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Neutering the CIA might be taken as a reference to the CIA’s failure to stop the events of 9/11, but as the subtitle clarifies, this is about Why U.S. Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences. That is of great interest, coming from a CIA man.
John A. Gentry started as a CIA analyst in 1986, took “another job” with the CIA soon after and left the agency in 1990. Gentry “rejoined” the IC (Intelligence Community) in other capacities, and at the MITRE Corporation worked for the intelligence policy office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. Beginning in 2010, Gentry taught at the Defense Intelligence Agency’s training center before joining the National Intelligence University, which he left in 2015. In his long experience, Gentry “taught students from virtually all IC agencies and interacted regularly with many other intelligence personnel from several agencies.”
Gentry knows that the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), forerunner to the CIA, was “riddled with Soviet agents.” He knows that the fledgling CIA stocked up on East Coast liberals, with nary a conservative or Republican in sight. The author also knows that in current times, as this recruiting video confirms, the CIA is another woke bureaucracy.
According to Gentry the key player was Obama, whose “focus was domestic and his motive clearly was political.” His chief ally was John Brennan, CIA boss from 2013 to 2017. Brennan “embraced diversity policies strenuously and institutionalized policy changes that shifted collective worldviews in ways that achieved Obama’s goals while also fostering an organizational culture that opposed Trump vigorously.”
In his address at the 2004 Democratic convention, Obama proclaimed “There’ not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America. There’s the United States of America,” with reference to a “single American family.” Contrast that with conditions at the National Security Agency (NSA) by 2019:
AA, African American; AAPI, Asian-American Pacific Islander; AIAN, American Indian Alaska Native: AV, American Veteran; ESL, English as a Second Language; HLAT, Hispanic/Latino; NG, Next Gen; PRIDE, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Allies; PWD, People with Disabilities, and W for Woman. As Gentry notes, the NSA workforce was balkanized “to a considerably less extent than CIA’s.”
In his last year in office, Obama proposed creating MENA for Middle East and North Africa, mainly Muslim countries. “Another group for IC to balkanize the workforce,” explains Gentry, who recalls that “Obama’s views on Islam altered the way IC viewed Islamic terrorism directed against the United States.”
The composite character president, formerly known as Barry Soetoro, refused to link Islam with terrorism, even with groups such as al Qaeda. According to David Muller, a retired Naval intelligence officer who worked at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), that was like discussing WWII and the Holocaust without reference to Nazi ideology and Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
According to Gentry, the NCTC “closely mimicked Obama White House language on terrorism.” The agency was managed by “M. Javed A,” charged with oversight of the counterterrorism operations of all federal agencies. The Muslim “expressed pleasure at how he had excised Islam from training courses at the FBI, where he previously worked, and said he intended to do the same in the ODNI [Office of the Director of National Intelligence] and IC generally.”
The leftist-woke-Islamophilia axis produced a culture geared to wage jihad against Trump. Gentry provides a blow-by-blow account, with a full cast of characters and explanation of the rules. For example, civilian intelligence officers are “not bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice to obey lawful orders.” Maybe they should be.
Gentry calls for a halt on “partisan political messaging,” and the selective leaking of information. Lifelong security clearances are to be avoided and “former” IC people who are “active partisans” should not have “continuing roles in supervising or advising intelligence elements.” Good ideas, but as of now “the major task of reforming US intelligence remains undone.”
That means the woke, partisan CIA is more inept than in 2001, when it failed to stop a small band of Islamic jihadists from pulling off the worst attack on the United States since December 7, 1941. With millions of unvetted illegals streaming across the border, an attack of greater magnitude becomes more likely.
Back in 1976, John Brennan voted for the Stalinist Gus Hall presidential candidate of the Communist Party USA. That vote, Gentry contends, was “consistent with the general political orientation Brennan demonstrated in later life.” On the other hand, Gentry shows little curiosity about Obama’s beloved Frank Marshall Davis, the black Communist who devoted most of his life to an all-white Soviet dictatorship. Gentry is no Vasiliy Mitrokhin, but he left some keys by the front door.
Neutering the CIA is dedicated “to the many fine people of the Central Intelligence Agency,” which vetted the book and “approved its text without change.” According to Gentry, the IC forces that triggered the attack on Trump, “remain intact, available for reactivation in the event of another serious candidacy by Trump or the election of another Republican president.” Renewed IC activism also “seems likely if even a traditional Republican again becomes president.” (emphases added) As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.
