When Biden says that he wants to fund the police, the only cops he wants to fund are the Capitol Police.
After Jan 6, I wrote that, “Congress’ private cops are the 19th largest police force in the country. It’s a larger force than the police forces of Atlanta, Baltimore, Denver, or Milwaukee with a massive $460 million budget… While Democrats advocated defunding the police, their private police force budget shot up from $375 million in 2016 to $460 million in 2020. After the Capitol Hill riot, expect it to go higher.”
The sky’s the limit.
The $1.5 trillion omnibus bill has a massive boost for the cappies.
The Capitol Police department would get $602.5 million, an increase of $87 million over the 2021 fiscal year level. This would allow the force to hire up to 2,112 sworn officers and 450 civilian employees.
A police force that has its budget go from $375 million to $602 million would be quite noteworthy.
Yes, the LAPD has a nearly $2 billion budget and the NYPD budget is huge, but those forces cover entire cities and millions of people, while the cappies cover… entire blocks.
The Capitol Police are now not only larger than the Baltimore Police Department, they also have a bigger budget despite having a fraction of the crime and territory to cope with.
As I previously noted, the Capitol Police are at 4 cops per congressman.
That would take the Capitol Police up to at least 2,200 sworn officers. And with 535 elected officials in the House and Senate, that’s a ratio of 4 cops for every congressman and woman.
House members had 3,695 staffers (total 6,880 nationwide) and Senate members had 2,342 staffers (total 4,120 nationwide) working in their D.C. offices for a combined 6,037 people.
Between members of Congress and their staffers (not to mention kits, cats, sacks, and wives), that’s over 6,500 people to be protected by 2,200 sworn officers. Or a cop per 3 employees.
The current plan is to bring the cappies up to 2,112 sworn officers. Nice work if you can get it.
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