It should go without saying that this would not have happened if he had criticized Republican donors like Sheldon Adelson or the Koch brothers. But, for that matter, he would have probably gotten away with criticizing Democrat top donors like Warren Buffett or Tom Steyer. But when you tweet negatively about George Soros, the media decides to make an example out of you.
The Campbell Soup lobbyist who said George Soros’ foundation was assisting a caravan of migrants bound for the United States is no longer with the company.
Kelly Johnston, formerly Campbell’s vice president of government affairs, tweeted on Monday that the Open Society Foundations arranged for “troop carriers” and “rail cars” to support the caravan, which formed earlier this month in Central America. Johnston has since deleted his Twitter account.
I’m sure this will completely defuse any concerns that George Soros has far too much influence over our political system.
Why is Soros special? It’s not just the money. Buffett and Steyer have plenty of money. But Soros has used his fortune to build an unprecedented network. Its infrastructure pervades the left. And thus, Soros receives both unprecedented power and deference.
And the media is now openly silencing critics by going after their jobs.
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