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The circus came to California a long time ago, and there are no signs it’s packing up any time soon. Some recent examples:
California lawmakers set up a reparations panel for “black descendants of slaves” even though California was never a slave state. California has a budget deficit of close to $50 billion, and some put the price tag of the panel’s reparations recommendations at $800 billion.
A former soap opera actor recently was shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles. He interrupted thieves attempting to steal the catalytic converter from his car. In response, a Democrat Los Angeles City Council member — there are no Republicans — blamed the automaker for failing to make the catalytic converters harder to steal. Councilwoman Nithya Raman said: “In this case, I think one of the things that infuriates me, is that we have a company — whatever, Toyota — who makes the Prius, that essentially has a device on their cars which is super easy to remove. It’s the value of a MacBook, right?”
At a gay pride parade in West Hollywood, some “indigenous queer people” marched waving a Mexican flag with a Palestinian flag on the bumper of their truck. A gay man in Gaza told i24News: “If you are gay, you should be hiding. It’s so hard. I was so scared. Scared of everything you know? Scared of getting hit, of getting kidnapped. I was so afraid. I was afraid Hamas would find out I was gay.”
California voters in 1996 banned the use of race and gender in government hiring, government contracts, and admission to state colleges and universities. Yet, the University of California, Los Angeles medical school dean of admissions, Jennifer Lucero, a proponent of “diversity, equity and inclusion,” ignores the law and lowers standards to admit “underrepresented” students. According to The Washington Free Beacon: “Within three years of Lucero’s hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th the 18th place in U.S. News & World Report’s rankings for medical research. And … more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.”
In 2018, California lawmakers passed and the governor, a Democrat — there are no Republicans holding any statewide office — signed a law requiring publicly traded corporations headquartered in California to have at least one woman on their boards of directors. In 2020, lawmakers passed a law requiring publicly traded corporations headquartered in California to have one member from an “underrepresented community,” defined as “individuals who self-identify as Black, African-American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian, or Alaska Native, or who self-identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.” California courts struck down both laws as violations of the equal protection clause of the California Constitution.
In April, California’s $20 hourly minimum wage went into effect for fast-food workers. UCLA economist Lee Ohanian estimates the law, so far, has cost the state 10,000 fast-food jobs. The law also incentivizes the use of automation. California last year had the lowest job growth of any state. As of April 2024, California, at 5.3%, had the highest rate of unemployment of any state.
When the governor signed the fast-food law, two major California Pizza Hut franchisees promptly let go more than 1,200 delivery workers. Rubio’s Coastal Grill, a fish taco chain, just closed all 48 California locations. The company said: “The closings were brought about by the rising cost of doing business in California.” Note that most franchise operators are “mom-and-pop” owners, with just one location running on thin profit margins. So, this 25% hike in the minimum wage bites hard. As for the law’s sticker shock, Wendy’s increased its prices 8%, Chipotle 7.5% and Starbucks 7%.
But things could have been worse. Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Barbara Lee advocates a $50 hourly minimum wage.
Not for nothing has CA long been called “The Land of Fruits and Nuts.”
The state’s voters had two strong recent opportunities to send Newsom into the dumpster where he belongs: First with the Recall, then when he ran for re-election. Both failed to remove him. And, incredibly, Larry Elder, his opponent in the governor’s race, was, insanely, smeared as “the Black Face of White Supremacy.”
And yet, California remains the “model” for far-Left lunatic states like New York and Massachusetts (where I live) for every insane, suicidal policy.
Well, to put it nicely, I’ll say that “they can take my 93 Octane Premium gasoline-burning Cadillac from my cold, dead hands when they pry them from the steering wheel.”
But of course you know the original quote, from Charlton Heston, which I also strongly agree with. So let’s leave it at what I’m posting here, in this Comment.
Although even posting that might not prevent the EPA from kicking in my door in the middle of the night, and hooking up my Caddy to a towtruck.
May God save the U.S.A. But I worry that He might not be inclined to save us from ourselves.
Therefore vote Trump in Nov – our survival depends on it.
Up Vote x 110 million!