Der Fehrer(Biden)using the CIA,FBI like Hitler used his SS goons and Commies used their Brownshirts
Trump Derangement Syndrome was released from the White House lab when he stated that he was going to stop immigration from a few muslim countries and hasn’t stopped since.
Most of Europe has made criticism of islam illegal.
More and more UN organised mass muslim migration.
None of this is coincidental it’s Agenda 2030.
i think it preceded that. Obama wanted Clinton in, not Trump. And what Obama wants Obama gets or he stages an “insurrection.”
What GOOD is it?? Kennedy was right but look what that belief garnered!
Would the President, CIA put in a Japanese or Nazi leader during WW II? A Soviet during the Cold War?
JOHN BRENNAN, a Communist and a Muslim as CIA head? Wasn’t he in charge for countering Communists and Muslims with operations around the world? He, and his Master, were instead aiding and abetting their Communist Comrades and Muslim Brothers! Look at the rise of both today! Arab Spring. Overthrow of Mubarak to be replaced by his Muslim Brotherhood who he quickly recognized. Libya! NASA’s Muslim Outreach… which the Muslim’s learned to build their own Rocket Program.
Obama was given the Nobel Prize, not for something he did, as if being elected the First Black President is worthy of this award. (Obama is the First Half-White Half-Black so the first Black hasn’t been elected yet, and neither has the First Black Vice-President. I do know that Obama slaps his White half every morning and again before bed. He never mentions his white upbringing does he, even his White Privilege.)
Obama was given the Prize for what he was planning on doing with the Committee loved: A UNITED STATES RETREAT FROM THE WORLD. The void was then filled by a massive rise of Communists and Muslims. “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!” At the same time, Obama is instrumental in the rise of BLACK SUPREMACY! Now up to 75 BLACKS ONLY COLLEGE GRADUATIONS! Black Student Unions. Blacks Only Dorms. THEN DEI with many Black radicals heading that agenda, especially at universities! WOULD THEY SUPPORT A STUDENT WHO WORE A MAGA HAT ON CAMPUS AND WHO GOT BEAT UP, HAT TAKEN AWAY, VERBAL ABUSE???? WHAT ABOUT JEWS?
Google: “Obama Sundial 1983” which is an article he wrote on Communist Party USA front groups that he was a member of at Columbia. Remember these fronts? All PRO-SOVIET and very ANTI-AMERICAN! The CPUSA and KGB teamed up to recruit millions in the ’60s and ’80s. Notice the Central American takeover with Daniel Ortega still ruling Nicaragua who is arresting ALL political opponents and now a Bishop and nine Priests, “as a threat to our Democracy!” NOW THE DEMOCRATS ARE USING THE SAME TACTIC! They really loved Fidel for doing the same!
To Steve
Your 1000 percent correct
Dovid ben leizer
Let’s start with how the Soviet agent Harry Dexter White was living in the White House during WWII while FDR was shtupping Lucy Mercer and his other gf’s — and Stalin didn’t know about that?? And maybe White wasn’t so much an “advisor” to FDR but a conduit for Stalin’s instructions lest the Russians instruct the American press to act on what they already knew about FDR’s sex life..
A friend of mine was working on counter-terrorism in the IC during the Obama administration. He retired early out of frustration that his work was going nowhere. He was told by his superiors that the White House would just reject anything submitted to it that implicated Islam and Islamic doctrine so they just returned his reports to him. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with his analysis. It was just that the White House would automatically reject it.
One of if not the best book on the topic of disassociating Islam from threats to our security and culture is “Catastrophic Failure – Blindfolding America in the face of Jihad” by Stephen Coughlin. As an Army Major attached to the Joint Chiefs Intelligence Directorate, he had a front row seat to watch how after 9/11 there was effort to bring on-board experts on Islam, but then they were all shown the door.
The most pathetic thing to hear after a terrorist incident in the US is “we were aware of” …………. That is amazing! They never say WHEN they were aware. Only they were aware. Was that when they saw it on CNN or 2 years ago? What a nice cover. Remember dollar Bill Clinton saying that he first heard about a Paki nuke from watching CNN! Sleep soundly to all. The pros are on the job.