Women’s Rights Without Frontiers (WRWF) and The Committee on the Present Danger: China, (CPDC) have issued a joint letter to President Biden excoriating his latest initiatives that would have the effect of exacerbating the divisions afflicting America by imposing coercive vaccine mandates. In due course, such mandates portend as well the inevitable means of enforcing them: vaccine passports. The groups called on the President to respect our freedoms and eschew policies that diminish or destroy them.
The joint letter specifically responded to Mr. Biden’s plan with the following key rejoinders:
· In response to the President’s assertion that “We need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated,”the joint letter notes that “While the Covid[-19] vaccines appear to be effective at reducing symptoms and severity of the disease, they do not prevent infection or transmission. Therefore, fully vaccinated people who are infected may spread the disease to unvaccinated people, or even to other vaccinated people.”
· Regarding Mr. Biden’s statement that,“I am frustrated with the 80 million Americans who refuse to be vaccinated…those blocking public health….We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” the joint letter observes:“Many Americans have valid medical, religious or reasons of conscience not to be vaccinated. It is appalling they are being demonized in this way….You are actively engaged in further dividing our nation, using demeaning language intended to shame the unvaccinated, set them apart from civil society, and even threaten their livelihoods and basic freedoms should they not comply.”
· The joint letter points out that: “Your administration continues to ignore the growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating that natural immunity– gained by having recovered from Covid-19 – is far superior to the immunity imparted by vaccines – and longer lasting….Confronted with [evidence of this reality from Israel], your own Dr. Fauci stated in a CNN interview that he has ‘no firm answer’ on why people with natural immunity who have recovered from Covid need to be vaccinated.”
· The joint letter sharply questioned the President’s declaration that he had “authorized the deployment of ‘Surge Response Teams ’made up of ‘experts’ in part from the Department of Defense (DOD) and said [he] will double the number of ‘Military Health Teams’ in the field. It asked, among other things: “What is the origin of the specific legal authority behind the use of such units and exactly what will they be authorized to do?…We view your Surge Response Teams and Military Health Teams – as you briefly described them – as ominously reminiscent of the CCP’s ‘Strike Hard’ campaigns and ‘Family Planning Police.’ The implications of such abusive utilization of the military in free nations is especially worrying in light of what is taking place in Australia at the moment.
· The joint letter highlighted a key finding from a webinar the groups hosted in July: “The digital platform used by vaccine passports can provide the same totalitarian functionality as that used by the Chinese ‘Social Credit System.’ The risks of such a system being abused to deprive the American people of their liberties, livelihoods and possibly even their lives are too great to allow it, or even its precursors, to be introduced here.”
The joint letter concludes: “Stripping Americans of their constitutional rights in the search for greater safety will tarnish your legacy in the history books and will not be forgotten by the citizens you are duty-bound to protect and defend.”
To interview Reggie Littlejohn, contact reggielittlejohn@
To interview representatives of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, contact Media@
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