In her latest video, Candace offers her thoughts on why being “open-minded” is a scam and leads to moral corruption. She focuses on Amber Rose recently going on EmRata’s podcast to explain what she thinks feminism is and why it involves toddlers, tampons and OnlyFans.
Candace also shares her thoughts on James O’Keefe being put on paid leave at Project Veritas.
Don’t miss it!
It appears that the Veritas board of directors have abandoned the good fight for the comforts of cowardice.
Same thing happened to the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher in 1990.
The conservative party ditched a stalwart for a Romneyesque John Major. (The Labor party cashed in, as could only be expected when the opposition party capitulates on resolve.)
Heavy lifters like Candice & OKeefe always have a petty, Romney type standing behind them armed with envy and a knife.
What a human being needs to develop is not an “open mind” or a “closed mind” but an active and objective mind. Actively and rationally seeking the objective facts of reality. A rational mind begins with an open inquiry and analysis of a situation or issue but once the objective facts of the reality of a situation or an issue are established, once objective certainty is reached, the case is closed.
The crucial issue in life and living, flourishing in life, is an active, independent, objective mind, searching for the facts of reality, versus a passive, dependent, and submissive mind.
Islam also indoctrinates teenage girls to passively, docilely, obediently, dependently, SUBMIT their minds, bodies, and lives to God. How horrible and how dangerous when children are trained and indoctrinated to crush and sacrifice their independent minds to OTHER. To reject their own, active, independent, objective, inquiry, analysis, and thinking and in its place passively submit and sacrifice their minds to whatever the Bible or the Koran COMMANDS.
“Islam also indoctrinates teenage girls to passively, docilely, obediently, dependently, SUBMIT their minds, bodies, and lives to God.”
You bring up the Bible!? Where is Islam in the Bible?
Secular Society also teaches girls to be objective about everything and anything. They can be objectively male or female or something in between simply because they think they are.
It saddens me, how often I read of these misconceptions about the God of the Bible. He didn’t create automatons; He gave us free will, the ability to choose. I find that the more I choose to be obedient in the ways of the Lord, the greater the liberty I walk in…. & have acquired a peace of mind that is not dependent on life’s circumstances or worldly affairs. Of all things in creation, it is mankind that has the power to choose, to think, & yes, to be objective. Strive to choose wisely.
My thoughts about the young lady you thought was closed-minded when she found that college was not for her. She may have recognized the moral depravity that is today’s higher education. I find her very open-minded.
I love watching you but you must realize that most people are not as driven as you are.
My thoughts about the young lady you thought was closed-minded when she found that college was not for her. She may have recognized the moral depravity that is today’s higher education. I find her very open-minded.
I love watching you but you must realize that most people are not as driven as you are.