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The state of California is implementing full Marxism before our very eyes under the guise of “equity.” And so now there can be no possible doubt if there ever was for anyone: instituting Communism has been what “equity” initiatives have been about all along. Now three of its most powerful utility companies are saying that they’re going to charge based not on how much of their product was used, but on how much money the user makes.
In simpler times, if you bought something, you paid for it. Rich or poor, tall or short, black or white, female or male, wise or foolish, everyone paid the same amount for a product. But in our more enlightened era, we know how unjust that really is. It deprives the poor of access to vital goods and services, and that injustice must be redressed.
That’s what Communism is all about, at least in theory: leveling out economic differences between people by confiscating earnings from the rich and awarding them to those who have less. This is the fundamental reason why Marxism, despite its extraordinarily bloody historical record, still appeals to so many people, rich, poor, and in between: it appears to redress the injustices in life and provide everyone with a decent living.
The problem with it arises from the fact that capitalism is inescapable. It is an iron law. It is not actually an economic system that can be discarded and replaced with a better one. It is simply the way human interactions work. If the California utility companies are going to make people who have more money pay more for the same goods and services they could get for less money if they had less, there will be several results: wealthier people will seek to hide their wealth through various means, so as to pay the lower rate. Some enterprising entrepreneurs will make a good living by helping them do this. So from the Marxism of the utility companies will come more capitalism.
Also, people will see that there is no point in working harder to try to earn more money, as the state will just confiscate it in various ways. Consequently, people will work less, and less hard. The standard of living will decline, because productivity will have declined. This is why Communist countries have always been economic failures: they block the capitalist incentive that people have to work hard, and thus destroy the only path to prosperity.
That is the disastrous path that Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, and San Diego Gas & Electric are now planning to follow. ABC 7 in Los Angeles reported Friday that the three utility giants “filed a joint proposal this week for a flat-rate charge based on income.” Not a flat-rate charge, period, but one based on how much money you make. “The plan would break monthly bills in two parts: The fixed-income rate, plus a reduced usage charge based on consumption. Under the proposal, it would cost as little as $15 a month for low-income households and up to $85 more per month for households making more than $180,000 a year.”
What the utility companies don’t realize, because Marxists never realize, is that they will thereby be incentivizing being a low-income household and penalizing those making more than $180,000 a year. They will thus get more low-income households and fewer that make more than $180,000 a year. The old Marxist adage, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” rewards having a need, but not having an ability: those who produce are essentially made the slaves of those who do not. Since no one loves being a slave, this means that there will progressively be fewer people who have ability and ever more who have need. That’s the real “progress” to which Leftist “progressives” are leading us today.
All this is in the works in California because this is the way Gavin Newsom’s state government wants it: “The income-based bill proposal is part of the companies’ compliance with legislation passed by the California state government last year requiring these types of plans for utilities. The California Public Utilities Commission would have to approve the proposal and make a final decision by mid-2024. The fixed rate could start showing up on bills as soon as 2025.” After that, watch for the wall to be built around California to keep those who are productive from escaping becoming slaves to “equity,” unless the whole country has embraced Marxism by then.
Here it comes the Pretty Boy…better repeal the 19th A for the stupids will do as stupids.
I read that the flat rate is just a baseline, so my last month’s $488 PG&E bill would be maybe $15 or $20 less. The flat-rate system is deceptive. They can still engage in outright robbery, while customers add various other supplemental heat sources to avoid becoming both frost-bitten and broke.
If utility payments are to be based on income, how would the companies know who makes what? Aren’t tax returns private?
I don’t know in your country, but here in Canada, yes, our tax returns are “supposed” to be private, but companies who want access to your income will access them, with our without your consent. Look what they did to the people here who donated funds to the Trucker Convoy…. they seized their bank accounts (and the banks were only too happy to cooperate)!
How’s that for “private”?
What Californians will end up doing is finding (legal) ways to reduce their income – income-splitting, more bartering of services, etc.
This Newsom space cadet has his head so far up his a** – and this is the crap millions of Americans are going to vote for when he presents himself as a presidential candidate.
