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California is where freedom goes to die. Its annual legislative orgies consist of politicians stealing billions of dollars for special interests and finding exotic new things to ban.
In 2024, California Democrats finally banned plastic bags to ensure that anyone who isn’t shopping with a car or with a bag can’t buy more than a handful of items in a supermarket.
They also made national news for trying to set the Constitution on fire by banning memes.
And just for the hell of it, they also banned octopus farming.
Octopus farming was banned on the theory that the undersea creatures, unlike California voters, are “highly intelligent” and have “long-term memory.” Also unlike California Democrats, octopi have “a high level of problem-solving ability” which means you couldn’t go wrong with replacing Gov. Gavin Newsom with an octopus. Unlike Gov. Newsom, octopi are also “known for their ability to learn, use tools, and exhibit behaviors that suggest a level of consciousness.”
So Dems are banning octopus farming to keep them from multiplying and learning to vote.
Most people had no idea that there was such a thing as octopus farming. Well there isn’t now. Other things that don’t exist anymore in California are affordable houses, affordable gas and crime free cities. But California Dems are focused on the big ‘octopus’ issues facing the state.
And it’s legal to steal items under $950 in California, as long as one of them isn’t an octopus.
60% of Californians believe the state is going in the wrong direction. Rather than try to fix that, the Democrat supermajority decided to pass the “California Racial Mascots Act” which outlaws calling any team the “Chiefs” (calling a team “Redskins” had already been banned under a previous ‘mascots’ bill passed by the hardworking California Democrat legislature.)
Poverty rates on California reservations are at 34%, but at least the state’s American Indian population can take comfort in knowing that the Santa Fe High Chiefs will have to change their name to something less offensive. Perhaps the Santa Fe Octopus Farmers.
Speaking of schools, they’re banned from notifying parents if the staffers have decided to transition their son John to ‘Jane’ and get him castrated as soon as he turns sixteen.
While California Democrats are happy to test out untested puberty blockers on little kids, they did express concerns for their fellow parasites by banning even more forms of rat poison.
Medieval rat-borne diseases like typhus have already made a comeback in the City of Angels. In an episode of poetic justice, typhus spread to Los Angeles City Hall which is currently infested with both kinds of ‘rats because California voters are dumber than an octopus.
Dogs are also dying of rat-borne diseases, but the rats always come first to Democrats.
California’s official policy is that the only lifeforms who can be subjected to poisons and medical experimentation are public school children. And in that spirit, schools have also been banned from removing graphic pornography from library shelves as long as it’s LGBTQ graphic pornography. This has been inaccurately described as banning book bans rather than the more accurate mandating the exposure of children to graphic identity politics pornography.
Along with the rest of the banning spree the corrupt political supermajority also banned legacy admissions in colleges (it’s still however okay to bypass the affirmative action ban passed by voters to accept unqualified students due to the exact shade of their skin), online sales of flavored tobacco and food dyes like the beloved Red 40. The basis for the ban is a mostly unsupported claim that food dyes cause autism. Even the FDA doesn’t believe it’s true.
Also California Democrats wisely banned Voter ID because honest elections would send them flying out of office faster than a dyed octopus with a plastic bag applying to UCLA.
Few of the bans make much sense.
California banned “sell-by” dates on products because Democrats claimed that discouraging people from eating spoiled food caused food waste. But manufacturers and supermarkets have no vested interest in throwing out good food. Democrats were concerned that consumers reading “sell-by” dates on the food they already bought and had lying around for years might then throw it out. They could have one of their multitudinous government agencies put out a guide to what food is safe to eat, when to eat it and let people make their own decisions.
But Democrats have as much faith in the free will of the public as they do in a higher power.
California Democrats are desperately running out of things to ban, forcing them to legalize the things they previously banned and then ban them again in order to have something to do.
After legalizing drugs (and then fighting a drug war over untaxed drugs), California Democrats turned around and banned CBD ‘medicinal products’ leading to a lawsuit by Cheech and Chong. This will be followed by the legalization of the banned products and then by banning them again.
The good news however is that there are plenty of things still legal in California. Like crime.
Go ahead, commit as many crimes as you want. California is opening up its prisons and even as it bans plastic bags, octopus farming and voter ID, it’s making sure that criminals can freely roam the streets and steal as much stuff as they want. (Preferably under $950.)
