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[Order Daniel Pipes’ ‘Israel Victory’: HERE.]
A week before the Oct 7 Hamas assault on Israel, Daniel Pipes, a longtime respected foreign policy expert, a former board member of the United States Institute of Peace and the president of the Middle East Forum, had turned in his manuscript for his new book.
What emerged in the final months of 2023 was “Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated.” The foundational thesis of Pipes’ work, that Israel had spent far too much conciliating the Islamic terrorist groups that dominate Gaza and the West Bank, offering them the promise of peace and prosperity, emerged from the rubble more relevant than ever.
“Israeli leaders seek to improve Palestinian economic welfare: I call this the policy of enrichment,” Pipes writes in ‘Israel Victory’, criticizing Israel for not adopting “the universal tactic of depriving an economy of resources, but on the opposite one of helping Palestinians to develop economically.”
The quintessential liberal fallacy also at the root of America’s failures in the War on Terror held that wars were fought against regimes not people. Even when Israel achieved its victories on the battlefield, it still believed that peace would come through mutual prosperity and befriending foes. This vision is alien to the region and rather than bringing peace has only perpetuated generations of war.
In the months before Oct 7, Arab Muslim workers from Gaza were allowed in increasing numbers to work in Israel. And in the months since Oct 7, Israel, under political pressure, has flooded Gaza with aid. The pre-10/7 appeasement failed to prevent the massacres, rapes and kidnappings and the post-10/7 benevolence only convinced Muslims in Gaza they would win.
“Israel Victory” contends that Israel can’t win through conciliation, it can only win by winning and that furthermore, victory is ultimately the best possible outcome for both sides. Israel’s reticence to achieve a conclusive and decisive victory, and then to act like winners infused generations of Arab Muslims living in the West Bank and Gaza with the conviction that they can destroy Israel if they transform their societies into killing machines and turn over political power to terrorists.
It is as if instead of defeating Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, the Allies had left a core regime and population intact and free to plot war for another 50 years. That is what happened in Israel.
The dynamic in which we try to win over the Muslim world, only to have it reject us to which we respond with even more concerted efforts to win it over has become all too familiar to most of us. And it’s the dynamic that “Israel Victory” places at the heart of the conflict. The combination of relentless international pressure and the conviction that peace can only be achieved by winning hearts and minds, rather than by winning wars, has created a doom spiral of ‘rejectionism’ and ‘conciliation’.
“Rejectionism, however, will not collapse on its own. It must be broken. Only one party, Israel, can achieve this. Doing so will require major changes, indeed, a paradigm shift,” Pipes writes. “That means abandoning conciliation and returning to the eternal verities of war. I call this Israel Victory. More negatively but more accurately, it consists of Palestinian defeat.”
Essentially for Israel to win, it has to defeat the enemy side not just enough to achieve a battlefield victory, but to finally convince it that any further fighting can only be futile.
In an era where everyone from Obama and Biden to some of their opponents on the right complain about “endless wars”, the idea of ending them by winning them seems radical.
But endless wars persist, the way that many other problems do, because we have abandoned the common sense solutions that everyone used to understand in favor of new models that don’t work. In “Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated’, Pipes briefly and ably traces the history of the collision between Israeli optimism and Muslim hatred, he shows that, contrary to leftist myth, Israeli governments and leading figures like Moshe Dayan had bent over backward to accommodate and appease the Arab Muslim population.
In one revealing incident, ‘Israel Victory’ relates an incident that took place after the victory of the Six Day War.
The Israelis dispatch combines to help Arab Muslims occupying parts of the West Bank bring in the harvest.
“I was among those who conquered the place,” one of the drivers recalled. “We are incapable of being conquerors. A month before I was risking my life, and now here I was helping them harvest their grain.”
The sentiment is a Rorschach test. It appears noble to many westerners, yet in many societies where an individual’s place in society is determined by hierarchies built on force, it conveys a destabilizing weakness. Westerners think that they are liberating societies when they are actually taking away their verities and replacing them with ambiguities. And these societies, whether in Gaza or Iraq and Afghanistan rapidly embrace those more traditional elements that offer cultural stability and the ultimate promise that what was once true can be made so again
In the Middle East, modern societies have won military victories, but not cultural ones. If we want to stop constantly fighting military campaigns, we will have to win the cultural wars as well.
