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As President Trump took office, top California Democrats lined up by the Capitol building in Sacramento to form a healing circle.
Not healing for those killed in the fires burning up parts of Southern California, or those who had lost family members, homes and prized possessions, but to protest Trump taking office.
Surrounded by flickering candles arranged on the steps and piled on the podium, the lawmakers, despite their promise to form a ‘healing circle’, stood in more of the traditional press conference line, and vowed to protect illegal aliens from the Trump administration.
The candles were not there to mourn the dead, but to mourn the results of the 2024 election.
Meanwhile a new fire had broken out which quickly consumed 8,000 acres. That was followed by another fire which forced thousands more to flee their homes. But such concerns were entirely distant from the ‘healing circle’ where none of the wildfire victims could be heard.
“Now more than ever, we must come together to organize and show this president that we are not backing down,” Assemblyman Mike Gipson vowed.
“We do not let Trump harass, intimidate, and push our immigrant community,” Sen. Susan Rubio threatened.
There was no actual healing to be found at the healing circle while the state burned, just rage, threats, warnings and an obsession with protecting their illegal alien majority.
“The California Legislature will be there for our immigrant community,” Assemblyman Alex Lee assured.
The American citizens fleeing the latest fire caused by Democrat mismanagement, political corruption and woke policymaking had no such assurances.
No amount of fires could shift the attention of California Democrats away from illegal aliens.
Even as the worst of the fires blazed, Gov. Newsom and Democrat legislators convened an illegal special session to divert $25 million to fighting efforts to deport illegal alien criminals.
Republicans requested a special session on the wildfires instead of on fighting Trump.
Speaker Robert Rivas appeared to be caught in the headlights when he was challenged by KCRA 3 correspondent Ashley Zavala who asked, “is now the right time to have a special legislative session on allocating money to fight Trump?”
“People are trying to understand what’s going on and are worried about disaster relief, worried about the ability to get homeowners insurance, your chamber gaveled into a special legislative session to prepare for Donald Trump in a way that you are already able to do without a special legislative session. So again, is now the right time for that?” she asked.
Rivas replied by claiming that Democrats were acting with “great urgency” but the greatest urgency was reserved for partisan agendas and protecting illegal aliens in the name of that agenda. And even while the state claimed it didn’t have the money for wildfire relief, it freed up $50 million, double Gov. Newsom’s original request, to wage war on the new administration.
“This funding agreement cements California’s readiness to serve as a bulwark against Trump’s extremist agenda,” Senate Budget Committee Chair Scott Wiener bragged.
California Democrats might not have the readiness to fight fires, but they could fight Trump.
During his first term, California Democrats had sued the federal government 123 times at an annual cost of $10 million. Inflation under Biden has sent costs soaring so this time around, Gov. Newsom wanted $25 million just to ante up at the lawfare table.
Attorney General Rob Bonta, who still hopes to replace Newsom as the man to run the state into the ground for the next four years, was quickly out of the gate with a lawsuit defending citizenship for second generation illegal aliens. “The president chose to start his second term by knocking down one of our country’s foundational, long-standing rights and disregarding our nation’s governing document,” he complained, referring to the 14th Amendment.
Bonta, a Yale Law School graduate, appeared unaware that the 14th amendment came about 80 years after the Constitution and was not “foundational” in any possible sense of the word.
He also appeared unaware that most Californians wanted the attorney general, a Newsom appointee, to fix problems like massive crime, rather than file lawsuits for illegal aliens.
But what they may not have understood was that the special session had less to do with Trump or with illegal aliens than it did with the political fortunes of Newsom and Bonta. Gov. Newsom had secured $25 million in taxpayer money to promote his presidential prospects and secure Bonta’s role as his successor. While California burned, its top officials ignored everything to fight Trump, protect illegal aliens and exploit opposition to Trump to maintain their political power.
California Democrats might have claimed that they couldn’t manage wildfire relief on their own, but they had millions aplenty to advance the crooked political careers of Newsom and Bonta.
The corrupt nature of California’s resistance was not only rooted in protecting criminals, including the drug cartel and gang members who are the leading targets for Trump’s deportations, but in the integration between the party, activists and political careerists.
In Sacramento’, Biden’s old advocacy director flew out from D.C. to stage a rally at the Capitol.
“We are here to defeat, delay, and dilute Trump’s extreme agenda at every level, including the state and local level,” Schifeling, who had jumped ship from the Biden White House to head the ACLU’s advocacy operation, ranted.