Hamas supporters assaulting Jewish students on campus is also considered a victimless crime and about the only ones who have been arrested were the Jewish students who fought back.
Special interests stealing billions in tax dollars is not only legal, it’s practically mandatory.
And while it might seem as if California is running out of things to ban, its cities have recently banned everything from smoking in your own home to breeding French bulldogs to installing gas stoves to slaughtering meat. LGBTQ activists in San Francisco are trying to save gay people from smoking by banning tobacco and localities are trying to ban single family homes.
The future is bright for banners and bans. Just not for California.
Yeah, the one party system, where every Democrat legislator tries to get legislation passed that will enhance their reputation, before they get term-limited out of office.
Stupid laws in California Its Illegal to hunt Moths under the Street Lights in L.A. You will be fined $500 for setting off a Nuclear Device in Chico and in Central Valley they cut off all the water to the farms over 3 Inch fish and Pacific Grove you cant disturb the Butter Flies. The Golden States becoming the State run by Idiots(Liberal Democrats) and other Useful Idiots
CA isn’t the only place with stupid laws. Years ago my wife gave me a book titled “You Can’t Eat Peanuts in Church and Other Little-Known Laws”. In addition to the title, one caught my eye.
In Chicago it’s illegal to hitch an alligator to a fire hydrant.
I’ve wondered what circumstance could have prompted someone to introduce that law?
In Oregon its Illegal to Whistle Underwater
maybe growing up in Afatchalaya Louisiana?
I was about to cite that book. One law I remember is that SOMEWHERE, it was illegal to sleep in ypur neighbor’s outhouse.
I was born in CA, grew up there in the 60’s and 70’s, went to the beach with my brother, alone, on our bikes – we were ages 8 and 10 – no parent tracking our whereabouts – no danger at the beach (or if there was it was sooooo small) and we stayed in sight of a lifeguard. My memories of that time were so idyllic.
Now I can hardly stand to read anything about what has happened to CA. I am sometimes in absolute disbelief that the people continue to vote for these people who live the elite life but the citizens are being taxed into oblivion. As Rush used to say, there has never been a society that has taxed its citizenry into prosperity. 🙁
Doesn’t matter how people vote. The elections are stolen anyway
Especially in California. I’ve been watching it for many decades. Hardly anyone knows how many ways the California elections are rigged.
Different area of the country same story for me. Probably most of us can’t recognize where we grew up.
“….. there has never been a society that has taxed its citizenry into prosperity.”
My friend, I’m sure you know that it’s not for a lack of trying. Democrats, even rank & file democrats, honestly think that you can tax your way into wealth. What’s more, they’re not entirely wrong. I mean, take Joe Biden for example, How did he become rich and wealthy on a US senator’s salary?
Maxine Waters (I live in So. California so I’m familiar with her) Is a multi-millionaire with several palatial mansions around the LA area. She achieved it all on a US house rep’s salary. How was that possible on a US house rep’s salary?
AOC was once a bartender who got elected to congress. Several years later, she’s now worth a few million dollars. How is that possible on a US house rep’s salary? That scenario applies to most politicians on both sides of the aisle.
What bothers me about it and pisses me off is the fact that most Americans don’t seem to have a problem with it. Why? Is political grifting and corruption acceptable to most Americans?
If the American people willingly accept that then shut the f**k up about democrats cheating and stealing votes and rigging elections. It’s hypocritical to look the other way and tolerate one form of corrupt but not another.
Orange County ten years earlier. Climbed up in my Dad’s monstrous heavy bike at seven years old, took three days of trying and crashing, road rash on every part of my body, but I DID IT. By the time I graduated high school I had been everywhere between San Juan Capistrano and Point Conception, all the way inland to march Air Force Base, Elsinor,e Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead, and up into the Northridge Hills. I know I logged ten thousand miles my senior year. Almost always alone, no much more than a dime in my pocket. The only rule was “be home for supper” and don’t call me to come pick you up”.
Today’s weenie warters would have Mom in the hoosegow for “child neglect”. I did get enough hints that she had ner “network” of friends who kept an eye ou for me. Every once in a while she’d ask me if I remember where I was on Wednesday afternoon.. pondering, I’d remember I had ridden somewhere around this place a about four thirty. Seems she’d goten a report of a :sighting” then and there. She’d tell me Mrs Sonand SO thought that was you, riding along.