And it may require Israel, America, the UK and other modern societies to do things that they are uncomfortable with, that appear to violate their values and disturb their sense of moral order.
Many dysfunctional children grow up in homes where the parents try to be their ‘friends’ because they are uncomfortable with being domineering or acting as authority figures.
To end the cycle of appeasement and violence, the Israelis and all of us may have to learn to stop trying to be ‘friends’ with our enemies and get comfortable with being conquerors.
Mo de Profit says
I understand and agree that Israel needs to win this war, however, for those who win the war is over, for the defeated the war can often continue. Communism WAS defeated but the communists are now winning again.
WhiteHunter says
Agreed, on every point. But I’d like to point out that the most dangerous Communists today are no longer in Moscow; today they’re in American universities, spread throughout most of our courts, and, of course, in the “Democratic” Party.
Daniel Greenfield says
The Communists who are winning were never defeated. That was the problem.
CharlieSeattle says
First chance to win was thrown away when Truman abandoned 1 billion Nationalist Chinese allies in their 1945-49 civil war against the communists! The Flying Tigers had flown there for years against the Japanese. The locals liked and helped the Americans.
Second chance to win was 1950. The USSR had 4 nukes and Communist China had none. Together they took Tibet and attacked South Korea.
The United States sponsored a “police action”—a war in all but name—under the auspices of the United Nations.
But, …Truman was a coward and instead fired MacArthur for wanting to win in Korea!
Democrats were then, and still are, the communists Joe McCarthy said were in the US Government.
Çâşëğ says
The Jews are not victims of Islamic Arabs but. Hateful western world. who’s doing its best to thwart Israel’s victory over her enemies. The Jews are suffering from 2000 years of dependency on host countries for their survival. Still to this day they still suffering from the battered women syndrome. They have been trying to please and kowtowing to the western world for its approval. Which they will never going to get. If Jews in Israel and around the world want lasting peace. They must adhere to age old doctrine of. Peace is byproduct of victory. Where the victor imposes its will on the defeated. No victory no peace.
Beez says
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Rob A says
Trying to make peace with someone who is determined to kill means that you do not value your life and wish to die.
Mike says
The one thing the Palestinians a have proven over and over is that they do not care about economic growth and economic development. They spent the last 20 years building hundreds of miles of terror tunnels under Gaza to store weapons instead of building housing, hospitals and schools.
What more evidence do we need to realize that they simply do not care about providing a better, more prosperous and more peaceful world for their children?
The Palestinians are not simply not motivated by the goals of Peace and Prosperity. Those are Western concepts and the products of Western Civilization. We in the West do not understand that these concepts are relatively recent developments in the history of humanity and are not the goals of most people in the world even today.
The Palestinians care about two things and two things only: 1. Destroying Israel; 2. Killing Jews.
And they don’t care how much misery and suffering they have to endure and how many of their own children have to die to achieve their goals.
They broadcast themselves slaughtering, raping and kidnapping Jews on October 7. They celebrated that slaughter in the streets of Gaza. They celebrated the attack of October 7 even though most of the Palestinian attackers were eventually killed.
They did not care about the Palestinians who died killing Jews. They were celebrating the Jews that were killed, raped and kidnapped. The Palestinians who died killing Jews were martyrs going to heaven.
The Palestinians are motivated by Honor and Shame.
For them, the creation and continued existence of the Jewish State of Israel, is shameful. The fact that the Jews have repeatedly defeated Arab attempts to destroy Israel is shameful.
Honor can only be achieved by destroying Israel and killing all the Jews in Israel and in the world. And they don’t care how much death and suffering they and their children have to endure to reclaim their honor.
The Palestinians define Oppression as the inability to kill Jews and destroy Israel as they wish.
The tell us this every day. We just don’t want to listen.
The sooner we in the West accept this unfortunate but undeniable reality the better off we will all be.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Bernard Lewis explained how deserts and such are a strategic advantage to Muslims. Turning prosperous regions into desolate regions is a win for Islam.
