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“Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money.”
California is running out of other people’s money.
California’s budget deficit has swelled to a record $68 billion after months of unexpectedly low tax revenues, a shortfall that could prompt the state’s deepest spending cuts since the Great Recession.
The latest deficit figure — calculated by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office and released Thursday — far exceeds the $14.3 billion estimate from June.
$14 billion or $68 billion. Who can tell the difference anyway? Except that California’s budget deficit is bigger than the total state budgets of ten states.
Government bookkeeping makes the mafia look good.
H.D. Palmer, a spokesperson for Newsom’s Department of Finance, said the administration will have different numbers when the governor presents his 2024-25 spending plan next month, but Newsom is preparing to address a significant deficit.
Of course, he’s got his own numbers. The numbers are “sunshine”, “peace” and “love”. Sorry, that was Gov. Jerry Brown who was at least entertaining, unlike Gov. Newsom who was cooked up in some Bay Area cloning lab run by retired Nazi war criminals.
Still a billion here and a billion there (and then you shut down the state, with the exceptions of Hollywood, Amazon, and the French Laundry) and suddenly you’ve got money problems.
Analysts have also projected annual $30 billion deficits in future years.
If a $14 billion projected deficit became a $68 billion deficit, what might a projected $30 billion deficit become? Don’t ask a California high school graduate. The only answer they know is, “that’s racist”.
“Our economy is still good, but what we need to do is be incredibly cautious here,” Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins said in an interview. “We are in a deficit, and therefore, new programs, new spending — in fact, existing spending — we’re going to have to slow down over time.”
Not cut, slow down.
“Captain, there’s an iceberg ahead. Should we stop?” “No, but maybe let’s slow down over time.”
California could offset some cuts by further delaying spending, making some funding conditional on revenue bouncing back, or shifting money to bonds. But there’s already stiff competition for bond money, with mental health on the March ballot and November ballot proposals for education, climate and housing.
Well, that’s that. We need to bankrupt California to fund “mental health”.
His office recommended that Newsom declare a fiscal emergency, allowing the state to dip into as much as $24 billion of its rainy-day funds,
Sure. And what happens when that money runs out?
“Hopefully, the supermajority will see it is time for a more realistic budget strategy,” Senate Republican Leader Brian Jones of San Diego said in a statement, “instead of throwing money at a laundry list of projects that sounds nice on the national television debate stage.”
Let’s be serious, that’s not happening. The only reason Gov. Newsom is even halfway trying is because he wants to be president. The moment it’s clear that’s not happening, all hell will really break loose.
Meanwhile, it’s quite a track record for Gov. Newsom who wants to be president and is running on his record of turning California into a bankrupt, filthy, crime-ridden hellhole.
“$14 billion or $68 billion. Who can tell the difference anyway?”
Newsom: But it is not fair. California is so Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive. We are ‘woke’. Just ask anyone. As I told ChiCom President Xi just a few weeks ago in San Fran, We are such good people. Can anyone spare a dime?
In my former city, run by black Democrats at the time, when the city was audited it was found they had no bookkeeping system at all, didn’t know how much money they had, who had been paid what, etc. The person in charge absconded and was never heard from again. 26 million was found to be missing.
Shocker. That’s invariably what happens when the usual suspects are put in charge. That or all the bookkeeping and accounting are falsified, same difference.
And naturally, the Dirtbagocrats damn white flight instead of colored crime and corruption. In the name of racial equity, I submit that white Douchebagocrats are just as bad as the usual suspects when it comes to stealing public funds. They’re just better at it, which is nothing for them to brag about.
Doesn’t that describe the federal government too? Remember the video of Obama at some meeting`(cant recall which one) casually giggling that “I guess those jobs weren’t really shovel ready.” Hardy-har-har.
He had earlier stolen a stimulus bill (of -was it a trillion dollars?) on the basis of his repeated propaganda that it would make American jobs :shovel ready.” No one can say where that money went. I’m thinking it went to muslim lands and Democrat coffers and of course into the Obamas’ pockets.
That must’ve been some time back, since we’ve been “informed” now that basic math is a racist construct. By today’s woke standards, I would think a city’s black comptroller would be able to just shrug it off and keep their job. Damn white folks and the ciphering.
Two BLM protesters in Atlanta, who admitted to fire-bombing a Wendy’s and burning it to the ground in 2020, recently received a $500 fine each with no jail time. This judge just set the precedent and basically told the BLM to carry on…but maybe start a small fine fund first.
“Gov. Newsom wants to run for president on his record of turning California into a bankrupt, filthy, crime-ridden hellhole.”
That’s exactly why Trump suggested the Douchebagocrats run him instead of Alzheimer Joe, assuming Broken-Down Biden is still vertical by then.
