In this new video, Candace features China’s favorite transgender TikToker, Dylan Mulvaney, who got to speak to President Joe Biden about “trans issues”. After Mulvaney’s excited hysteria over Joe Biden (who doesn’t even know that he’s president), Mulvaney issues a call to get out and vote to confront the “darkness” of this world. Don’t miss this insight into the level of insanity that has gripped America.
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If these trans men had never heard of women, would they ever have thought of wanting to be women? If some people had never heard of tattoos, piercings, or marijuana, would they ever have thought of those things themselves?
“There are some people who would never have fallen in love if they had not heard there was such a thing.” ― Francois La Rochefoucauld
Somebody told these people they can change their sex. But all the hormones and breast removals, still leaves them with a womb. If you got a womb…you are a woman! Anything else is playing make believe. Except for in their minds. Which if they really believe so, they are suffering from psychosis.
(Noun: psychosis; plural noun: psychoses. A mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.)
It’s not just about growing the state, the U.N. Agenda 2030 is openly calling for depopulation of the western world, they inflicted convid on us and their mRNA injections are killing us too whilst pretending that the poor Africans cannot get access to it.
What better way to reduce the population than by damaging our children?
That poor sad young man told us that he’s having some real dark thoughts. Most abused kids do, who abused him, and, more importantly, how do we prevent him abusing any little boys he meets?
When are these advocates going to address the suicides so frequent in their trans communities? Oh, I forgot. That’s for haters like me to deal with because these activists are never around when really needed. They’re too busy seeking publicity.
The most interesting part of the video is when Dylan Mulvaney passes a portrait of Michelle Obama and he says, “Our queen, I love you.”
Time to jamb a Screwdriver into their Clockwork