Michelle says
Ask the Romans of old what the North African coastline looked like when they were ruling: islam and goat herders turned the wide green strip next to the old roman road into a desert just like the Fulani goat herders are doing in Northern Nigeria. Then ask who cut down without care most of the Lebanon cedars for their pirate ships.
Islam is not just a desert of the mind and soul but everything it touches becomes desert.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Exactly. Thanks Michelle !!!
Daniel Greenfield says
“The Arab is not the son of the desert, he is the father of it.”
CharlieSeattle says
“The Arab is not the bloom of the desert, he is the stink of it.”
Jeff Bargholz says
I’ve been around goats. Those things are voracious and eat ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. And they climb trees, cliffs and dams better than monkeys. They’re probably the most sure footed animals on Earth.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I saw some mountain goats out in the middle of the Idaho wilderness. They can climb what looked like vertical cliffs 🙂
SWarren says
Churchill once said, “Where the Jew goes there is oasis, where the Arab goes there is desert. In regard to Daniel Pipes, Churchill often stated that victory over the enemy must precede peace.
Domenic Pepe says
Mike ….
A clearer truth has never been spoken.
You got it perfectly.
Islam has been a depraved psychopathic murderous scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Banastre Tarleton says
EXACTLY ..Islam is a medieval death cult . Israel needs to make an example of them by Nuking them
CharlieSeattle says
Them? Just Gaza or all 1.2 billion of them in dozens of countries?
Rob A says
In short, they are a death cult.
KenPF says
The worst thing that could have happened to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan would have even for them to win their respective wars against the allies. They would have gone down into an abyss from which they would never have emerged. And yes the allies built up their countries out of the ashes … but the ashes had to exist first. Every city had to be reduced to rubble, farmlands crushed under the treads of enemy tanks, and their people occupied by a military government and the population de-Nazified by relentless examination of every citizen.
At the end of WW II everyone understood that as the lesson of the first war. The treaty of Versailles wasn’t too harsh; it was too lenient.
This is part of the human tragedy of war.
Only the dead have seen the end of war.
Michelle says
Yes, but Germans did possess a conscience and saw what they had done as wrong.
muslims see what they do: enslave/rape /murder/steal as doing good by their warped dark age views and rejoice when they do so. They ethically are an antithesis to western views of morality. They have NO conscience when it comes to obeying the warlord.
Daniel Greenfield says
Indeed. When fighting a war against evil, you end it or don’t.
The treaty of Versailles can be debated back and forth (far worse had been inflicted on the losers of previous European wars) but by WWII, we were no longer dealing with mere nationalism, but genuinely evil ideologies that dreamed of destroying everything and fundamentally perverting mankind.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, victory is the only option. Would you let a rabid dog or MS-13 member in your house? Fuck no, you wouldn’t.
Islamopithecines need to be relegated to the deserts they created apart from humanity.
Rob A says
Forget the deserts. That solves nothing and only prolongs what inevitably must be done and we all know it.
In the annals of human history, many cultures and religions have come and gone. Whether by war, natural disaster or other means, they’re now extinct, i.e., no longer exist.
It’s time for Islam and it’s practitioners to go extinct by whatever means necessary to remove their presence from the modern world.
Besides, hell is the proper place for them to practice their worship of ignorance, primitive savagery and death.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I keep thinking of separation, keeping the Muslims and such out of the country.
Domenic Pepe says
Islam should be outlawed in America and the West.
And all Moo–Slums deported to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and other depraved psychopathic berserk Islamic countries..
The Saudi and Qatari and other “Royal” Islamic families can take are of them.
Rob A says
I’ll go you one better: planet earth should be scoured clean in toto of Islam and it’s practitioners.
Domenic Pepe says
What Daniel Pipes and many others do not understand or will not accept is that Islam itself is the enemy of Israel.
Islam itself is the enemy of America, the enemy of Europe, the enemy of Western civilization, the enemy of Hindus, the enemy of Buddhists etc.etc.etc.
Islam itself is the enemy of humanity.