Yes, California has long been where all the loonies go to beta test their insanities, many of which later become national trends. Look at California and be very, very afraid.
As a native Californian, the only disagreement I have with your thesis is the beta test part. California is the west coast think tank where much of the liberal lunacy and bullsh*t originates from.
Years ago, Washington state, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona used to be solidly conservative states. Then California liberals started fleeing the mess they made of California and moving into those states.
God is not going to do for us what we can and should do for ourselves. God did not elect democrats, we the people did. And now we want, no, expect God to save us from our own foolishness, stupidity and bad choices? Really?
That’s akin to asking God to go pee or crap for us when both are things we can and should do for ourselves. I wouldn’t deign to patronize God in that way.
Dirtbagocrat vote cheating is unbeatable here in California. NO WAY did Newscum really survive that recall.
there is no fixing stupid. sigh
On the contrary, fixing stupid is easy. Two shots to the head with a large caliber handgun and the problem is fixed and it’s 100% effective.
you should only say that after Trump is re-elected – now Biden’s gestapo may lock you up with the J6ers.
Only the weak and timid live in fear. I am neither. By the way, I once swore an oath to defend this country and it’s Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. That oath had no expiration date.
My family has been in America since the 1720s so I’m as American as it gets. I object to the Marxists bastards who seek to subvert the US Constitution and install their totalitarian rule.
Ergo, I refuse to be frightened into saying and doing nothing while those Marxist sons of b*tches walk all over we the people and our US Constitution.
L.A. Prohibits the Hunting of Moths under the Streetlights Chico will Fine you $500 for setting off a Nuclear Devise Pacific Grove will fine you for Molesting the Butterflies
Good to know because I just planning a trip to LA to hunt those moths.
Newsom responds:
“Yes Larry, everything that you wrote here is true. I’m a nut case and I’m turning California into a commie cesspool = but remember, I changed all of the voting laws during covid – so now we have voting month, voting drop boxes open all night, mail in ballots, and ballot harvesting where an X counts as a signature. So, looks like me and my dem friends will be here at the capital in Sacramento for as long as like – the citizens will never be able to vote us out – we can do anything we want and therefore why should we care what anyone thinks of us!! ha ha ha – see you on election day Larry! I already wrote my victory speech!!”
Born and raised in California. Got out 6 years ago and I miss the coast and the sierras. But otherwise, couldn’t be happier. The decline towards Gomorrah has been going on for 50 years. Since the first Moonbeam Brown governorship. Then they re-elected that putz again. That’s when we knew it was time to go. When it came to elections and the myriad of misnamed propositions, my wife and I were the perfect reverse barometer..
“Rubio’s Coastal Grill, a fish taco chain, just closed all 48 California locations.”
Dang. I love fish tacos. That crema, and Cabbage they use instead of lettuce, just make them uniquely delicious. You would think frying up fish in batter and then shoving them in corn tortillas would be redundant but it really makes the meal.
But I hate whitey style restaurants which don’t fry the tortillas. Only a white dork wants to eat a raw corn tortilla. The same assholes eat fried french fries regularly but don’t want a tortilla fried? Left-wing douchetards.
I’m all in favor of treasonous commie barbara lee’s minimum wage hike to $50 an hour. The effect would be so immediate and drastic that it would certainly drive the lesson home on the dems’ economic stupidity. The problem has always been that they raise it so little that the effects aren’t obvious to most.
They NEED to feel the consequences.
The problem is too many of the stupid will leave for greener pastures then drag them down to CA’s level eventually.
Yes, the “Califonicators” have ruined the entire Phoenix area. Maricopa County is the most corrupt in the state. They even force smog tests on vehicles there! In an open desert! When I lived in AZ, no other county did that, you only had to register your vehicle every two years and driver’s licenses lasted until you turn 65, not a ridiculous four years like every other state I’ve lived in.
You can see how the woke destroy everything they touch. Rationality has flown the coup.
Newsflash The Quail and the Condor and California removed from their names its getting way too bad to go about representing the nation #1 Worse stats to live in and the Poppy agrees to
CA ranks 48th in education despite wasting more money on it than any other state. And the cost of living here is insane.
