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I live in California and I have been hearing accounts from people who had to evacuate, from those who were prepared to evacuate (and we had a ‘go bag’ packed) and some people are in a bad place right now. The fires are still going on and while the winds for now are not strong, there are warnings that they might be.
That said this was a manageable disaster that became catastrophic for a number of reasons.
The leading reasons are environmental. California’s Democrat majority refused to conduct basic forestry management and maintain water supplies because of their radical environmental ideology. Its identity politics led to incompetence at every level of city management including at the Los Angeles Fire Department. And its monopolistic energy utilities and tolerance for homeless encampments may have started the fires.
There’s only so much that can be done about the second set of issues by the federal government, but aid should absolutely be conditioned on California performing due diligence to prevent future fires.
That means forestry management needs to return and that water supplies need to be maintained.
It’s insane that neighborhoods burned because the state’s Democrat elites were obsessed with a little fish which had become some absurd symbol and that fires keep happening because forestry management is taboo to environmentalists.
Some House Republicans, including Speaker Johnson, are calling for conditions to be attached to wildfire aid. And while some California Republicans are uncomfortable with that, I agree. Attaching conditions is the best way of preventing future devastating wildfires. California no longer has a functional governance system and its ballot harvesting make it all but impossible for reforms to come from within.
Democrats are protesting such proposals, but they were fine when Biden signed an order expanding the definition of a floodplain in line with ‘global warming’ claims to qualify for FEMA assistance. If towns can’t rebuild their infrastructure unless they move its location, then Dems don’t have a problem with conditioning assistance on what they call ‘climate resilience’. They have a problem with being asked to put public safety ahead of their environmentalist nonsense.
Too bad.
It’s the only way to stop the cycle of disasters from continuing to escalate due to woke incompetence and anti-science dogmas that have become the default under California Democrats.
This is irresponsible reporting, to the point that I will no longer visit this website, donate, or buy any more books. The many reasons why this happened are still being hashed out. I live in Los Angeles and thus follow this closely. The smelt fish scenario is a lie. The empty reservoir was being repaired. Other causes, like arson and public utility cables, are being investigated. When you have hot winds of up to 100 mph, anything can happen.. Los Angeles County is under severe drought conditions. A year ago, similar fires happened in Western Canada, exacerbated by equally drought conditions.
When the orange charlatan was president the first time around, he was not going to help northern California during fire season until someone told him many had voted for him in that area. California gives more tax money to the government than it gets back, so it deserves federal help, unlike freeloader states like Alabama and Mississippi. And the alleged ballot harvesting mentioned has ZERO to do with has happenned.
You go, girl! Please!
Progressives are doubling down on the “smelt fish scenario.” Look at this proposal, submitted just yesterday:
That this would be released DURING a fire of such proportions indicates the authors are influenced more by an impending loss of influence and power than any other reason, including compassion upon the many animals and people being harmed in the fires.
Reservoir repair can be achieved without emptying the entire reservoir or diminishing water supply. Good engineers have always used redundancy principles to protect critical structures during foreseeable times of necessary repairs or crisis. This stopped when merit as a job qualification became irrelevant.
The same goes for the annual hot winds in California. These winds are a foreseeable and recurring feature requiring more aggressive maintenance of the terrain and forestry management. California is now pathetic in her deadly annual holocausts to the progressive gods.
As for your swipe at Trump, it may or may not be true, but Biden and other democrats regularly speak AND act to punish their political enemies. It is my hope Republicans will finally do the same. We no longer have a population capable of self-government – largely due to Republican acquiescence to progressive policies.
Buh bye, whiner. Take your TDS and get lost. Where doesn’t matter. Oh, and, don’t let the door hit you where the dog should’ve bit you.
The ballot harvesting has everything to do with it. You can vote without an ID in California. There are no voter ID laws.
The reason this fire happened is because of the woke DEI hires in the LA Fire Department and all across LA, along with California refusing to clean their forests. Not to mention all the homeless starting fires.