Depraved psychopathic murderous, berserk hate-filled aggressive, violent, intolerant Islam itself has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
It ain’t going to stop now unless it is utterly crushed, as were the German Nazis and the militarist Japanese expansionists in WW2.
That means that the Saudi and Qatari and Kuwaiti and UAE etc.etc.etc and all the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk hate-filled intolerant Islamic “Royal” families are the enemy of Israel and the West and humanity, and will need to be crushed,. as well. as their front line lunatics like Hamas and the Palestinians, Afghans, and Iranian Ayatollahs and others.
However, the Saudis and their OPEC blackmailer ilk know how to corrupt subvert and buy off the Western traitor political and oligarchic elites who will betray their own countries and citizens, as is currently being done.
Total world war against Islam and its crushing defeat and surrender may be the only way.
!400 years of depraved warring murderous intolerant violent Islamic history against humanity proves the validity of my conclusions.
Condor335 says
I would argue that Communism (and the Comintern) was in fact NOT defeated. The collapse of the Soviet Union did not mean the end of Communism. It changed the political landscape for a while, but look at Putin’s Russia today. One of his heroes is Stalin (Ivan the Terrible is another), and he has been working for years at reinstating Stalinist symbols and rehabilitating his image. Both Russia and China are, at their core, still driven by Communist ideology. Their economic structures may have a veneer of capitalist enterprise, but so did the structure of Nazi Germany (another Socialist empire-in-the-making).
The Western (and specifically U.S.) support and sustainment of Communist governments and economies has been a feature since the early days of the Bolshevik regime of Lenin and Stalin. The U.S. govt and its industrialists poured massive resources into the industrial buildup of the Soviet Union in the decades before WWII. The USG (heavily penetrated at multiple levels by Communist agents and sympathizers, particularly in the FDR administrations) was responsible for starving the Chinese nationalists of support and promoting the ultimate victory by Mao and his followers. In both cases, we (the U.S. and other western countries) have had a decisive role in creating two monstrous Communist dictatorships that are an existential threat to the U.S. (and the West generally) and are responsible for a body count far exceeding 100 million (and still counting).
Since WWII the U.S. has shown that it is unwilling (and hence unable) to achieve victory in war. All the BS about COIN strategy, rules of engagement (designed to protect enemy combatants more than U.S. forces), “nation building” in our image, appeasement of our enemies, etc is just that: BS. The U.S. liberal establishment policy is devoid of an understanding of history and is designed instead to produce a steady bleed of U.S. casualties while pretending not to be too offensive to those who would wish us dead. This has been reinforced by the incredible level of financial and other support heaped on our enemies while their governance is still in place.
This and all the signs from the ongoing Maoist Cultural Revolution point to a death spiral for the American Republic (and eventually for much of Western culture). The impulse for national suicide at the highest levels of govt has been with us for many decades, and I have serious doubts it can be halted or even reversed.
Daniel Greenfield says
Communism as a state ideology imploded (rather than being defeated) due to its unworkability.
But the Left just argued that it hadn’t been implemented properly.
This was very different than the crushing defeats and vulnerability imposed on the state ideologies of the Axis.
We needed a Decommunizing campaign. And we needed it at home.
Domenic Pepe says
We also need a de-Islamification of the 1.3 billion depraved psychopathic murderous intolerant Islamic Moo–Slums.
Rob A says
Neutron radiation will take care of that “problem” posthaste with minimal damage to infrastructure. Israel has the means to delivery lethal neutron radiation on target when and where necessary.
Just because Jimmy Carter hated such weapons didn’t mean that the Israelis didn’t see the utility in possessing them.
When you’re surrounded by enemies who have every intention of exterminating you, you’d better have that and more in your arsenal.
Jeff Bargholz says
“But the Left just argued that it hadn’t been implemented properly.”
They always say that! But I notice that when the Soviet Union existed they claimed it was a success. I’m old enough to remember that shit, unfortunately. And when it inevitably failed, they changed their bleats to “They didn’t do it right.” Fucking tards.
Most lefties are dangerously stupid and misguided.
