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Students For Palestine, Students For Justice in Palestine, and so many other campus groups of that sinister ilk, have been disrupting colleges and universities across the country, making demands of various degrees of malevolence and absurdity. More on these demonstrators can be found here: “Ithaca College President Rejects Anti-Zionist Group’s Demands,” by Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, April 1, 2024:
The president of Ithaca College, a school located in New York, has rejected the demands of an anti-Zionist group on campus that staged a “die-in” at the school’s Peggy Ryan Williams Center while events for newly admitted students took place there.
According to The Ithacan, the official campus newspaper of Ithaca College, President La Jerne Terry Cornish refused to accede to three demands made by Students for Palestine (SFP): issuing a statement acknowledging a falsely alleged genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, shuttering Ithaca Hillel’s Birthright program for Jewish students, and, in the paper’s words, [conducting] an audit “that would provide access to information about if the college receives funding from any Israeli or Zionist corporations.”
Through the college’s public relations office, Cornish told the paper that she has higher priorities.
President Cornish told them that her sphere of influence and focus remains on representing the entire Ithaca College community, and that the best use of her voice is in advocating for dialogue across differences and in encouraging further opportunities for education, both inside and outside of the classroom,” college spokesperson Dave Maley said in a statement.
This response was not nearly good enough. Cornish should not have answered the Justice for Palestine demands by claiming she was just too busy on other things that had a higher priority. What President Cornish should have said it that the demands by Students for Palestine were outrageous, and that: primo, Israel is not committing genocide in Gaza; secundo, that the campus Hillel’s Israel Birthright program has not violated any campus rules and will remain open; terzo, there will be no audit to uncover, and presumably to cancel, any funding the college receives “from Jewish or Zionist corporations.”
“President Cornish has great concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and she stands by her previous statements to the campus community expressing her horror at the ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel; her support for the college’s Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian students; and her condemnation of all forms of hatred and bigotry, including Islamophobia and antisemitism,” Maley continued.
At a time when the college’s “Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian students” are attempting to bully the administration into submitting to its demands, this was hardly the moment to declare “support for the college’s Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian students.” Why would they need such a declaration of support? It is not they who are being berated and attacked on campus, not they who are subject to constant hostile chanting. They don’t feel threatened; it is they who are doing the threatening. And why, in deploring the “ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel,” did President Cornish make no mention of the Israeli hostages? Have they already been forgotten, and the world’s attention focused only on all those “innocent civilians” whom Hamas claims have been killed by the IDF in Gaza?
One student told The Ithacan that Students for Palestine intends to take further action, such as “showing the administration how many students are disappointed and unhappy and angry with them.” He suggested that a legion of students will join them to “keep pushing that it is not okay to stay silent.”
That’s a threat to hold a mass demonstration against the college administration. Who is to be master at Ithaca College? The pro-Hamas, anti-Israel students seeking to disrupt the campus, or the administrators whom they are trying to disrupt?
“Sit-ins” and “die-ins,” demonstrations in which anti-Zionist students unlawfully occupy a building and lie on the floor for hours until campus officials give them what they want, have occurred at higher education institutions across the country since Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre of civilians in southern Israel.
These “sit-ins” and “die-ins” right outside or even, in some cases, inside the administrative offices, in an attempt to massively disrupt the workings of colleges, can cause university presidents to cave to the Justice for Palestine bullies now spreading their venom on so many campuses. But not all have done so.
Last week, Vanderbilt University in Tennessee suspended over a dozen students belonging to an anti-Zionist group that occupied an administrative building and refused to leave, according to the school’s official newspaper, The Vanderbilt Hustler. During the demonstration, students performed in full view of their peers private bathroom functions, including relieving themselves in plastic bottles. The suspended students are banned from campus until further notice.
At Vanderbilt, a dozen students who occupied an administrative building were suspended. Perhaps they had simply gone too far, not so much by taking over an administrative building and preventing staff from entering, but by urinating in public, which attracted a great deal of publicity and outrage, that required the administration to act. Will those students be permanently expelled? Let us hope so.
Another sit-in at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, staged by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), has lasted nearly a week despite the college’s president, Sarah Willie-LeBreton, saying that the demonstration is against school policy and has interfered with official business, including serving students who are disabled.
