The two Nigerian brothers hired by Jussie Smollett to “beat him up” on the streets of Chicago in 2019, in order to blame it on Trump supporters, are speaking out. In an interview for a Fox Nation documentary, the two claimed that they knew he was a fraud and laughed over the fact that they knew he was lying to the country.
After declaring it a hoax early on and getting attacked for it, Candace is vindicated!
Check out her short video commentary below:
It’s a bit late now to tell the truth about that false attack – the damage has already been done and cannot be undone.
My experience with Nigerians who have escaped from the corrupt regime is very positive, but why did it take them so long to come out?
Candace has a good BS detector, because she also said from the get go that, “Christine Blasey Ford is lying” and, then, right after their royal wedding when it was assumed they’d stay in England, “Meghan will get Harry to move back to California, where she’ll now hope to ride higher in the Hollywood pecking order.”
I once loved Candace so much………..her BS detector didnt work on her “friend” Kanye”, the anti-Semite………..and she hasnt repented of it! I’m not impressed anymore! Sadly!
when will we see the indictment of the igerian brothers for their fraudulent actions to help Smellit pullthis caper off? Didnt they lie to the pulic to support the fraud?
The lie made it around the world twice before we even got a foot in one pant leg.
Add it to the thousand other lies.
What’s the sum total?
Zero action. Zero response. Zero perp walks.
America….. whadda country!