I learned SO many good life lessons during those years. A sense of direction and location, a sharp eye for the weather, carrying a selection of spares and tools, pacing myself, learning my limits., deescalating tight situations… Freshman year of college I rode from the San Francisco Bay area down the Coast Highway to Orange COunty.. three days, 450 miles. hat Coast Highwayused to be an AWESOME road……
So glad I got out of that S-Hole 12 years ago.
It’s a sh*t hole alright. But I still live here and try as they might, there’s no way the dems can compel me to leave the state. Republicans and Independents with the financial wherewithal have a duty to stay and fight those Marxist bast*rds and
I’m in that position so I stay and fight and relish the notion of kicking their asses back into oblivion. It’s very satisfying and rewarding to watch those spineless liberal squirm and run & hide when you pummel them with truth and facts that cannot be disputed.
Upvoted. Well I’m glad you had the financial wherewithal to stay and fight. I was retired and my wife and I were faced with the very real possibility of getting taxed into oblivion. So we bailed.
Are all of the votes ignored? Do people really vote for these clowns? You get what you pay for.
Elections are stolen. You donno that by now?
Surely the questions you ask are rhetorical. Of course they do! And they deserve to get what they voted for good and hard up the wazoo and right in the kisser!!
One definition of insanity is repeatedly slamming your head into a wall hoping to cure a headache. I say, why slam your head into a wall when you can dive head first off the top of a 10-story building? That’ll cure your headache and everything else that ails you. Plus you’ll do the rest of society a real solid.
It’s always a good thing when the stupid and insane voluntarily “cull” themselves from among the living. If only stupid and insane liberals and democrats had the courage to heed sound advice…….!!
Is Newsom afraid of the Octopus coalition fielding a challenger? Just think what an ambidextrous Octopus might be capable of.
The word “shoplifting” comes to mind, but then Newscum might support it.
That really is funmy. Incidemtally I assume horse farming is legal and horses are certainly smart. Anybody with plain horse sense would not vote fpr Newsom
There is no reason why Rats would not support rats who really should replace the respectable donkey symbol.
First of all, LGBTQ is not aomolith. There are plenty of GAYS and LESBIANS who don’t want men on women’s sports teams or in women’s prisons. Second of all, you can’t stop peoplevfrom smoking by banning tobacco. Ever hear of prohibition?
Does this guy work for the Babylon Bee? This is true but still funny. WHAT no octopus farming?
My father spent 31 years in the Airforce. Spent the last half of my Junior year, my Senior year at Beale AFB and a year of college at Yuba Jr College, Yuba City- from 1967 – 1969. Even then we said they shook up the country and all the fruits and nuts fell into Southern California! It was a beautiful state, even though I am from Florida. I made many good friends there. At 74 I’m hoping some of them; are still alive. This makes it hard for me to say–you get what you vote for but it is true! I remember when California was a solid Republican state. Now there are a few republican areas there but not not enough to protect the citizens of California.
A once beautiful state, often referred to by those living in the east as “the land of fruits and nuts”, became the land of illegals, the homeless, reparations, thugs, rapists, drug addicts, grifters, lawlessness, tax and spend, bloated budgets, underfunded state retirement plans, blown up dams for storing water in a semi arid and frequently drought-ridden state, injunctions on any new use of nuclear power for electricity causing increasing costs for the consumer while the state brow beats its residents to purchase electric vehicles putting even further demands on the already overwrought electrical grid.
A state where magical thinking, like that of very young children, has become the default litmus test for legislators and the governor. While smash and grab crime rampages causing financial losses and concerns for employee safety and shoplifting items worth up to $900 cannot be prosecuted as a crime. The formerly beautiful San Francisco has seen prominent retail businesses, hotels, restaurants and conference centers vacated as people with brains count their losses and head for states where they are welcomed and not shackled with the idiocy from which they came!
It’s true that California once had tremendous natural beauty but like an aging actress, she is no longer what she once was and continuing to pretend otherwise only makes that degradation worse when the truth is revealed in the mirror.
When there was a recall election for Newsom, I told colleagues at that time that if he was elected, the choke-collar they were each wearing would start being slowly and steadily pulled until it was choking the life out of them.
Newsom won the recall so I resigned, picked up my life and moved! That was 3 years ago and California? It’s only gotten worse since then And the mirror? Nobody in California even bothers to look in it anymore!! Is it any wonder what they are rapidly becoming? NOPE.