The Internet, and especially Instagram, has become a place where various women act out their mental crises. One of those women is the 64-year-old Queen of Pop, Madonna. Don’t miss this compelling discussion by Candace Owens on the vital question: have you created an avatar of yourself online that is a fantasy alternative to your real life?
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THX 1138 says
Madonna does not have a mental disorder. Madonna’s problem is that she has never had any artistic talent. The woman has a ridiculous Minnie Mouse voice, she was a horrible actress, her dancing was adequate but not exceptional, her looks passable but not striking. Her one supreme talent was always self-promotion and publicity which made her into the world’s biggest female superstar of the 1980s and 90s.
Madonna was first and foremost always a fame whore.
Now she has reached the beginning of old age and she’s become irrelevant. Since she failed to plan for old age, to plan spiritually, intellectually, and occupationally, she did not cultivate the inner resources to pursue other interests, other challenges, other occupations, and so she’s repeating, and repeating, and repeating, herself. Doing the only thing she was ever good at self-promotion and publicity by trying to shock people with decadence and vulgarity.
Her mental disorder is her unwillingness to face the reality of growing old and irrelevant to the younger and much more decadent generations that she helped to spawn. And her unwillingness to grow in other directions and find other challenges.
Mo says
Well said! Like most GenXers, I enjoyed some of her songs on the radio. Hated her vulgarity, though.
One thing that did give me a different perspective on her was some interview she did where she talked about the loss of her mother when she was a child. You don’t need a psychology degree to see how such a loss would affect someone growing up. It does give some insight on her behavior through the years. It’s sad.
maria says
Agree 100%
Goodyear says
Soft core porn. Madonna has been doing this her entire life, so why are you surprised. She is trying to grasp at her youth and I don’t know who her plastic surgeon is but he is very good. She looks better today than she did when she was younger, unless her pictures are heavily retouched.
Steve Vercelli says
Of Madonna, the immortal Babs Jansen would have said: “That girl is a P-I-G PIG!”
Lee Ann says
Women were told to be liberated they could humiliate and degrade themselves either for money or pleasure with no consequences. They were told that men would still respect you even when your free to all. It’s the same old Satanic trick that your being oppressed and missing out. Some never wake up to the lie. It’s cringe to see younger women cheapen themselves but as they age like Madonna and still can’t fill the void, it’s epic cringe. Once you’ve lowered the bar so low you can only crawl on your knees with fishnets to get attention.
Lorraine Cartwright says
Spot on Lee Ann. I agree 100 per cent. Women were sold a big fat lie. We were told that we could behave like sluts and not suffer the consequences. We were told that it was ’empowering’ and ‘liberating’ to allow our bodies to be used as the neighbourhood trash can and women like Madonna re-inforced this nonsense. It is sad, sickening and downright pathetic to see women of Madonna’s age dressing up like street walkers and still believing the lie that satan sold to women. I truly hope that young girls will start to learn about self respect and to understand that men DO NOT respect any female that has disrespected her own body over and over again.
Matia says
Both women display narcissistic tendencies. They are lost creatures who have sold their souls for fame, and have become wealthy at the expense of their gullible fans.
Madonna is not mentally ill. She knows exactly what she is doing. She feeds off of the publicity, be it positive or negative. You have gifted her with the audacious recognition that she so craves. Madonna lives to “shock” and thrives on it. I used to think that she is a plague on society. At 64 years old, she is beyond her prime doing her own sort of perverse, modern take of a Marilyn Monroe photo shoot.
You seem to be on the defensive and angry about the public notoriety of these bawdy women. I sure wish that you didn’t frame Madonna with a “mentally I’ll” label. People who have breakdowns are typically overwhelmed by stress, pain, burdens, addiction, or trauma that is too heavy to endure.
Instead of psycho analyzing them, they should be ignored as much as possible. The corrupt and accommodating press will keep plastering them on their pages to make money. They deserve constructive ridicule that might reap results. Our disadvantageous reactions to their immortality is what they expect. It is interesting to observe how profitable their outrageous behavior can be for them. People seem to want to escape their boring lives to see an unusual show.
Those working in entertainment should promote better alternatives and real talent.
David Ray says
Madonna has always been a cheap slut with a high price tag.
Not sure what’s worse?
The sell-out tramp, or the fools that actually purchase the trash she’s selling.
RebeccaGrrrl says
None of this is worth our time. Nor the time of Front Page mag.