer but his real job was to oppose school choice and defend the government monopoly system, a collective farm of ignorance, failure and fathomless waste. Taxpayer dollars must trickle down through multiple layers of bureaucratic sediment before reaching the classroom.
The government K-12 system enabled the crimes of Bill Honig and empowers the vile indoctrination The Representation Project now inflicts on a captive audience of students. The corruption is inherent in the system and nobody shows it off better than Gavin Newsom and “First Partner” Jennifer Siebel Newsom, “an award-winning filmmaker, and an influential advocate and thought leader on gender equality.”
Three things:
Ken Doll Newsome will remain an incompetent hypocrite that is ruining California.
Gavin Newsome has added grifting nepotism to his resume’; joining the chickenshit Bidens on a smaller scale.
The courtier press and his dumbass voters still won’t care.
The Foxes are now inside the Chicken Coop suggesting they are only in there to look after the Chickens… Got it.
“Since The Representation Project was founded in 2011, Open the Books found, Jennifer Siebel has collected $1,501,727 in salary.” Forget designing, prototyping, and figuring out how to mass produce things people are happy to buy, at a profit. I should start a non-profit, produce nothing but BS, make a mint, and live really well. Jennifer and gary won’t be sitting in the dark and eating bugs.