Depressed? Lonely? Having trouble getting out of the house? Just kill yourself or have the government do it for you. Underage? Mentally unstable? The Canadian government will kill you too. No extra charge.
“Canada should expand assisted dying to include mature minors and patients with mental illnesses”
Mature minors who will never mature.
Senator Pamela Wallin, a committee member who supports expansion of assisted dying, said the system has many safeguards. “MAID is always a matter of choice,” she said, noting that, in surveys, Canadians have expressed strong support for advance requests. “Let’s hope the government now acts quickly to answer the needs of Canadians.”
Act now. Canadians eager to die are standing by.
First passed in 2016, Canada’s assisted dying legislation at first allowed only people with foreseeable deaths to receive euthanasia. That was changed in 2021, following a court case, to include patients with incurable conditions who were suffering intolerably.
And that turned out to mean nearly everyone.
Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.
Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner.
His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.
Hearing loss.
They say he was not taking needed medication, wasn’t using the cochlear implant that helped him hear, and that hospital staffers improperly helped him request euthanasia.
“Alan was basically put to death,” his brother Gary Nichols said.
Feeling blue? Ask your local nurse practitioner if death is right for you.
Canada is the only country that allows nurse practitioners, not just doctors, to end patients’ lives.
The association of Canadian health professionals who provide euthanasia tells physicians and nurses to inform patients if they might qualify to be killed, as one of their possible “clinical care options.”
Socialized medicine is a beautiful thing. No one will be left without care options. Like death.
Roger Foley, who has a degenerative brain disorder and is hospitalized in London, Ontario, was so alarmed by staffers mentioning euthanasia that he began secretly recording some of their conversations.
In one recording obtained by the AP, the hospital’s director of ethics told Foley that for him to remain in the hospital, it would cost “north of $1,500 a day.” Foley replied that mentioning fees felt like coercion and asked what plan there was for his long-term care.
“Roger, this is not my show,” the ethicist responded. “My piece of this was to talk to you, (to see) if you had an interest in assisted dying.”
Foley said he had never previously mentioned euthanasia. The hospital says there is no prohibition on staff raising the issue.
Say what you will about some of our HMOs and hospitals, they haven’t gotten to the point of being quite this publicly blatant. Lefties who complain about big bills apparently prefer big bills and a side order of death.
Candice Lewis, a 25-year-old woman who has cerebral palsy and spina bifida. Lewis’ mother, Sheila Elson, took her to an emergency room in Newfoundland five years ago. During her hospital stay, a doctor said Lewis was a candidate for euthanasia and that if her mother chose not to pursue it, that would be “selfish,” Elson told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Remember, when Bernie, Warren and that lot talk about how America needs socialized medicine and how it would be the compassionate thing to do. Remember this is the species of compassion they have in mind.
How about euthanasia for political traitors who are anyway morally- and ethically-dead?
The bloodthirsty politicians want to stay alive to continue killing others.
Suicide Hot lines are different in Canada, up here they take names and send over a killer.
They are Cold Lines.
In the other article, you wrote about the Penn Governor wanting to spare convicted sadistic murderers. This how the Leftist system works? Everybody but the most horrific should die?
In leftist religion, those who believe in the Judeo-Christian God, conservatives who love the Constitution and the United States need to die. They are enemies and an affront to the wickedness of Leftism.
Sadistic murderers are like Leftists. Because Leftists use them and approve of their deeds, they are pardoned and sometimes celebrated.
People who are “useless eaters” are an affront to Leftists, and so should die.
Leftists want to return us to the moral / ethical worldview of antiquity and the Roman Empire. Nietzsche identified this as “Master-Slave” morality.
In ancient times, power was the ultimate good, and power defined truth. Weakness was the ultimate bad, and weak people lied. This may explain why the Romans crucified Jesus, a Jew, because Pilate had all power which included the power to define Jesus as a bad man who told lies, especially about his identity. Therefore, Pilate not only did a good thing in executing Jesus, he told the truth and “proved” Jesus told lies. He asked Jesus, “What is truth,” but then killed him to “prove” the truth was not in him.
The implications of the now perpetual Democratic rule are staggering and frightening beyond imagination, The new slaves will be silenced in the name of truth.
