In 2019, Sayfullo Saipov as the Uzbek immigrant who ran over people in New York City near Ground Zero while shouting, “Allahu Akbar” was quite clear about his motive.
Speaking through an interpreter for about 10 minutes, Saipov said the decisions of a U.S. court were unimportant to him. He said he cared about “Allah” and the holy war being waged by the Islamic State…
“The orders issued here have nothing to do with me,” Saipov told Judge Vernon Broderick through an Uzbek interpreter. “I am following orders of Allah.”
Everyone seems to be giving up on arguing that Saipov is suffering from airborne PTSD, debts or mental illness. So the lawyer is trying an interesting courtroom strategy.
“And as we sit here today, he still believes that, he still believes the ISIS messaging and he still believes it was Allah’s will that he do what he did,” Saipov’s attorney David Patton said.
Saipov has pleaded not guilty in federal court to 28 counts, including eight counts of murder, 18 counts of attempted murder and other terrorism charges in connection with the deadliest terror attack in New York since 9/11.
The attorney called Saipov’s actions “senseless,” adding, “There is no excuse for what he did and we will not offer one to you.”
“He did it because he had become immersed in a world of ISIS messaging online and social media in chat groups, hours and hours of audio and video material and other material. And he had become convinced that it was a religious obligation for him to commit a martyrdom attack,” Patton said.
Not guilty of killing infidels, but guilty of obeying Allah.
So he’s a victim of social media? Videos are not going to convince a large number of people that their religion tells them to kill people if it doesn’t.
ISIS recruits Muslims by accurately quoting the teachings of Mohammed. Saipov’s actions were another of the thousands of points in the Jihad which is operating and claiming lives all over the world.
He’s clear about that, but even his lawyer seems to be confused.
Fellow terrorist, and terror group CAIR’s oversized comm director Dougie Hooper are in agreement. This ackbarbarian was merely following his faith as spelled out in the terror guide, the koran, which was shat into the arabian sands by a pedophile pig-faced dog they call mohammed.
It’s just (p)islam.
“Ackbarbarian.” Nice one.
EXECUTE IMMEDIATELY. The USA needs to get ALL Muslims Islamics OUT of the Republic as fast as possible. These low IQ clowns are dangerous to Western Civilization.
Suffering is inevitable when Islam is present.
It is the obligation of responsible governance that it not be.
His lawyer wants to do his job, but his client’s consistent assertions make it clear he had criminal intent that caused the crime for which he is charged.
Actually, the lawyer’s plan might be the only hope – say the crime is “senseless” or irrational.
But this Muslim is being perfectly rational and acting in accordance with his beliefs with integrity. Proof positive that evil can be rational.
“Reason is man’s only means of grasping REALITY and of acquiring knowledge [ABOUT REALITY]—and, therefore, the rejection of reason means that men should act regardless of and/or in contradiction to the FACTS OF REALITY.” – Ayn Rand, emphasis on REALITY added for the SOPHIST in you.
Rationality means an unbreached dedication to reason and reason and non-contradictory logic are the means by which a man identifies the facts of REALITY. Reason begins with the evidence of the senses, the evidence of the perception of REALITY.
Your sophistry notwithstanding, Allah is NOT real. An imaginary friend in the sky is NOT real. Angels, leprechauns, and mermaids are not real. Drinking camel urine does NOT cure cancer. Neither Moses nor Charlton Heston parted the Red Sea with supernatural magic. Dead bodies do NOT come back to life after three days and then float up through the sky into a magical, eternal, Christian Utopia.
Just keepin’ it REAL yo.
Ayn Rand justified genocide of the Indians using the SAME reasoning as this Muslim. Native Americans were “living like animals” and had no government-recognized rights and so were unworthy of life.
Rand was wrong. Government is NOT the source of rights and reason can be used to accomplish evil with greater alacrity and effect. Randian thinking justifies genocide.
The term “Indians” and “Native Americans” are two different terms and ideas. Anybody born and raised in the USA, after 1776, regardless of race, is a native American. The term “Indian” designates a member of the pre-historic, stone age, tribes the Europeans encountered in the Americas when they arrived here. These pre-historic tribes had no concept of individual rights or private property rights, brutal and savage tribal-collectivism, and tribal wars of plunder, rape, slavery, and conquest was their social-economic-political reality. The pre-historic tribes in the Americas had no idea what America was, they did not use the term America or American to refer to themselves. Many if not most of the tribes fought to the death NOT to become American and reject brutal tribalism for the advanced concepts of individualism, individual rights, and private property rights.
Ayn Rand in NO WAY justified genocide against these pre-historic savages (and they were LITERALLY stone age savages with no horse, no gun powder, no metal tools, no pack animals, no mathematics, science, rational philosophy, no advanced farming, no written language, they had literally no advanced civilization to speak of). What she argued was that it was right and just, for an advanced civilization that recognized and defended individualism, individual rights, and private property rights to conquer a savage, stone age, tribalism.
