Brandon Johnson’s “victory” means that Mayor Lori Lightfoot will be replaced by someone far worse. Lightfoot at least made occasional efforts to fight crime, Johnson’s message is that criminals are the victims.
That is the trend in a party and a political system that goes to extremes.
Johnson’s victory comes as little surprise despite polls that showed Paul Vallas was leading. Like Rick Caruson in Los Angeles, Vallas picked up endorsements from Democrats, including surprising ones, ran as a moderate and seemed poised to win over a city that was tired of the madness. And, like the LA mayoral race it didn’t matter. Johnson and Bass had the same two assets, racial bloc voting and a political machine capable of delivering votes, especially once it understood how many votes were needed to get its candidate over the top.
I’m not even counting the media.
Chicago loves crime, but this isn’t the Capone kind of vote, it’s the solidarity between the Left and the thugs running the streets. The old Chicago machine alternated between tolerating crime and cracking down on it. It cut dirty deals with bosses and busted hoods. The new machine loves street level criminals. And they love it.
Crime has not as good as it has under the new wave of leftist pro-crime Democrats for a long time. And in Chicago, where the Democrats used to court the working class vote, there were serious efforts to at least fight street-level violence. Not anymore. The old coalition is in shards. What has replaced it are leftist wokes, teachers’ unions and gang members.
Even Al Capone had more class.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I visited Al Capone’s cell on Alcatraz when I was there. In retrospect, Chicago was probably better off when Capone was boss.
Noah Andeark says
I’m thankful for Chicagoan’s choice. They provide us with daily giggle-snorts. Granted, there are a lot of Democrat run cities that are equally Hilliarious**, but Chicago is a consistent favorite.
** Hillary, liar, and hilarious – all-in-one
American Human says
I hope you don’t giggle and snort when you hear of weekly murder sprees. Regardless of who is killed, its a tragedy and a human life or lives were snuffed out for no rational reason and no one will be held to account. There will be those who morn and cry and who’s lives will be shattered.
Intrepid says
And there will be those who beat us over the head with their annoying handwringing. Oh the humanity.
BTW, Chicago deserves what it gets.
Beez says
But we don’t deserve what Chicago gives us. That includes BO. And by the way, he’s on his way to Africa to live. Things that make me go … hmmm
rocco barbella says
I’m totally lost here. Chicago wanted Lightfoot out for many reasons, but crime was one of the biggest. So, they get rid of Lightfoot and bring in someone who wants to defund the police, go softer on crime and hates white people?
Kynarion Hellenis says
You assume the voting was rational and fair. Change that assumption and you will not be lost.
Don Saliman says
Are the voters in Chicago blind or stupid, oh I forgot as long as you
If you have a “D” by your name, you will be elected, and if you have an “R” by your name, you are guilty and must go to jail.
I hope in the elections of 2024, Biden and Harris are voted out of the race, and then the Republicans, if they have the courage, do to the DemocRAT party what they did to them
I am not sure if they have the courage to do it, so Trump needs the win and gives another 4 years
Charles Casaburi says
Let me introduce a few facts into the discussion. 53% of black males are convicted felons those are the ones that are clunky justice system catches. You can bet that the ones that actually are felons is a good deal higher than that. What does that mean? Most blacks are personally acquainted with dangerous criminals. Would you want your brother uncle husband ect to rot in prison for years? Once a political jurisdiction gets a large number of blacks effective law enforcement becomes impossible. That’s what happened in Detroit. Much of Detroit looks like Hiroshima after the bomb & it still elects far left democrats. The Detroitification of most of America’s big cities is far advanced & probably irreversible. The only question left is America as a whole going the same route yes but long before that happens America will shatter into separate ethnostates
Beez says
Just as Frank Marshall Davis and his son, Barack Hussein Obama, hoped it would.
Kasandra says
They have neither class nor brains. People with the financial ability to do so will flee the city taking their tax dollars with them. Then what will a Johnson regime do?
Charles Casaburi says
The democrats will control the federal government. They are already in total control of the federal bureaucracy. Then trillions will be funneled into these democrat hellholes. Of course that will in turn guarantee massive inflation that’s when things get interesting. The democrats unfortunately will control the “narrative” skyrocketing prices will be blamed on greedy corporations.
Beez says
Remain in power and continue to suck up all those federal tax dollars courtesy of other states..
internalexile says
When people/idiots continue to vote for less freedom and more crime, that is indeed what they will get.
cedar9 says
Zimbabwe north here we come.
Capitalist-Dad says
Who cares? Chicago residents have chosen, and now they can rot in the filthy.
Down Easter says
Chicago is in real compitition with Detroit for urban disfunction.
p38ace says
I disagree. Chicago is more dysfunctional than Detroit. Name the number of airports in Detroit that have torn up after midnight.
Spurwing Plover says
The Windy City of Windheads still have not learned a thing