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What’s a terrorist ceasefire without a body count?
No, there won’t be any rallies, protests or ICC investigations into this because (and this is not so secret), they were not supporting the Arab Muslims in Gaza, who they otherwise would not care about, they were supporting Hamas. And they were supporting Hamas, with hardly a clue about it, because it was fighting Israel and by extension America, Western civilization, and the free world.
So Hamas demonstrating that it is still in charge in Gaza by publicly executing a bunch of locals won’t meet with anything more than shrugs.
The latest Hamas killing spree is also the latest of the wages of the Biden-Witkoff-Qatar ceasefire which has allowed the Islamic terrorist group to rally and claim victory, securing the release of terrorists while blocking Israel’s ability to fight against it.
This is the first blood shed as a result of the ‘ceasefire’. It won’t be the last.
Graphic warning: How Hamas thugs treat their own people. Yet they are supported by so many in the west https://t.co/dfMUUSwoDh
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) January 23, 2025
Thanks !!! I was trying to find the video earlier but failed. There were countless videos of other Hamas executions from earlier days but not this one.
I guess they have so many bullets now that this is the modern form of stoning helpless victims to death.
Killing their own is about the only thing the Hamas “tough guys” have left. And to the Biden stooges who set this phony cease fire up I say “Great Job Brownie”
(Yeah, I remember the original context)
Who else would like to know the in-locus-Trump-Witkoff moral reasoning for this “ceasefire”?
Really, where’s the moral core?
I’ve heard nothing. Have you?
How do they morally explain releasing even one terrorist for every hostage? How do they explain the agonizing trickle?
How do they explain the role of Qatar, mothership of Hamas?
How do they explain giving even more “aid” to Hamas?
How do they explain demanding IDF withdrawal so Hamas can roam free and clear?
For someone who doesn’t want to get America involved in ‘foreign’ wars — Trump/Witkoff, because of imposing this morally incomprehensible arrangement that gives life-support to evil, is up to its neck in this one.
Why is Trump denying Israel the right to end the terror, to end this war, its way?
If Trump were to totally support Israel’s ending this existential war against terror, Israel’s way – which would make him the only president to do so- that would be his everlasting legacy beyond anything else he has promised to accomplish.
Maybe you should figure out who’s side you are actually on.
It was the way that Hamas treated its own people that ultimately convinced Mossab Hassan Yussef, author of “Son of Hamas,” to change sides and work with the Shin Bet. That book is a hell of a read.
Gee, wonder wonder what the offense was to warrant execution.
Life is meaningless to Hamas. As the late psychopath, Yahya Sinwar, openly stated, he considered using people as human shields acceptable deaths.
It is always the ends justify the means by this Islamic military terrorist group in the name of their god.
Unfortunately, this choice to finalize the terms of the ceasefire by Israel and approved by the entire Knesset has set a dire precedent for the nation of Israel. The one point of repeated leverage Hamas has used to great advantage is the taking of hostages. It is a horrific reality the nation has repeatedly faced and in my opinion comes as a result of the pervasive liberal-leftist ideology that has infected the entire country with the delusion that kindness and acceptance of the “Palestinians” will end the carnage and hate. While Israelis are highly intelligent, leftist ideology has become a well-integrated and acceptable poison easily consumed as many Israelis commend themselves for having workers from Gaza in their homes, businesses and also as “friends”. This willful refusal to see an enemy for who they are and to face that Hamas has but only one goal which is the annihilation of all Jews in Israel remains, after the losses of 900+ IDF soldiers, the destruction of swaths of the country, the displacement of thousands of Israelis from their homes, farms and businesses the ideological lure keeping the country bound to this evil.
Hamas won, cheering was an elation wave across the Middle East. Israel, on the verge of winning, buckled to the demands for the return of the hostages by the shrill voices from the left, pressure from the US, and a desire for the return of their people.
It is the terms of this ceasefire which evidence, once again, the strategic strength Hamas used to obtain the release of an obscene number of terrorists in exchange for hostages that were NOT all immediately released but remain in Hamas custody as a few at a time are to be returned.
This ceasefire is an abomination that will ensure additional conflict and hostage taking by them. And the soldiers who died defending the country, their spouses and children? Nobody seems to care. When you sellout those who defend you on the altar of acceptance by psychopaths and their minions you cannot be surprised when your own people come to view you with utter distrust!
I’d guess that since the victims did not have beards, they are likely Christians.
The new Hamas recruits who joined after tens of thousands of their predecessors were wiped out by the IDF need some cannon fodder for their target-practice 1.0 courses. As is well known, human life, even muslim human life, is worthless to the primitive savages that conform the terrorist Hamas army. So what if a few hundred guilty-until-proven-guilty arab scapegoats are found along Gaza and used by the savages to start their careers in murder, rape and destruction? It has been documented that little children trained by Hamas are forced to kill ducklings. kittens and puppies as part of their up-bringing. Arabs in Gaza thrive in murder, cherish death, teach it to their children and boast about it to their parents. Their teachers, their parents, their priests, their leaders, their media and their “holy” books demand that they prove their worthiness by killing other human beings, Women’s highest desires are for their children to become “martyrs” by killing Jews. That single sentiment goes completely against the natural laws, as even in the animal kingdom any mother’s immediate instinct is to protect their offspring even at the risk of their own deaths.
The naked truth that no one wants to see because it’s so politically incorrect is that about the only way to extract the death-cult from Gaza arabs is by extracting most of the Gaza arabs from planet Earth. If Gaza’s neighbor happened to be China, Russia or Mongolia, Gaza arabs would have ceased to exist long ago. Killed and disbanded, Gaza arabs would pose no threat to anyone. Luckily for them, their neighbors are the Jews, who nobody feels they should be allowed to defend themselves and destroy their enemies as the Chinese would do.
Trump’s recent proposal is second best: Dilute the savages’ killing instincts by dispersing them among the huge Indonesian muslim population.
Judging by the coverage of the ‘ceasefire’ since Trump’s inauguration, you might think that Israel fell off the planet. Have American hostages held by Hamas been freed yet? Does anyone think it is worth reporting on? Has the enthusiasm to eradicate Hamas disintegrated, and has the US acquiesced to their horrific existence?
I think we all saw this coming. Fact is there are no civilians in Gaza, they are all Hamas. They chose Hamas to lead them, and they teach their children to kill as soon as they can walk. They teach them to hate and murder Jews from their earliest ages. There are no civilians in Gaza. While it is politically impossible the best thing Israel could do with Gaza is to wipe it out completely, reduce it to fine rubble and bulldoze it into the Med. Flood all the tunnels under it with organophosphorus nerve agent as well. Finish it and remove Gaza from Israel. Then build a beautiful Israeli resort city where it was. There should be no Gaza. That land should be Israel only, inhabited by only Israelis.
I guess they were hungry for blood.