“When the orange charlatan”
Well, that’s a dead giveaway.
I’m sure your many donations will be missed. /sarc
You just a bit too Wetarded!
The liberal policies have literally went up in Smoke!
Papi, I also live in Los Angeles. We’ve allotted billions to build water resources that were never implemented. Instead a dam was demolished.
Land management that needed to happen, didn’t.
I understand you’re angry, but do you understand that this will keep happening until things change.
You must do some insane grifting or be totally brainwashed to actively want so many people to be hurt in such evil ways.
You are an idiot. Get out of your hole and start watching real news and reports. You are as good of a liar as your Mayor and Governor.
And by the way, every State gives more to the feds than they get back. That is why we need to get rid of more than half the federal agencies that are simply a waste of time and money and resources. And bulls—!
Papi The Liar,
More lies from leftist commie filth. The reservoir had a minor $160,000 maintence issue that dragged on for 2 YEARS without completion, INTENTIONAL leftist scheming, like your malicious deceitful comment. You commie cult members pervert every issue to further your lies, deceit and nefarious Marxist agenda.
Well, Bye! (Curly Bill in the film Tombstone)
You are just full of progressive excuses aren’t you. I always love it when someone takes a brave stand and declares themselves “persona non grata”
I hope you enjoy sitting in your own pile of burned out rubble.
I’m taking bets on when Papi makes his “return”.
Freeloading States like Alabama and Mississippi? Hardly a freeloader, see below. Typical Liberal Democrap. You can’t make a legitimate case so you resort to name calling. 5th largest economy in the world and y’all can’t put out a fire. You reap what you sow.
Alabama’s international engagement fuels job growth and increases exports. Alabama companies exported $27.4 billion in goods last year, which helped support more than 530,000 jobs in the state. The majority of companies that export from Alabama are small and medium sized businesses.
Job Creation
In Alabama, 530,100 jobs were supported by trade, representing 19.4% of all jobs in the state.1,2
In 2022, 4,247 companies exported goods from Alabama of which 80% were small- and medium-sized enterprises. In 2021, 120,000 people were employed by affiliates of companies at least 50% foreign-owned.3,4
Exports and Growth
Alabama exported $27.4 billion in goods to foreign markets in 2023.5
Germany ($5.1 billion)
Canada ($3.9 billion)
China ($3.8 billion)
Mexico ($3.2 billion)
South Kora (1.2 billion)
Roll Tide losers………….
As a Californian I say, hell yes, to putting strings on federal money. CA’s government has proven itself irresponsible multiple times and your Trump hatred doesn’t change that.
1. State permits are a major reason that contractors are blocked from clearing forests on federal land. This can be ended by making federal permits the superseding authority.
2. Water that flows through federal lands must come under federal laws, therefore, no dam removals unless approved by the federal government.
3. All dams operated by the federal Bureau of Reclamation, including the Central Valley Project, shall be subject ONLY to federal regulation.
The goal of Congress must be to end state involvement in forest and water management when the property is federal or built and operated by the federal government.
Leftists love the federal government, so these proposals should make them very happy.
time to read up. your post has many incorrect statements.
Too true. The D-Bags caused this fire. Thank God I don’t live down there. People have lost everything they owned except for their cars, I suppose. I feel for them.
Have your entire residence burn down? How fucked up is that?
California no longer has a functional governance system and its ballot harvesting make it all but impossible for reforms to come from within.
Brush Clearance Fees in Los Angeles:
The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) typically charges fees for inspections and permits related to brush clearance. Here are the general fee details:
Inspection Fee: If your property is located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ), you will likely be subject to an annual inspection fee. This fee is generally around $24 per parcel but can vary based on specific circumstances and any additional compliance checks required.
Permit Fee: If you need to obtain a brush clearance permit, there may be a fee associated with the issuance of the permit. Permit fees can vary, but they are typically in the range of $200 – $500 depending on the size and complexity of the project.