Rob A says
I assert that communism was never meant to work as claimed and instead, was meant to empower a small ruling caste elite with totalitarian control over the masses via a class of bureaucratic sycophants answerable to them and them only.
In my humble opinion, communism is a modern day offshoot of monarchical rule. Only instead of one sovereign. there’s a cabal of sovereigns.
RS says
Islam is definitely not a religion of peace. For thousands of years they have been in conflict with the Jewish people. How many times should a nation give up land for peace or broken treaties, to be attacked, and bend over backwards to have it. The unfortunate truth is that should the plan to divide Jerusalem succeed, the Arabs surrounding the tiny nation of Israel will have won. Jerusalem as we know it…(.prosperous, culturally rich, religiously significant, and economically stable, will wither and die. ). It will become a center of strife and bloodshed just like past attacks and holocausts. It will be Belfast on steroids. Hell on Earth only for the Jewish people but also for the prosperous Palestinians who thrive under Israeli rule. it will become a hotbed of terrorist activity for new groups progressively more extreme. Everyone concerned had better wake up, because there will be no turning back from such a horrible mistake.
Jerusalem is a beautiful, cosmopolitan city….the jewel in the crown of modern-day Israel. It will be neglected, and targeted for ruin simply because it is loved by Jews and Christians. If it were possible, every Jew in Israel would be driven into the Mediterranean while the Arabs on shore celebrate the demise of their enemies . What a disaster….Jerusalem under Arab rule would become just a dirty, neglected, poverty-stricken Arab village with its streets piled with garbage and its gutters flowing with human excrement.
Truth is Jerusalem was built stone-by-stone from a dusty desert town in the hills of Judea to become a thriving metropolis….sophisticated and multinational. It is home for the Jews, a symbol of survival through the centuries.
Truth….Jerusalem is a magnet for scholars, clergy, artists, archeologists, and tourists, Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.
Truth…..All that Jerusalem has become under Jewish governance would vanish under Arab rule.
The US government needs to quit telling other nations how to run their country, especially when the reasons are totally political and plots for Jewish demise.
RS says
Who is erasing our posts, especially on History. Islam is not the religion of peace….how many times does a nation, (Israel) have to offer land for peace, have treaties broken, be attacked, and allow holocausts? Jerusalem is a beautiful, cosmopolitan city….the jewel in the crown of Modern-day Israel. It will be neglected and targeted for ruin simply because it is loved by Jews and Christian. If it were possible, every Jew in Israel would be driven into the Mediterranean while the Arabs on the shore celebrate the demise of their enemies. Jerusalem would be laid waste. It would become just another dirty, neglected, poverty-stricken Arab village with its streets piled with garbage and its gutters flowing with human excrement.
Truth…..Jerusalem was built stone-by-stone from a dusty desert town in the hills of Judea to become a thriving metropolis…sophisticated and multinational. It has been home to the Jews, a symbol of survival through the centuries.
Truth:……Jerusalem is a magnet for scholars, clergy, artists, archeologists, and tourists, Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.
Truth:…..All that Jerusalem has become under Jewish governance would vanish under Arab rule.
When polled privately, the Arabs who live in Israeli-controlled Jerusalem agree wholeheartedly. Many who reside under the safety of the IDF prefer that to the misrule of Hamas or the Palestinian Authority. They definitely to not want to risk being banished to the other side of the security fence.
Jerusalem is God’s city and he is coming back to claim it. “But you shall seek the place where the Lord your God chooses, out of all your tribes, to put His name for His dwelling place; and there you shall go. ” Deuteronomy 12:5.
Domenic Pepe says
Islam is a brain destroying machine that deliberately has been engineered to destroy the human mind starting in infancy.
Islamic ideology and belief, the Quran and Hadith, etc,etc,etc,, is purposely designed to make
people from infancy become depraved psychopathic murderous, berserk violent hate-filled and intolerant. morons.
I am looking forward soon when Islam will finally and permanently be “Gone with the Wind” …
one way or another.
Islam trains people to pray to God by prostrating themselves, banging their foreheads on the ground repeatedly, and to elevate their arseholes up in the air to Allah.