My mother was suspected of having a stroke, and when she was in the hospital we had one female doctor ask us four times in the first ten minutes of our meeting she brought up assisted suicide four times; and not one of us asked about it. And she asked this while my mother was awake and coherent.
Hey folks….if someone you love is in the hospital in serious condition…stay with them as much as you can. And make sure you tell the staff at the hospital that you intend to get an autopsy if the loved one dies.
That’s what I did. I told this doctor that I didn’t trust her, and that if anything happened to my mother while she was in her care, I would make a HUGE deal out of it.
My mom was transferred out of that unit the same day.
God bless you for honoring your mother with courage and conviction.
Well done! There are already enough reasons, real or imagined, for survivor’s guilt without suicide, DNR, and organ donation pressures.
I’m hopeful that Fidel’s boy/Canada’s girlfriend Justin decides to go that route……soon
The depravity of The Left on full display.
Thats eight have whole communities Euthanized over this Ove Population/Population bomb load of malarkey from Malthus and Ehrlich
Depression is easy to cure in a lot of cases, when it is due to hypothyroidism. Just a drop of iodine will do it. But the pharmaceutical companies can’t make any money that way, so all kinds of expensive drugs are prescribed, that often make the problems worse, due to rebound effects, etc.
A vacuum chamber can serve for decades. Centuries if need be.
It can easily handle high demand. Round the clock operation with low operating costs. Minimal maintenance. Operation virtually intuitive.
It is simply a cornucopia of continuous throughput economies. A gift that keeps on giving.
It would be a colossal waste not to maximize these efficiencies.
To the extent of available inventories of the biologic units under consideration, of course.
“DEATH MACHINE Controversial Sarco ‘suicide capsule’ that ‘kills peacefully in 5 minutes’ gets go-ahead…
A COFFIN-LIKE capsule that allows people to end their life could be used in Switzerland from next year, its creators say.
The Sarco suicide pod allows a user to lie down and activate the process themselves within a matter of minutes…. Nitrogen fills the 3D-printed device, quickly bringing oxygen down from 21 per cent to only 1 per cent in about 30 seconds.”
A “disorientated” and “euphoric” feeling then follows, before they eventually lose consciousness.”
You can Google it. They will brig it to your home by truck for privacy and convenience.
How grim! Isn’t that how the PETA shelters “euthanize” all their unwanted kittens and puppies?
Rational selfishness versus sacrificial altruism, reason versus unreason — that is the moral and philosophical question. Ayn Rand is right. If mankind wants to survive and flourish, they will have to turn to Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism. There is no other way.
I only wish I could live for a few centuries to see the tragic twists and turns of Western Civilization until finally exhausted mankind finally turns to Ayn Rand and finally admits, “Damn, she was right all along, her philosophy is the answer for living and flourishing on earth!”
The doctor is being rationally selfish when they believe it’s in the interest of their hospital to euthanise a patient. To them it’s rational to me it’s not.
Who decides? Big Brother?
Liberals oppose having a convicted serial killer executed but support Abortion and get themselves spot on the 6:00 News
Futurama had the suicide booths and the sunset squad. Now, like many other predictions made on various TV shows throughout the years, these absurd and evil things are becoming our reality. And still, very few understand what’s happening.
It’s almost like George Orwell’s 1984, only real.
“…“Alan was basically put to death,” his brother Gary Nichols said….” — And the people that did this to your brother are still alive and well? Canada doesn’t have a death penalty, and even if they did, if the people who did this were ‘merely’ maimed one wouldn’t face it. Then they’d get to decide for themselves if they want to take their own ‘medicine.’ And deafness, if they faced it, would be the least of their problems. That would be poetic, and apparently as close to justice as can be found these days, in Canada.
“Roger Foley, who has a degenerative brain disorder,…” — Yet he can choose to have himself offed? The ‘medical ethics’ these people display are horrendous.
“…the hospital’s director of ethics told Foley that for him to remain in the hospital, it would cost “north of $1,500 a day.”…” – But Canada has “free health care,” so why is price such a factor that suicide is the ‘unselfish’ thing to do? And this is the hospital’s ‘director of ethics, no less. Amazing.
Foley has probably paid stratospheric taxes his whole life to pay for that “free” medical care that is now being begrudged him.