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International meetings are an opportunity for random world leaders (if we take “world” and “leaders” liberally) to run into each other, get photos taken, and randomly berate each other over foreign issues they don’t understand.
And since Canada’s blackface fascist leader doesn’t understand most issues (but at least he doesn’t understand them in two languages) he was as welcome in Hiroshima’s G7 meeting as the original bomb.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called out Italian leader Giorgia Meloni’s stance on LGBTQ+ rights in a meeting Friday on the margins of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan.
“Obviously, Canada is concerned about some of the (positions) that Italy is taking in terms of LGBT rights,” Trudeau told Meloni, who was visibly annoyed, according to multiple media outlets.
“But I look forward to talking with you about that,” he added before the start of the meeting.
PM Meloni might have expressed some concerns about Canada’s lack of rights for truckers, opponents of mandatory vaccination, and anyone who disagrees with the state. It wasn’t all that long ago that Canada’s blackface fascist leader decided to crack down on political dissent by illegally imposing martial law.
Surely some of those folks targeted by blackface’s blackshirts might have even been gay.
Trudeau’s comments echo domestic critics of Meloni, who accuse her right-wing government of seizing on issues like LGBTQ+ rights and migration to stoke divisions.
Whereas leftists hate division so much that they like to unify countries by invoking martial law and locking up their opponents. That’s a tactic that Trudeau probably learned from his dad over in Havana.
Like father, like son. A chip off the old block 🙂
Yeah, a block of shit.
Don’t you mean Blockhead?
Yes, that too. 🙂
Yup just like FIdel!
That little Italian Firecracker would beat Jussie like rented mule, and look great doing it.
Yeah, she’s impressive 🙂
These commie pervert NAZI dictators like Trudeau like ticks and leaches… dug in blood sucker that hard to get rid of. Trudeau is an element of The Beasts of Revelation 13
If one adopts a certain frame of mind, one can actually feel some compassion for the little turd. He was raised by a mentally ill mother and a cold, indifferent father but that’s not his fault. He’s not particularly intelligent, but that’s no crime. Many individuals on the left hand side of the intelligence bell curve are decent, productive compassionate people. Not Justy. His big job in his own eyes is proving to himself that he’s as good as dear old Dad and just as tough. And, of course, the use of force to make others do one’s bidding is so much fun when one is convinced of one’s righteous justification. It’s interesting that his half-brother is an intelligent, compassionate, entrepreneurial man who understands the harm that our dear leader is causing Canada and Canadians. His surviving full brother is just another flake. The self-delusion in Dear Leader is deep and abiding.
The only reason Turdoh is still PM is because he has that pathetic champagne socialist Jagmeet Singh AKA Juggy, leader of the NDP propping him up. And Canada is saddled with both of them because Juggy doesnt quailify for that golden government pension til 2025. Canada has not one despot running this country but two of them. And Turdoh is always crowing about saving the planet by taxing Canadians heavily with carbon taxes but he along with his cabal spend more time jetting off to other places in one month than some people do in a lifetime. It is not only other countries that can not stomach Turdoh , its many Canadians here too.
Lets rephrase that to: 95% of Canadians DETEST the Goodf
Where is the opposition? The entire political class in Can nada is rotten to the bone.
When the Affordable Care Act was enacted in the dark of night in the USSA, a Canadian colleague told me that now American, too, could have quality health care. Somehow, during my lifetime, a dominion populated by independent-minded and hard working folk was sucked down the vortex of dependency and compliance, and individual courage became anathema. We are not far behind our friends from north of the 49th, and there is – as Ronald Reagan sagely observed – no where to which Americans can flee when our freedom is lost.
I weep for my grandsons.
Yes, TruuDope, a notorious louse & thief.
His Dad over in Havana? The story that Fidel Castro was Trudeau’s father is pure Internrt rumor. Pre-Internet, it would havr been a dinner table rumor. It has no place in a serious article.