Obviously, very appropriate.
Domenic Pepe says
After 1400 years of depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islam, and its scourge on humanity, it is time for humanity to be done with it …. permanently.
The ideology of Islam is purposely designed to brainwash from infancy the human mind into a state of depravity psychopathology murderous fantasies and submission to delusional hate filled ideation and paranoia.
The rational way for humanity to deal with Islam is to crush it for all time.
Eliminating Islam from the human family would be like eliminating smallpox and syphilis and covid.
Michelle says
Yes, but Germans did possess a conscience and saw what they had done as wrong.
muslims see what they do: enslave/rape /murder/steal as doing good by their warped dark age views and rejoice when they do so. They ethically are an antithesis to western views of morality. They have NO conscience when it comes to obeying the warlord.
Domenic Pepe says
Moo — Slums should not be allowed in the USA. Period. Deport the ones that are here already.
Depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Islam, the Quran, the Hadith, etc.etc.etc. is totally incompatible with the US Constitution and Western ideas of Freedom and Liberty and Tolerance.
Islam is an evil indoctrination machine, whose entire purpose is to manufacture lunatics.
When a large percentage of the human race is irrevocably insane, something has got to be done about it.
The Islamic insanity must be eliminated … by hook or crook. … one way or another.
That is the situation that depraved psychopathic murderous Islam presents to the rest of humanity.
After 1400 years of depraved psychopathic murderous Islam, it is time to effectively deal with it.
Ybrandstetter says
This war is the one to end all wars by denying the Muslims their foothold west of the Jordan. The vast majority of them. Those who style themselves Palestinians are too dangerous to remain west of the Jordan. Too murderous. Too rapist. Too arsonist. If they do not migrate away of free will they will be coerced to by the predicament of Gaza being extended to every Muslim habitation. Not as revenge but as the only stable outcome of this war. Anything less is defeat, a clear signal that Jewish blood and dignity is to be shed and trampled both in the East Med and all over the world
john blackman says
unfortunately the current jewish war cabinet has been infiltrated by the left much the same as it has infested all western powers , gantz and his crew should be fired and prosecuted for failing their briefs and doing a backflip on their initial commitment to eradicate hamas and now hezbollah . you cant do a deal with terrorists much like america who are now paying the cost of having terrorists run the current admin. they would betray their mothers if it meant hanging on to their seat and cementing power over any rivals . israel now has its modern day equivalent
of pharisees and saducees . they will do a deal with their arch enemies [ hamas ] just like they did in christs time when they joined forces with rome murdered yeshua their messiah believing it would save their political and religious power only to have it destroyed by the very same criminals they sided with to remove christ . the diaspora the outcome of their complicity . the d.c. has the same lying group of jewish miscreants infesting it as 33 ad had and its not going to end well .
RS says
There are those who want a secular, liberal, progressive society in Israel too, as well as America. They use the word Democracy but in reality, they won’t accept/respect the will of the majority of the people as long as it contradicts their agenda. ITS THE SAME IN AMERICA. The idea for progressives is that a legally elected government by a legally-elected people must not do anything against the will of the liberal policies and agenda.
A non-Supreme Court of liberal judges is their God. These people are the DEEP STATE, and they hold high positions within the governments. In Israel as well as America, the Deep State in Israel was extremely threatened by the JUDICIAL SYSTEM REFORM that was about to FIX Israel’s sick reality, and they remain completely willing to bring down the nation, as long as they don’t lose their powerhouses.
Iran is ready to flood Southern Lebanon, and Southern Syria with waves of human fighters from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, in any upcoming war on Israel’s front.
Don’t underestimate the coming elections in America. Strong demonic powers are active right now and trying to bring America down so the next phase of the GLOBALIST PLAN can began. The Wars in the Middle East, Ukraine, and failed immigration policies in America, Canada, Western Europe, and Australia also contribute to the demise.
Both Israel and America’s problems stem from lack of faith, institutions that uphold God, and allowing evil to permeate and take over institutions….Its a downward spiral! The Deep state are in the IDF, Israeli police, secret service, and other organizations, same goes for America and our institutions.