In a surprising National Post article exposing Islamic supremacist hate in the name of “diversity,” a headline reads: “The Liberals are funding hate. How else to describe the speakers at this Toronto convention?” Hateful and “obscene” ideas are being brazenly taught at the three-day Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) convention, which is being held on Canada Day weekend. The July 1-3 event is called Thriving in the Path of Allah, and features a troubling lineup of speakers. Ironically, the MAC is infamously quick to employ the “Islamophobia” subterfuge, yet what is being taught at the conference includes:
Homosexuality is filthy, and homosexual acts warrant the death penalty. Christian Arabs who protect Jews from murderers are traitors. A man should be permitted to beat his wife.
Such teachings are consistent with the Sharia, but antithetical to the principles and ethics of free societies. Still, the Trudeau government, which boasts of its commitment to “diversity” and “inclusion,” has provided the MAC “with more than $3 million in federal ‘anti-hate,’ youth engagement and security funding over the past three years.”
Back in April, the Muslim Association of Canada launched a Charter of Rights challenge against the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), claiming “systemic Islamophobia.” The MAC insisted that a CRA audit posed “an ‘existential threat’ to the organization because it threatens to revoke its charitable status and raises the possibility of damaging sanctions.” The pressing and most relevant question is that of what evidence the CRA has that precipitated the audit.
Adding to the National Post article about the “Liberals funding hate,” the MAC has a disturbing history.
For starters, the MAC is rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, as it itself once stated on its website, although the statement has since been removed.
The MAC’s Vancouver imam, Tarek Ramadan (not to be confused with the Swiss professor Tariq Ramadan), who is a respected community leader, “has played an active part in organizing and leading demonstrations of solidarity with the Palestinians against Israel,” and spreading blatant hate, not to mention inciting violence and jihad.
MAC is also passing along its toxicity to the next generation. At the MAC’s Muslim Student Leadership conference last year, high-profile Kuwaiti hate preacher Tareq Al-Suwaidan was a featured speaker. Al-Suwaidan is author of the Jewish Encyclopedia, which aims to educate Muslims “about the most hostile enemies of the Muslim nation,” and denies the Holocaust. He was also fired as director of the Saudi Al-Risala TV by Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal for admitting that he “belongs to the Brotherhood terrorist movement.”
The National Post highlights some of the speakers at the MAC summer conference that should be of concern to all Canadians. One of those speakers left unmentioned, however, is the infamous Hatem Bazian. This virulent anti-Semite and hater of America called for an intifada in America, and stated that the “sacred texts of Islam require its adherents to ‘fight the Jews.’” He urges the Muslim world “to militarily support Palestine.”
Bazian is head of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which is “proud to announce the relaunch of AMP’s annual flagship project, the National Israeli Date Boycott Campaign 2022.” According to NGO Monitor, AMP provides “advocacy training, instruction on how to lobby politicians. Produces media and activism guidebooks, such as campus activism resources…..A PowerPoint presentation parrots the Hamas narrative of the 2014 Israeli-Hamas conflict in Gaza…”
Muslim human rights activists and Jewish advocacy organizations say they’re appalled that the Trudeau government continues to fund the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), which has taken a turn in recent years to an unambiguously reactionary and heavily politicized version of Islam embraced by only a small minority of Canada’s Muslims.
Yet MAC is sticking to its guns, stating that it is “MAC that’s entitled to be appalled. The association insists that it is being unfairly singled out by the Canada Revenue Agency, for instance, alleging a systemic Islamophobic bias in the bureaucracy.”
Canada Revenue Agency’s Review and Analysis Division (RAD) operates under the Anti-Terrorism Act, and is responsible for preventing “the abuse of registered charities for the financing of terrorism.” Now let’s look at the numbers in regard to why CRA may be interested in the MAC.
United Press International reported in 2015: “Muslim group funneled $300,000 to Hamas-linked terrorists.” The article revealed a Canadian police raid which discovered that MAC gave $296,514 to IRFAN-Canada between 2001 and 2010. IRFAN-Canada transferred approximately $14.6 million worth of resources to various organizations associated with Hamas between 2005 and 2009. In 2014, the former Canadian Conservative government finally listed IRFAN-Canada as a terrorist entity.
Despite MAC’s self-declared MB roots and its questionable reputation, the organization still holds much influence in Canada’s Trudeau government, which may possibly help its case in its Charter challenge against the CRA. Only a month before the MAC student leadership conference featuring Tareq Al-Suwaiden, MAC leaders were among the guests at the Government of Canada’s National Summit on “Islamophobia,” organized by the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat.
On the Canadian government’s website was a quote from Rania Lawendy, an Executive Council member of the MAC. She called the Summit “a litmus test of our government’s commitment to take real effective action to dismantle the root causes of Islamophobia.”
Prime Minister Trudeau opened the Summit, which was said to provide “a national platform for Muslim communities to identify concrete ways to combat Islamophobia across the country.” During the Summit, Trudeau referenced Revenue Canada, stating: “From the (Canada Revenue Agency) to security agencies, institutions should support people, not target them.” At that same Summit, Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier requested that the Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson, François Boileau, “examine concerns by certain Muslim-led charities and engage other charitable organizations led by racialized communities about their experiences with the CRA.”
The priority of every sector of government should be due diligence and public safety. MAC also received $349,210 in federal funding for “Anti-Racism Projects Tackling Islamophobia” last year, and another $225,000 from the Ontario government to “combat ‘Islamophobia’ in schools.”
Disturbing elements threaten due process in the case of MAC and CRA.
Last June, one month prior to the Summit, over 130 groups, including MAC, called on Canada to stop “prejudiced audits’ of Muslim charities.” The vast majority of them were Muslim groups. Among the others were recognized anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions advocates, such as Canadians For Justice and Peace in the Middle East and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. See the list HERE.
The CRA is obliged to practice due diligence. Its spokesperson, Pamela Tourigny, has defended the fairness of the CRA process, stating that “the CRA does not select registered charities for audit based on any particular faith or denomination.”
According to its website, “the CRA chooses a file for an audit based on a risk assessment….likelihood or frequency of errors in tax returns or whether there are indications of non-compliance with tax obligations.” It could be any group. Three years ago, the government revoked the charity status of the Canadian Jewish group Beth Oloth Charitable Organization, with no subsequent barrage of antisemitism accusations.
The CRA owes it to all Canadian taxpayers to be prudent, despite heavy-handed pressure and accusations of “Islamophobia.” It is not biased or prejudiced for CRA to exercise due diligence regarding Muslim charities, or any charity. The power of “Islamophobia” accusations has proved to be immense. It now threatens to derail due diligence at CRA and possibly exonerate Islamists of terrorism financing and a range of other misdeeds, despite any overarching evidence. Kowtowing to Islamic supremacist lobbies will also set an alarming precedent, even beyond Canada’s borders. In the meantime, Trudeau keeps the money flowing in to the MAC in order to combat “hate” and “Islamophobia.”
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