California might be on fire, but the state and its major populated regions had always been on fire in one sense or another. Runaway crime and homelessness, the collapse of the retail sector and the educational system, were all crises that were ignored by the Democrat ruling class.
Democrats had spent the first term of the Trump administration on lawsuits instead of on fixing those problems and as Trump’s second term arrived, they made it clear once more that they would watch the state burn to the ground before they would change a thing.
Or give up power.
(The Corrupt California series chronicles the misconduct, mismanagement and radical politics of the most broken state in the country. Stay tuned for more articles in the series.)
The Demo-Rats could care less about how many innocents die in the Fires since they just replace them with Migrants/Future Democrat Voters and Supporters that’s why we must Vote Out All Democrats
You just can’t fix stupid. They received no help from their fellow Democrat president but formed a ‘healing circle’ against Trump. Dumb, dumb, and dumber!
One way Trump has moved on re: the regrettable whining you so aptly point out is to begin parading the Deep State, Agency by Agency, through perp walks of public shaming.
The fires are obviously arson and are designed to implement NWO agenda in CA.
Wish more people were reading Daniel.
The intention of the 14th Amendment was entirely different. I’ve been reading what President Grant had to say about it in his correspondence during his Presidency (1869-1877).
My beloved Birth State has become the dumping grounds for despotic Marxist ideology and it’s proponents.
I’ve seen it what with my being born here in 1956. It’s now coming around to where not even the blind can
dispute the undeniable proof that California is being eaten away by a plague of woke locust parasites with
cores of pure social engineering failure.
It’s a breath of fresh air to see that the adults are now back at the wheel, in charge and heading this train in
the right direction and it’s only been seven days.
Do you know there are more people born in California than were not?
Not in the big population centers, Muggs!
I understand what you are saying because my husband was born there, the same year as you. He past in June 2023. He didn’t even want to go back to see it anymore.
This is something out of the royal count of Lourie XVI and Marie Antoinette. Commieformia De Republique Los Bananos
hopefully the rest of california goes up in flames , perhaps then the citizens will give them the boot . but im not going to hold my breathe . play stupid games , win stupid prizes . with gavin nero nothing will change .
For 250 years your government has been making laws and here in Britain they have been doing it for over 300 years.
Why do we need millions of lawyers and public officials to write even more laws?
Even people with no skills need to eat. More laws equals more work for lawyers. They write vague and poorly phrased stuff like the 14thA to guarantee their continued existence.
How low is the bar at Yale Law School if an idiot like Bonta can graduate with a law degree.
….the bar is so low, it is like tripping over a string….
I’ve spent enough time in court as a cop and later as a Bailiff, to learn most attorneys are not all that smart.
It would be amusing to see a list of the actual groups that received the money voted for illegal aliens. I imagine that it would be similar to the Biden family network.
I’m waiting to see what strings are attached to the billions of dollars promised by Trump for aiding the
rebuilding of destruction of these fires. How closely will Trump watch where the money goes!
I have a feeling that the Ca. team he put together will help by watching this.
If he gets Amish builders onto the job he’ll get honest accounting and a high quality product.
The change in California from a democracy to a one party dictatorship happened in the 1990s. Once Democrats got control of all 3 branches of the state government, they changed election laws to ensure the state would always be a one party fiefdom. When the GOP looked to be gaining, Dems would further change the voting rules like ballot harvesting and now ballot curing to ensure Democrats always remain in power at all levels.
If Trump can ensure California has honest elections- the state might have hope to break the one party fiefdom.
One thing you fail to account for is the fact that the California republican party is weak and has been that way since the mid 1990s. The last conservative republican governor was Pete Wilson, The last republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was at best a RINO, and that’s a stretch, did more to appease the California democrat party than his own republican base.
A RINO is nothing more than a democrat hiding under the veneer of a republican and many republican voters fall for it. Just like democrat voters, republican voters deserve the RINOs they voted for.
Sometimes politicians say lots of stuff to make you vote for them but never do anything they say they will do. that’s how CA got into this predicament.
and so it is as well here in the republik of washington state.
And the brain-dead irony of surrounding themselves with open flames, in a state suffering from the worst fires in history….is totally lost on them. It’s all about the photo op and deliberately ignoring the burning elephant in the room. Blame somebody else for a problem they created themselves….and ignore the other one that is literally devouring their people and their homes. How much more California Democrat can you get?