Non-Compliance Fee: If a property is found to be non-compliant during an inspection, there may be additional fees for re-inspection or penalties for failing to meet clearance standards. These fees can vary significantly but are designed to encourage prompt compliance with fire safety regulations.
For the most accurate and specific information regarding fees, I recommend contacting the Los Angeles Fire Department directly or checking their official website.
If you are charging fees then it wasnt designed with the intention of having people get the needed work done. It was designed to bring in more revenue AND to make it harder for normal people to take preventive measures.
The LA Fire Department is “run” by four incompetent and unqualified dykes, so good luck with that. You might as well ask Barry Soetoro. Another unqualified scumbag.
I saw a program which I believe was on Newsmax about the history of forest fires in the west. Back when they had logging, it cleared away some of the fuel for fires to spread and they had logging trails that made it easier for equipment to get to the areas where fires started. and put them out fairly quickly. They knew this back in th4e early part of the 20th century.
They also knew that except for along the coast, inland southern California was mostly a desert back when the Spaniards first set foot in California. When the Spaniards first landed in the San Pedro Bay in 1542,, they named the L.A. region the “Bay of Smoke” because of the Santa Ana winds and wild fires and smoke.
They still have logging/fire trails like that outside here in San Jose. Lexington reservoir, which is a actually a very big lake, There are a lot of trails around there. Some of them go all the way over the mountain. They were made to last and the scum in charge of the state haven’t been able to ruin them, though not for lack of trying. Most of them have huge eucalyptus trees shoring up the road edges. Eucalyptus trees are native to Australia, you know. Those old Cali guys who transplanted them here sure knew what they were doing.
Let this ripple across the waters:
California no longer has a functional governance system and its ballot harvesting make it all but impossible for reforms to come from within.
California no longer has a functional governance system and its ballot harvesting make it all but impossible for reforms to come from within.
California no longer has a functional governance system and its ballot harvesting make it all but impossible for reforms to come from within.
California no longer has a functional governance system and its ballot harvesting make it all but impossible for reforms to come from within.’ California no longer has a functional governance system and its ballot harvesting make it all but impossible for reforms to come from within.
So, you’re saying that Commiefornia no longer has a republic form of government and the people can’t effectively change it because of democrat election rigging?
I’m shocked, SHOCKED!!!
We do have ballot initiatives here which give us some freedom. The state doesn’t seem to be able to use vote fraud to thwart them.
In this last one, we got rid of that law that made criminals immune to arrest if they stole $950 worth of merchandise or less.
Now they go where they belong. Jail.
I, am all in favor of putting the Eco-Freaks on those fires the Sierra Club espeically and lets see Butterfly Hill roll up her sleaves and start planting Trees
Actually, environmentalism hasn’t saved the planet, its actually hastened its destruction. Maintain the dead brush, and overgrowth from the previous years rains. with sensible clean up. The dry brush, needles, and debris are so combustible. This happens every year to California, and there should be a plan in place to deal with it instead of leaving people without water in the fire hydrants, and not having enough firefighters, planes, or equipment to do the job. Guess we’ll see just how outraged the people of L.A. are, and what they do about this catastrophe that could have been less destructive.
Sadly, the libtard, woketard, retard enviro-fags either can’t learn, or are willfully obtuse. Never argue with idiots. This is why they call it brainwashing. They believe what they believe, and no amount of data or logic will make them change their minds — it’s a religion.
Solution: until enough insane asylams are built to house ALL of the democrats and the clinically insane democrats are put into them, mental illness will continue to plague the USA.
I am a conservative from California. Yes, we still exist. Infact our population is much healthier then the Delta Smelt. Yes, make aid conditional. Half my city was evacuated in September when Orange County sent us the gift of the Airport Fire. It was their incompetent employees that started it with a horribly timed project and a spark. None of this should have been allowed to happen. Also, I want a hord of forensic accountants going over the books. We voted to put money into enlarging water storage. They haven’t done anything. Where is the money?
Unless they have moved the Sierra Club is still HQ in San Francisco where there is no big Forests just a few Trees and Homeless Camps