Gov. Newsom’s presidential plans are almost as baffling as Pete Buttigieg’s. Buttigieg oversaw a miserable hellhole of a city and everyone is fleeing California. The state lost more people than some states have people.
Newsom seems to spend all of his time on Twitter taking shots at Florida and DeSantis as if California’s problems are an image issue that can be fixed with some social media trolling.
The California exodus has shown no sign of slowing down as the state’s population dropped by more than 500,000 people between April 2020 and July 2022, with the number of residents leaving surpassing those moving in by nearly 700,000. The population decrease was second only to New York, which lost about 15,000 more people than California, census data show.
Behold the glorious blue model in action.
Gov. Newsom spends all of his time blaming someone else, Trump, local officials, national officials, or global warming. Meanwhile, the state’s one-party majority pursues nonstop wokeness while prioritizing the destroyers of the state’s quality of life, criminals, junkies, and vagrants, over the middle class.
California will now offer prison inmates Medicaid. The only thing it offers the middle class is a boot on its neck.
People resemble sheep in that they can be sheared repeatedly, but only skinned once.
get the shot………………increase the spread……..wear a mask inhale the bacteria…………look at Newsome’s eyes………….that’s what evil looks like
Quite remarkable. I’ve noticed a lot of that around here, as the local small business economy has been worse than decimated the last couple years. The Spanish-speaking population has gone down considerably, probably due to lack of jobs.
and cost of living
I’m glad they’re gone.
Before Trump was elected I used to hear more Spanish than English when I walked around town.
MOST Californians who’ve left CA have done so due to arbitrage: sell a house high in CA and buy low somewhere else. Principle has little to do with it which is why Californians vote the same way they always have in CA even after they arrive in Idaho, Utah or AZ.
Yeah, scumbags never change. Human locusts who destroy their own backyards move on to other locales to do the same thing. They’r e SO FUCKING STUPID they don’t realize the left-wing ideas they pushed in their home states destroyed them, and that the same thing will happen wherever they migrate.
I hate them.
The Bevery Hillbillies are leaving California for good and the Drisdales and Miss Hathaway are going with them and their Birdwatchers club follows close behind
Nice work. I can’t say enough bad things about leftists.
Extensive studies of the voting patterns of California leftugees in Texas, Idaho, and Utah do not verify Taylor’s ideas that fleeing Californians vote democrat in their new residency. In Texas former Californians are casting a higher percentage of ballots for republicans than Texas born residents. In both Idaho and Texas the percentage of the vote for republicans legislative candidates statewide actually increased between 2020 and 2016 as well 2022. thanks to leftugees. the fraction of votes for republicans in fact increased . I guess a lot of former Californians in Texas as they did in Idaho and as they do in Mojave county across the Colorado river from where I live.
Other than vote rigging long democrat ghetto dominated Phoenix and Pima county the same patterns prevailed in Arizona counties and cities being flooded with ex-Californians such as Mojave county and the Prescott area.. My union member but republican voting now deceased wife 5 years after leaving California was still getting voter materials at our former address where our son resided until he left California too..
California was the most conservative state before the Democrat judicial coup. People out of state don’t realize that, and that they are falling for the same trick.
People that might not vote the right way offset probably by an influx of many more who will. Any corporations that migrated will fuel the process wherever they moved to.
Republicans see problems as some of sort of problem but Democrats see bold new horizons.
California census data probably shows people plugged into the system. Now they’re plugged in elsewhere into junior systems. Apart from the outliers that show signs Newsom is discouraging which are very few.