The California debt is an interesting example of its government’s incompetence and corruption but what truly matters is its debt.
The California Policy Center estimates California’s state and local liabilities at $1.6 TRILLION and increasing daily. The CPC is not a state agency and its estimate is based on compiled facts, not bullshit, as the $145 billion US Census figure and the additional $361 billion state figure which total $506 billion. Now $506 billion would be disastrous enough but the fact that the realistic CPC figure is over triple that figure should be a cause for concern by every Californian, to say the least. That means you, AA, Horowitz and Greenfield. Me too. Plenty of other FPM writers and readers also live here, no doubt.
And as people say, “as goes CA, so goes (most of) the country.” If Grease head Newscum is put into the Presidency through the type of Dirtbagocrat vote fraud and cheating used in 2020, we can all predict what will happen.
Thanks Jeff! It is actually scary. At some point the California system is liable to collapse on our heads. I was just thinking of what could be done. Reversing all the stupid laws and regulations the Democrats have imposed mainly.
The California “DEFICIT” is an interesting example of its government’s incompetence and corruption but what truly matters is its debt.
Damn, the confusing version of that sentence in my comment above is my fault because I didn’t proofread my comment. 🙁
“Unexpectedly low tax revenues,” lmao. Unexpected to who? Bugger eating morons, with mousse. It’s hard to comprehend stupidity on this level, but it’s entertaining from 3K miles away..
Nothing builds commitment to strong government capable of satisfying civic needs than fifty years of building lists of eager beaver public contributors by conducting voter registration drives in bus stations and disaster shelters.
These are the concerned citizenry whose ballots arrive as sledge hammer blows to public policy hammered to fit in the foundry of Election Night Totalization.
Tirelessly, these durable ballot entities will guide governance for decades, like a robot floor vac, it’s all automatic from now on.
There’s no quibbling over results. Voting units whose claim to legitimacy are limited to purported metabolic existence just have to accept that there are things more important than life and death. Perpetual hegemony, for example.
Is there anyone qualified to be President in January 2025? Looking at the possible candidates who have declared themselves running for that office, they all have failed so far.. No matter who wins in November 2024, it will be just another four years being the same as the last four years. More conflicts, more Federal deficits, more illegal aliens entering the country, more crime, more protest taking place in America for various reasons, a larger national debt, more bickering between the donkey and the elephant political parties, more people dong illegal drugs, more dying from illegal drugs on the street, more homeless living in tents on the sidewalks, a public school system getting worst, and society breaking down because the moral standards in America have declined.
Oh, I forgot, more lying and cheating in government and by corporations as well. Will anything change for the better? I don’t think so.
Well, if Trump beats Dirtbagocrat vote fraud and cheating next year, a lot of those crimes will be ameliorated.
The ONLY reason that Newsom won’t be installed into the White House in 2024 has nothing to do with California’s budget.
Newsom is a white male.
And that will not do with Michelle Obama available.
I don’t think she’ll take the Dirtbagocrat desire to run her. She’s a coward who’s afraid of Trump.
I don’t think she wants to run, for some reason. Maybe a good thing, because she is wildly popular with the Dirtbagocrats, for some reason.
Yes, we should all fear her possible presidency. She has even less qualifications than her punk ass husband,, Brokeback Hasbeen Osama, did, and he had none whatsoever.
Calculators don’t fit in leftist’s hands. Anyway…why worry about the bottom line when they’ve ALWAYS been able to get someone else to pay for their over-the-top spending, namely YOU.
For a socialist Democrat, Newsom’s spending track record is a time honored tradition of liberal frivolity and waste that elevates him to the top of the class, for it is only through breaking the back and bank of a capitalistic system that socialism is allowed to thrive. They must destroy before they can “create”.
Encourage all lefties nationwide to move to California. Then give it back to Mexico and build a wall around it.
Everybody will live happily ever after.
Everyone except the lefties of course.
Like the student with a lot of college debt, “What, I have to pay for this stuff that I promised to pay for and already spent?”
Not me. Some of us live in CA.
Yeah. Oh, that gives me a chance to relate one of my stories. I was sitting at my SF Bay Area beach one day, when I encountered a leftist visiting from Oregon. He was practically crying in despair, because he had left his backpack out while he went for a swim. Some Mexican kids had stolen all his stuff. I told him the SF Bay Area was full of thieves. That’s learning the hard way.
I’m surprised Mexican kids were at the beach. None of them can swim and water and grease don’t mix. 🙂
Dumb ass Oregon lefty. As If Portland isn’t lesson enough to learn how scummy many people are. I try not to turn my back on anybody.
“bankrupt, filthy, crime-ridden hellhole.”
That’s one heck of a campaign slogan Daniel.