Senator McCarthy warned us of things like this its time to heed his warnings
And as the Venona decrypts show us, he was absolutely right. If anything he erred on the low side – big time.
I.F. Stone was a slanderous reporter who attacked Joe McCarthy early, and was lavishly praised & rewarded for it. (The rest of the leftist media slavishly piled on.)
The declassified Venona reports show that Stone (and, of course, Alger Hiss) was a paid Soviet agent.
“…wealthier people will seek to hide their wealth through various means, so as to pay the lower rate. Some enterprising entrepreneurs will make a good living by helping them do this. So from the Marxism of the utility companies will come more capitalism.”
This kind of sloppy thinking is one of the reasons Capitalism, or the Free Market, ends up getting the blame for the evils of statism. A black market is not a Free Market. A communist market is not a Free Market. Capitalism is not simply making money any way you can by any means necessary. If that were the case then communism is capitalism and slavery is capitalism and robbery is capitalism.
“Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.
The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government, in such a society, is the task of protecting man’s rights, i.e., the task of protecting him from physical force; the government acts as the agent of man’s right of self-defense, and may use force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use; thus the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control.” – Ayn Rand
“That’s what Communism is all about, at least in theory: leveling out economic differences between people by confiscating earnings from the rich and awarding them to those who have less.”
Sounds like Judeo-Christianity in secular form — because it is. “You are your brother’s keeper”, “The meek shall inherit the earth”, “the love of money is the root of all evil”, “a rich man cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven”, sacrifice and self-sacrifice are morally “noble”, self-esteem and pride are sinful, “it’s better to give than to receive, we must love our neighbors as much as ourselves.
“Socialism is but Catholicism addressing itself not to the soul but to the sense of men… [Both implore you to] accept authority, accept the force which it employs, resign yourself to all-powerful managers, give up the free choice and the free act… They both seek to sacrifice man…. [Socialism] is a creed even more denigrating than Catholicism, but it offers more tangible bribes for its acceptance.” – Auberon Herbert
“Holy Scripture and the Welfare State” – Richard M. Salsman
California is a communist state at this point, and its governor wants to run for president. All Americans need to pay attention to what’s going on in CA.
“The state of California is implementing full Marxism before our very eyes under the guise of “equity.””
People are leaving California in droves. How long before it becomes illegal to leave the state.
We’ll know when we get to endgame socialism in this country because dems will build the wall, not to keep anybody out, but to keep us from fleeing.
Bingo! Just like done in Berlin.
(Some refer to a “gate test” – if such gate is opened, do people rush in, or leave?)
Also, these leftist pricks will initiate internal passports – to ensure that unwashed rubes like us stay in our ghettos & never wonder into Bel-Air or Martha’s Vineyard.
The utilities will be in the name of the lowest earner, or an unemployed member of the household, and the ‘poor’ will have very little incentive to conserve electricity. This’ll cause a quicker collapse of the power grid, as well..
“Equity” simply means adjusting the “shares” of everything so that everyone has the same share. “Equity” IS communism. Yet, that’s all we hear. We need “equity, equity, and even more equity” and no one in any of our institutions ever bothers to explain what it means and most of our population seems to think it means “equality.” A society this passive and ignorant can’t long survive. It is ripe for the picking by charlatans with bad intent.
“From Each According To His Means;To Each According To His Needs”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
90% of all the catastrophic fires in norcal have been started by pge , electric utility’s …. my homeowners policy was 6000 dollars this year because of wildfire risk, not to mention the outrageous cost of electricity. it is well documented that the electric utilitys have functioned in breakdown maintenance mode with some equipment 100 years old in california. why are rate payers burdened with the costs to increase share prices. sum ting wong.. i am thinking about going to small claims court and argue the rate payers are not responsible for catastrophic devastation caused by the utilitys choice to engage in breakdown maintenance.
It might be a lot of work, but you might want to try to engage in a class action lawsuit as so many people are in the same boat as you are.
Socialism is taking money away from people who have earned it and handing it over to people who haven’t.
Communism is against human nature.