“Disruption is necessary when injustice is occurring,” SJP said on Sunday in a statement attached to a petition which defends the group’s actions. “There can be no status quo during genocide, at Smith College, or anywhere. There is no disability justice, no equity and inclusion, no protection from legal discrimination, no class justice than can exist without a free Palestine.”
My, my. Talk about narcissism and navel-gazing. Ever more absurd, at Smith the Students for Justice in Palestine believe that nothing good can happen anywhere without a “free Palestine.” And “free Palestine” means the destruction of the tiny Jewish state and its replacement “from the river to the sea” by a twenty-third Arab state. Without that state of “Palestine,” they claim, preposterously, that there is no “disability justice” (?), “no equity and inclusion,” no “protection from legal discrimination,” “no class justice,” and so on. Everything depends on “justice for Palestine.” Apparently, the moral arc of the universe cannot bend toward justice — remember that phrase Obama liked to quote, believing that it came from Martin Luther King, when, in fact, King lifted it, without attribution, from the nineteenth-century abolitionist Theodore Parker — unless “Palestine is free.” That freedom for “Palestine” is the central issue of our time, that must be resolved if there is to be justice anywhere, on any matter, from China to Peru. Nothing good can happen anywhere, about anything, until Israel is replaced by Palestine.
Note to college presidents: don’t bother to negotiate with, or take seriously the demands of, these demonstrators who are disrupting campus life. Call in the police, clear the buildings where they stage their ghastly sit-ins, and have them arrested for criminal trespass. Let the state punish them for that, and meanwhile, expel those students — without hope of reprieve — from the schools whose educational mission they are subverting. Once a dozen schools have responded thus, as Vanderbilt has done, with suspensions or expulsions, word will get around and students will discover that they no longer are so enthusiastic about expressing their support for the Cause of Palestine by disrupting both faculty and administrators from fulfilling their tasks.
On Feb. 20, 1939, there was a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden in New York City. Now they are much more widespread.
Free out Campuses from Palatine mobs
I think Vanderbilt expelled these students
So, since there has never been an independent state of Palestine anywhere, at any time, I guess there has never been any human flourishing or justice. Sounds pretty narcissistic (as well as delusional) to me.
The slow infiltration of Muslims into our country continues apace. As they gain numbers, they will soon begin their kinetic Global Jihad (Warf). Yet, America sits on their collective butts ‘enjoying’ life and passively watches the enemy (Islam) as it gains strength.
In Texas, there are over 500 Masjids and the mosques are the barracks and war headquarters for Islam.
If you want to save America, study the enemy (Islam)
If you want to know what happens when you get complacent about Islam, you only have to look back to 7/10.
I have, and I’ve found them lacking in any semblance of humanity.
It’s ironic how Human Rights Watch names the war in Sudan, the greatest source of displaced persons. I can’t get an accurate number from various sources on the Internet, I see numbers ranging between 8 – 10 million people and you can forget about the accurate number of the dead.
I find it strange when Muslim Arabs are murdering and ethnically cleansing Africans from their land, there’s absolute silence among the academic elite and the students they’re brainwashing – huh…I mean teaching. Furthermore, I find it odd that World Central Kitchen isn’t out in force with all its resources feeding the Africans who are facing severe food insecurity.
Wow – this sure is a head-scratcher, I just can’t figure out for the life of me, why the world’s worst humanitarian disaster is getting no press coverage from our mainstream media. You think that – nah…it wouldn’t be because Jews aren’t involved? Is the world that shallow? Do people only care when Muslims are fighting Jews?
The world only cares when Jews fight back against the Muslims. The world loves dead Jews.
Islam is a totalitarian ideology masquerading as a false religion. Expel them from our colleges and our country.
Little to those mislead young college students know and understand that history reveals that the ancient Philistines recorded in the Bible and history came from the Greek Islands and some parts of the mainland Greece. They have no connection, at all, the to the Arab /Muslim of modern times who called themselves the “Palestinians.”
From those ancient people, the Philistines, the word “Palestine” .came into being.
There is no genuine ethic group or race who are the “Palestinians.”
Early in the last century a anyone living in that land, Arab or Jew, who lived in that land was called a ”Palestinian.”