It seems their “laws” are more virtue signals than anything based on practicality. Virtue signaling isn’t cheap, either, as we can see from Mr. Greenfield’s article.
Secession sounds like a good idea that gets better every day.
Maybe just bus everyone here illegally to the “golden state” (where I lived for 23 years), and hasten its collapse. Cloward-Piven in action. That’s what the Left wants, isn’t it?
California voted itself into a prison run by ideological tyrants in which human beings are expendable in order to reach environmental goals increasing mankind’s subservience to nature according to their spurious worship of Gaia.
They are heartless, cruel, masters of the incrementally advanced draconian measures that led to these fires, dry reservoirs, destroyed farmers ability to farm and needless human suffering and death.
These are the willful inhabitants of a communistically driven matrix where their mantras are the deafening drivel of those who eagerly salivate at the acquisition of power.
One only need listen to the silver-spoon governor of California, Gavin Newsom, to clearly understand that his pleasure is in that which lessens the lives of people furthering his power to inflict punishments while parading as a benevolent worshipper of the greater good.
He is a malevolent narcissist who looks into the mirror in repeated acts of self adulation confirming his “beauty”.
I grew up in California a formerly gorgeous state. Now the plume of smoke carries in the violent Santa Ana winds the evident truth of the numerous lies upon which the Democrats have built this house of horrors. This is their debacle uncovered by the predictable reoccurrence of nature without the proper stewardship of man. It is a violent revelation that cannot be covered by the self-serving leftists. It is the disastrous evidence raging through the state’s communities which is a glaring conviction of their total unworthiness to govern. Like all that lives in wokeville, their primary concern is not for those whose lives have become ashes but only for pointing the finger in any direction but themselves to obfuscate being held accountable for what they have done.
May those who still live there wake to reality before it is them and not others whose lives are turned to ashes.
I was born and raised in California and still live here. I’m not going anywhere. Moreover, I don’t feel sorry for the rich liberals in those burned areas who lost their homes. They’re living with the consequences of who and what they voted for at the ballot and with their money.
I’m done feeling sorry for liberals. They do not reciprocate when calamity befalls the other side.
Very well stated. Are the residents of California that bereft of introspection?
We have a two front battle against these treasonous corrupters but to get to the voters of California and all over the nation that the deonKKKrat party is not the party of the people and democracy but of losing all rights, communism, perversion, high taxes to be money laundered and squandered, total corruption and loss of Constitutional Rights and Freedoms – get to the voters – These people are there because ninnies vote for them.
I am wary of saying this here, but it would seem that atlas is shrugging in California.
Well, the smoking ruin part, at any rate.
So there is that. It is fascinating to watch a real life example like this happen before the country’s eyes.
As opposed to all the other ones, right? Like Obama becoming president. Yeah, I know. But this one is so concret though, how can anyone miss it? Even a liberal?
But as Ayn Rand predicted, they are blaming everyone and anything except their own stupid ideas. If only those at the top would all do a James Taggart, maybe California would have a chance at recovery.
Who am I kidding? Only a miracle could do that.
As I have often said, things are going to have to get worse, much worse here in California before the majority of people reach a point where they’ve had it up to the gills with democrats and decisively vote them all out of office.
Until then California is one big pile of festering rotting democrat garbage who’s putrid stench is wafting into the surrounding states and beyond. People in those states would be wise to tell liberals fleeing California that you’re not welcomed here so keep it moving..
Washington state and Oregon shifted hard left when California liberal loonies started moving in and injecting state & local politics with their poisonous far left venom.
Sorta like maggots, eh? Feast on the host until there’s nothing left, sprout wings and fly to the next meal where they lay their eggs and do it all over again. There needs to be a fence constructed of “fly paper” all the way around California.
The leftists warped ideology destroys the state and the voters will probably re-elect them.
No one has any problems with LEGAL immigrants. It’s the ILLEGAL ones that have broken the law and should be kicked to the curb in Tiajuana.
Trump has a great idea: no federal money goes to California unless California first passes a voter id law for all State elections.
Oh, the carbon emissions! How dare they?
Just what’s the size of the Carbon Footprints of the DNC and those idiot Eco-Freak Leaders What’s the size of t he Carbon Footprints of Gore, DiCaprio and Greenpeace?
They get an exemption. They’re fighting the good fight. It’s you in your gas guzzling F-250 and your 9 passenger Suburban that is the problem. To quote the world’s cheerleader for a return to the Stone Age: “HOW DARE :YOU!”.