[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2013/08/College_Campus_Walk_H.jpg)A regular column dedicated to reporting on the slanted teaching, mis-administration and sheer insanity of our nation’s colleges and universities.
Top Stories:
The state-funded College of Charleston, located in Charleston, South Carolina, has assigned all its incoming freshmen to read “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel, a graphic novel which contains pictorial images of lesbian sex, commentary on masturbation, and accounts of pedophilia. In total, the College has spent $39,000 for the distribution of this book to freshmen and will pay another $13,000 for a speech by the author this fall. Participation in the summer reading program is mandatory.
Terri Bennett, a nursing student at Pima Community College in Arizona, was suspended from classes and labeled a bigot after she complained that her fellow students’ failure to speak English in the classroom was making it difficult for her to learn. Bennett is now suing the College claiming that its actions violated her First Amendment right to free speech.
Amherst College in Massachusetts, long known as one of the most left-leaning liberal arts campuses in the nation, added several “diversity seats” to their Student Senate, which are reserved for groups that have been “historically silenced.” But when conservative student Ted Hertzberg applied for one of the seats citing the fact that only 2 out of 160 professors at the school are registered Republicans, he was rejected. The other four applicants for the seats— an international student, a gay student, a Latino student and an Asian student—were all accepted.
The Freedom Center’s public opposition to Sadia Saiffudin, an extreme anti-Israel candidate for UC Student Regent, has sparked a national discussion on how Saiffudin’s views may disqualify her from her new position and the growing problem of anti-Semitism on college campuses.
Further news from the campuses:
Dozens of Purdue Faculty Chide Mitch Daniels, but He Stands His Ground [TheCollegeFix.com]
Dozens of faculty members at Purdue University have chided campus President Mitch Daniels, former governor of Indiana, for what they contend is his lack of support for academic freedom.
Student Suspended After Complaining About Spanish-Speaking Classmates [FoxNews.com]
Diversity is widely regarded as an important goal in higher education. But, according to one student, a commitment to diversify conflicted with her learning.
‘Meese v. Keene’ Sheds Light on Danger of the ‘Blueprint’ [TheFire.org]
In the continuing debate over the new federal “blueprint” for university sexual harassment policies, some have argued that broadly defining sexual harassment as “any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature”—including “verbal conduct”—is unproblematic because the definition is supposedly “only” for campus reporting purposes.
Freedom Center Brings Campus Anti-Semitism to Light
The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s public opposition to an extreme anti-Israel candidate for UC Student Regent has helped to trigger a national conversation about the growing problem of anti-Semitism on college campuses.
Majority of Americans Oppose the Use of Affirmative Action in College Admissions [RedAlertPolitics.com]
Americans largely believe that students should be accepted to college based on their merits, and not their racial or ethnic heritage.
Student Senate ‘Diversity Seats’ Exclude Conservatives [FoxNews.com]
BOSTON – These days, defining diversity seems to be the big issue on campus.
But at Amherst College in Massachusetts, they’re doing more than talking about it. They’re adding “diversity seats” to the 32-member Student Senate for groups that have been “historically silenced.”
Cedarville University Under Federal Investigation For Possible Title IX Violations [HuffingtonPost.com]
Cedarville University, a Christian institution in southwest Ohio, revealed late last week it is under review by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.
You Won’t Believe What Teachers Plan to Tell Kids about Trayvon Martin [Daily Caller]
In the wake of the verdict in the Trayvon Martin shooting, several teachers said they would invoke mob justice, vigilantism and the idea that Florida law allows people to hunt and kill black kids when discussing the case with their students.
Public College Assigns Comic Book on Lesbian Sex, Child Molestation as Mandatory Freshman Reading [CampusReform.org]
Faculty and administrators at the College of Charleston (CofC) have assigned all freshman students a graphic sex memoir as part of their mandatory 2013 summer reading.
Former Purdue Student Defends Daniels In Wake Of Scandal [The College Fix]
Former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, currently president of Purdue University, has been verbally flogged by some over the news that, during his time in office, he worked to scale back leftist propaganda in the classroom.
Book Shows Radical Teachers How to Mix Traditional Math with ‘Social Justice’ Political Lessons [EAGNews.com]
MILWAUKEE – It’s said that misery loves company. Perhaps that’s one reason a group of gloomy, radical teachers is trying so hard to poison the minds of the nation’s K-12 students with their anti-American, anti-free market ideas.
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