After the Chabad of Poway shooting, a long line of Democrat politicians condemned “gun violence”. Far fewer mentioned, “anti-Semitism”.
Among the 2020 candidates, as I noted, nearly every one of them used the shooting as a call for gun control. Far fewer spoke of anti-Semitism. Or even mentioned Jews.
Now the San Diego County DA suggested that Earnest, the Neo-Nazi killer, had a legally purchased firearm. He had no criminal record worth mentioning. Many terrorists don’t. There would have been nothing to stop him from buying a weapon.
Normally the media would harp on the rifle. But Earnest’s actual effectiveness was low. He killed one person and wounded a few others. He could have done about as well with any handgun. And probably even with a knife.
The issue wasn’t the weapon he used. It was him. And the political culture that spawned him.
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