[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2013/06/College_Campus_Walk_H.jpg)Campus Roundup: The View From the Ivory Tower
Links to these and other recent campus stories may be found below:
Open Letter to the UC Regents [Frontpagemag.com]
Dear Regent: We are concerned by your nomination of Sadia Saifuddin, a leading figure in two organizations that conduct an annual hate campaign against the state of Israel and Jewish students on UC campuses to be a University of California student regent for 2014-15.
No Free Speech for Exposers of Campus Anti-Semitism [Frontpagemag.com]
In her controversial book, From Time Immemorial, which examined the false narrative concerning the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Joan Peters referred to something she identified as “turnspeak,” “twisted rhetoric artfully aimed at the hearts and minds of the West, originated by the Arabs, and rivaling the Soviets, who are veterans of ‘semantic infiltration’ and the word war. Just as, in their lexicon, totalitarianism translates into ‘democracy,’ and degradation becomes ‘freedom,’ so has the flawed but democratic Israel been branded ‘Zionist imperialist’ and ‘racist.’” First used in 1939 to describe German propaganda after its invasion of Czechoslovakia, “turnspeak” in that instance was used to invert truth, enabling Germany to blame the Czechs for the aggression and belligerency they themselves were perpetrating.
Professor Orders Students to Support Gay Rights [FoxNews.com]
A Tennessee community college professor ordered her students to wear ribbons supporting gay rights and said those who believed in the traditional definition of marriage are just “uneducated bigots” who “attack homosexuals with hate,” according to a legal firm representing several of the students in the class.
College Students Thank IRS for Illegally Targeting Conservative Groups [CampusReform.org]
Students at the University of Colorado – Boulder (UCB) signed an enormous thank you card to the Internal Revenue Service for its apparent harassment of conservative groups during the lead-up to President Obama’s reelection. In the viral video, posted on YouTube Tuesday, conservative pundit Caleb Bonham asked students to sign the large card that read “Thank you IRS! Tea Party Deserves it!”
University of Colorado to Survey on Respect for Political Diversity [Denver Post]
After a vigorous three-hour discussion on intellectual diversity, the University of Colorado Board of Regents voted unanimously Thursday to conduct a survey to determine whether political discrimination exists on the Boulder campus.
Survey: Most Commencement Speaker Controversies Targeted Conservatives [The College Fix]
Of the Top 10 biggest controversies surrounding graduation speakers this commencement season, seven specifically targeted conservatives or business leaders, a survey by The College Fix found.
Texas High School Silences Valedictorian’s Microphone During Speech on Constitution, Report Says [FoxNews.com]
A Texas high school silenced its Valedictorian’s microphone during his speech when he diverted from his pre-approved remarks and instead spoke about the Constitution.
Academia Downplays IRS Scandals [Campus Report]
Although academics have never been in short supply to discuss political scandals, there seems to be a caveat: They tend to be crises in which Republicans are the alleged malefactors. Thus, from Watergate to Iran-Contra, professors have been ubiquitous in offering commentary on current events. In striking contrast, they seem to have been on sabbatical while the Obama Administration emerged at the vortex of three controversies in May involving the IRS, Benghazi and the monitoring of AP stories and sources. Maybe it was finals week.
Campus Bans Guns, Tells People to Nod at Attackers [DailyCaller.com]
In lieu of guns, people who find themselves in dangerous situations at or near the University of Arkansas at Little Rock should defend themselves by glancing and nodding, said a university safety expert.
German University Switches to Feminine Professor Titles for Men [The Local]
The University of Leipzig has voted to adopt the feminine version of the word for “professor” as its default. In German Professorin refers to a female professor while Professor is the male equivalent.
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