Only after 1964 did the Arab/Muslims start to refer to themselves , exclusively , by the word “Palestinian.”
The reason for that is that they felt that by giving themselves that title they would appear to have some kind of valid claim on that land.
Indeed , there never was a “Palestinian state.”
This is why they vandalise Israeli archaeological sites – because they testify to the truth that “Israel woz ‘ere”.
A large and terrible number of American universities and colleges across the United States are very anti_-Jewish and likewise anti-Israel. Therefore those institutions of “higher education” are ,in essence, very un-American.
This is a very clear reminder that the former President, William Howard Taft, in a speech ,rightly and wisely, declared, “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.”
One might wonder in higher education in other nations, most likely smaller and less involved, e.g., with the U.N., what do those learners think of the scenes on American campuses on which the students are so wildly and obviously ignorant of history.
It’s sad and even tragic that those brainwashed young college and university students non–Muslims Americans throughout the United States, who are protesting against the State of Israel and who likewise greatly favor Hamas are people who are ,rightly , described ,as the “useful idiots” of the leaders of Hamas and their jihadist members who are dedicated to the cause of conquest for the cause of Islam.
Those Americans who aren’t Muslims the stooges of those Hamas chefs and the other Muslim terrorist, For those of Hamas view all people who are not Muslims as inferior creatures to them and refer to them .
Behind their backs as , “Kafirs,” which is the Islamic derogatory term for “disbelievers”
It’s tragic that those non-Muslims pro-Hamas America protesters against Israel are so very deluded by Hamas that this Islamic terror / murder organization so easily manipulates and uses them as their tools.
Those poor young people are ,truly, their useful idiots.
The very definition of “useful idiots”.
These college students, probably not a small percentage working on “advanced” degrees, are anything but educated. Not only are they ignorant of history but they do not have the curiosity to research before going out on the limb, and they lack apparently capacity for critical thinking. So what are they learning in our institutions of “higher” education? How to follow orders? How to ignore facts and recent history? How to make fools of themselves and to be all they can be which is “useful idiots”.
There is obviously something terribly wrong with a those young people on campus who aren’t Muslim who nevertheless admire and support that vicious dangerous and deadly jihad entity ,Hamas. It might be that they had been deceived, as in lead astray by misinformation by the propagandists for Islam. ?
They, sadly, are confused or outright ignorant or both on the subject of Israel and the religion of Islam with its Muslim terrorist organizations.
Those people must not be aware of the wicked dangers of that demonic jihad entity, Hamas, with is jihadists, have no limits, at all, to its cruel heinous and vile horrendously horrific Islamic evils that it so maliciously and murderously commit.
Expel them after due process as interfering with orderly running of the college or university. No coming back. On the record stamp why they were expelled
These idiots are today’s nazi brownshirts. They will spend the rest of their lives marked as such
By the way a lot of us Jews have found our new nazi
The university.
The best way to “free Palestine” is for the USA and Israel to decapitate the depraved psychopathic murderous Islamic mullah Iranian regime.
The decapitation of the Islamic Iranian regime can be accomplished very easily.
And I doubt that Iran will find few allies. Russia and China will not come to the defense of the depraved psychopathic murderous Iranian regime. They will look out for themselves, and not expand the war in the Middle East.
So, here is to a quick decapitation of the Iranian regime, and the peace that will follow.
“During the demonstration, students performed in full view of their peers private bathroom functions, including relieving themselves in plastic bottles.”
animals gotta animal.
When I witness young Western girls marching alongside young muslim boys in support of a gang of thugs that raped, defiled and beheaded young girls just like them while they denigrate the Israeli men who are hunting down the rapist and thugs that beheaded young girls just like them I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the insane upside down rhetoric of these young girls who all have Queer buddies waving their Queers for Palestine Banners and all I can think of is we now have a Useful Idiot Generation who knows nothing of whom they support or what will happen to them all if islam takes over The Western Nations which is what they have told us is their goal.
islamism is the new nazism .
mike huckabee being interviewed about current israel conflict remarked that americans arent stupid ! im not sure whether he was referring to generic americans or part of the population or the whole . from someone who lives outside of the u.s. and considering 81 million voted for the current empty suit masquerading as the president i would conclude that a sizeable swathe were non compos mentis .