During the worst of the gas spike, Biden administration cronies were telling the proles that they’d be saving money if they had bought $65,000 electric cars.
Not so much.
Electric cars still need power. And that power isn’t coming from Chinese solar panels or windmills, it’s mostly coming from those same “dirty” fuels and prices are still high. There’s no escaping that reality.
Here’s how much electricity prices have surged in parts of New England this winter: For some drivers of electric vehicles and hybrid cars, it’s now more expensive to charge up than to fill up.
Power rates across the region have jumped an average of 30% since last summer, while gasoline prices have receded well below their peak in June of 2022.
Granted, anyone in New England planning to drive an electric car in the winter isn’t too bright anyway. And the article urging homeowners to get solar panels is the punchline in that little comedy.
The Biden administration’s refusal to expand supply means that Americans and Europeans are struggling to make do with limited supplies of real energy leading to price surges.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) short-term energy outlook projected that New England customers will pay on average about 26.94 cents per kilowatt-hour for electricity this month. That estimate rises to 28.95 cents per kilowatt-hour in February.
The average American household, on the other hand, is expected to pay about 14.47 cents per kilowatt-hour this month and 14.69 cents next month, according to the EIA.
There is a simple solution that isn’t building offshore wind turbines or setting lots of money on fire while chanting to Gaia.
Seabrook’s operation lowers consumer energy costs throughout New England by providing a year-round, low-cost, baseload energy supply. Connecticut state officials have attributed cost savings to electric consumers to “millions of dollars…saved by buying power from Millstone and the Seabrook…at rates that are now below the market average in New England.” Seabrook also has a long-term agreement with Vermont utility Green Mountain Power to supply power at a low cost.
Recent ISO New England economic studies show that nuclear generation will continue to reduce emissions for years to come, while saving approximately $500 million annually for New England customers.
If only there were more nuclear plants in the region.
Vermont Yankee in Vernon, Vermont, shut down at the end of 2014. Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts, closed five years later in 2019.
Today, only two nuclear power plants remain in the region – Seabrook Station in New Hampshire, built in 1990, and the two-unit Millstone plant in Connecticut, built in the 1970s and 1980s.
But who needs nuclear anyway when New Englanders can pay premium prices to charge their premium-priced electric cars that will cut driving range by a fifth in cold weather while pricing out the working class?
Very interesting from the economics point of view. I hadn’t thought of that angle, but it makes sense.
Where are the retards going to charge their little under performing electric cars? Whole Foods grocery market? Last time I checked they only have four chargers per market and they take eight hours to charge a car battery. And they cost WAY more than gasoline.
I’ll stick with my Toyota Camry. That thing will outlive me. And it drives like a champ.
I bought my 2010 Camry new in 2010. It’s never given me one day’s worth of trouble. I paid about 22K for it, but a new one today would cost over $30,000. Ouch.
Yeah, everything is expensive with Bidenflation.
Good thing you bought your car in the past.
Who knows how much they cost now?
A while back, the murderer MA Senator Teddy Kennedy, the Lion of the Senate, said of wind farms; “Not in MY backyard”.
I think that remark may have given birth to the acronym NIMBY.
Besides the wind farms are killing eagles and hawks but the thousands and whales are ramming into the bases
Bats are also killed. They suffocate from the air pressure. They die without having to hit the vanes. Insects are happy and we are “supposed” to eat them anyway.
But grasshoppers taste Good! Just ask Nichole Kidman. I don’t believe her, I think she was paid to do that. I wouldn’t eat one.
But wait, there’s more. Battery replacement in these e-vehicles aint cheap either. That can cost you thousands and thousands. One commenter on another site said a new battery with installation can cost $40,000 for a Ford Lightning. Plus, these batteries are heavy. In some vehicles that can mean nearly one ton of extra weight. Then there’s the danger that weight poses in a vehicle accident, by way of momentum, if there is a crash.
Not to mention if the battery casings are breached and catch fire
Look at the way Biden uses his hands. People with dementia have similar hand movements. Their fingers come together and stay that way, with little independent finger movement. The hands move slowly while mostly maintaining that “hand shake” position. The photo with this article shows the position clearly.
Biden’s mouth also remains open and lax for long periods of time – another thing I often observe in people who have impaired executive function.
Compare with Trump, whose hand movements show strong executive function and whose mouth never relaxes in an open position.
Just as long as Biden and his ilk don’t have to pay for it they don’t care at all for America and the American People
Don’t bother to examine a folly-ask yourself only what it accomplishes…. Collectivism does not preach sacrifice as a temporary means to some desirable end. Sacrifice is its end—sacrifice as a way of life. It is man’s independence, success, prosperity, and happiness that collectivists wish to destroy.
Some unpopular woman said that but she’s dead now. I’m just repeating what she said, who knows, maybe she’s right.
For the rest of the country, is it cheaper?
It’s not cheaper in the UK so I doubt it.
But owners of EVs can sleep well knowing that their £75,000 car was subsidised by the taxpayer by £5000
That’s an interesting point that sparked a new insight in me. What is the future of the subsidies? Will they have to keep increasing? Will they decrease over time as their proponents promised?
I think they will have to keep increasing, and/or until the system breaks down, after which who knows what will happen.
I live in a small town in the uk, someone drove down the high street in a flashy Tesla, it went out of control by suddenly speeding up and smashed into another car and a shop front. The fire brigade had problems putting the flames out and god knows what horrific fumes spewed out of it. I hope people learn their lessons.