Viva La Mexifornia…¡Arriba, arriba! ¡Ándale, ándale!
I left my shart in San Franshitsco! (apologies to Tony Bennett)
And yet. Your still there Larry.
And thank goodnes for that. Don’t leave us, Larry!
If you are an owner of any LLC or corporation organized in California, or your company has any presence in CA, things are about to get a lot worse for you. Do a web search CA Senate Bill 1201, which just passed the California Senate. It is CA’s version of the federal Corporate Transparency Act (a monstrosity that is already being challenged in the courts) but on steroids. 25% owners/investors, officers, directors, or persons with “substantial control” of the entity will be required to PUBLICLY disclose their HOME RESIDENCE information in the CA Secretary of State online records, which are accessible by anyone. This is the Doxxing and Lawfare Act of 2024. Say goodbye to your right to privacy and safety in your home if you are significantly involved with a small business.
I suggest they all lie about their addresses.
Being doxxed that way is dangerous to entire families.
I wonder if Barbara Lee pays her illegal houskeepers $50 per hour?
She probably pays them with refried beans and tortillas.
I am glad I left California in 1989. It is 10X worse now than it was then.
The woke circus may not be leaving CA but it would appear the circus of the white normals along with their tax money is breaking camp like I did 10 years ago. Best thing I ever did.
Larry Elder should have been elected Governor of California.
He has plenty of knowledge and experience and good sense and good judgement and wisdom and knows exactly
what needs to be done to get California on a positive road again.
I voted for him but elections here are hopelessly corrupted by the D-Bags.
There are a LOT of Dem dependent government employees, relatives, allies and wannabes and a lot of dependent poor. Add a VERY rich Dem donor class and opaque elections and you have a few reasons why this will never change. Not even after the coming fiscal collapse.
Dustin ….
You have hit the nail on the head precisely.
So simple and so true.
Everybody, from the high to the low, are cashing in on America, regardless the consequences.
At some point, I fear, America is going to become a very unpleasant place to live.
When a new Mayor was voted in San Francisco soon after a call went out for the hiring of more Police Officers and when the Test was done somebody noticed there were zero black folks who passed the Test and so they LOWERED the Test so that black folks could get the job of being a Police Officer in SF and this was in the mid 1980s…
So risking the lifes of the citizens of the City and County of San Francisco was more important than appearing to notice that black folks couldn’t pass a simple multiple question Test.
The pass was 80 out of a 100 questions and they lowered it for blacks ONLY to 70 out of 100.
If I was black I would have taken that as a grave insult, but I guess the blacks that got the gig thought they were treated fairly… Go figure..
This is what happens when you are brought up thinking you are a victim and its everybody else’s job to help you throughout your life.
Many Hispanic and Asians were taken out of the gig so that black folks could get in.
Its all about equality.. right ???
Automation in Fast Food Joints: Has anyonecbeen, lately, in a McDonald’s where you place, and pay for, your order, automatically? Does anyone find that process a little hard to navigate?
I think it sucks. I just go to the counter even if an employee offers to help me with that annoying system.
The Cereal State got that way by throwing off all moral authority (Psalms 2 in your Old Testament). Then worshipping themselves they became fools (Romans 1:18-32 in your New Testament). Indulgence of promiscuity, normalizing homosexuality, and finally enabling transgender mutilations has brought to land of flakes, nuts, and fruits to the condition known as the REPROBATE mind.,
According to academic Emile Durkheim, the state is in the grip of a nihilistic ‘anomie’. Without moral standard, no tangible purpose but temporary pleasure, and no consideration of consequences the state is suffering a kind of corporate insanity.
The New Testament calls their condition the “vanity of the tribal mind”.
When I moved from RI to Cali I arrived on Jan. 1 1986 on the state border with Arizona to some kind of checkpoint. They asked me if I was bringing any fruits or vegetables with me. I replied I thought all the fruits were already in California
People who were not slaves demanding money from people who were not slave owners.
What could possibly go wrong?
I don’t get why people claim v4 is easier to reason about The only thing that’s a bit easier is that the digit strings are shorter, but so what, you shouldn’t be memorizing your IP addresses anyway