Actually, Salutrians lived here 19,00 years ago if I remember correctly. And there’s a foot print in stone in New Mexico or Arizona that’s supposedly 20,00 years old although I don’t believe it’s possible o determine that, much less attribute it to an Indian.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.” ― Pamela Geller
Ms. Geller is arguing from Ayn Rand’s philosophy, she is an admirer of Ayn Rand. in a war between a semi-civilized people and a thoroughly primitive people, who are fighting to the death to remain utterly primitive and utterly savage, objective morality is on the side of the more advanced, semi-civilized people. The Spanish Conquistadors may have perpetrated atrocities against the Aztecs and the Incas but those atrocities paled in comparison to the brutality of the Aztecs and the Incas. So much so, that the Indian tribes that were the SLAVES of the Incas and the Aztecs joined forces with the Spaniards to overthrow the Incas and the Aztecs. You can skip to 17:45 in this video to hear firsthand what Ms. Rand had to say about the pre-historic Indians in America:
“The real Ayn Rand quote about the Indians (Native Americans)”
Read “The Discovery and Conquest of New Spain” if you want to know firsthand what the Aztecs were like. They skinned people alive and wore their beards like fur. And they ate people. Every day. It’s a good thing they’re extinct, in my opinion. I think that was the name of the book. Bernal Diaz del Castillo wrote it. He was actually there so it’s first hand information.
It’s been over thirty years since I read it so I don’t remember for sure.
Nowhere did Ayn Rand ever argue that the Rights of Man, individual rights and private property rights, come from the government, from society, from the tribe, from the race, or from God.
“The source of man’s rights is not divine law or congressional law, but the law of identity. A is A—and Man is Man. Rights are conditions of existence required by man’s nature for his proper survival. If man is to live on earth, it is right for him to use his mind, it is right to act on his own free judgment, it is right to work for his values and to keep the product of his work. If life on earth is his purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being: nature forbids him the irrational. Any group, any gang, any nation that attempts to negate man’s rights, is wrong, which means: is evil, which means: is anti-life.” – Ayn Rand
“Individual Rights or The Rights of Man” – Ayn Rand
If there’s no God. There’s no evil.
But, but, but, I thought Islam was the “religion of peace.” ISIS and this Saipov fellow must just be mistaken.
Well, he seems to have satisfied his own mind. I hope the guy who throws the switch on his electric chair is named Allah Shuartz!!
Allah = Satan
Now it makes perfect sense.
And to qoat popular adage from the 1970’s he would say THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT
He’d be right about that.
Sorry I know it is juvenile and childish but when I saw that beard I just immediately though how fun it would be to light it on fire
Hair burns fast and doesn’t do much damage burning off. Grab it, post his head to the ground, and pound his head and gonads into oblivion. That was my first thought. Long hair and long beards are a big liability in any kind of hand to hand scrap.
Me and my brother used to light each others hair on fire when we were kids. I wouldn’t even know until I smelled it burn. Burned hair has a distinctive odor.
Goat boy definitely needs to die, though.
Best friend got the side of my head with a WD-40 torch in 6th grade, same result, awful smell.
Beheading is too good for this dirtbag. Woodchipper (feet first)!
Guillotine face up? No blindfold.
Like in that movie, “Fargo.” Poor Steve buscemi got chopped up.
“And he had become convinced that it was a religious obligation for him to commit a martyrdom attack,” Patton said.”
So, why is he still alive? If he really want martyrdom, he should plead guilty and demand execution. He seems to be trying his best to now avoid martyrdom and spend his days in a mental institution. What a lying coward.
Even Timothy McVeigh had the balls to do that. He’s holding out because the dhimmi infidels will give him the chance to murder more of us.
Yes, he’s a cowardly weakling.
I do not know if I will be censored for the following comment or not, but as Rhett said to Scarlet, “!Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a ****!”
Islam, a false faith from the pit of hell!
He says he was doing Allah’s will. I say let’s do The People’s will and execute this dog.
This guy needs to be totally shaved, executed, his mouth stuffed full of pork and buried face down so he can see where he is going…………….
Shaved and tossed into the maintenance port of the septic tank on a hog farm. It’s the culturally sensitive way to do it.
Don’t think your going to see or hear this on the M.S. Media
That would be ‘islamophobic.’
I don’t care what your Mohammed says. You live in the United States, and if you don’t follow our rules, you will go to prison or be killed!!! If you don’t like it, leave and go back to where you come from after they let you go. However, killing people in the United States go to Prison or get killed for what they did!!!. We do not want people here like you!!! I think that our country should take a good look at who they are letting into our country!!!
You’re so hot. I don’t like hitting on chicks online but you’re so smoking hot.
Is that a beard or nutsack hair from a toilet rim. Damn, that guy is ugly.
So now Allah is a backseat driver?