Michelle Obama, Tina Tchen and Kim Foxx do good work.
When they go low and fake hate crimes, we make sure all the charges against them get dropped.
In a stunning move, prosecutors in Chicago dropped all charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett on Tuesday despite acknowleging Smollet fabricated a street attack on himself in an attempt to get a pay raise.
“We stand behind the investigation and the facts revealed,” said Joe Magats, the first assistant state attorney in Illinois, who took over the case when his boss, State Attorney Kim Foxx, recused herself from the probe after it surfaced that she had been in touch with Smollett’s family.
My favorite part of this is Jussie Smollett getting credit for doing community service for Jesse Jackson.
Magats also said that he was satisfied with Smollett forfeiting the 10 percent of a $100,000 bond that he put up, and completing community service prior to getting the charges dropped.
$10K? Will Lori Loughlin get that deal?
The unanticipated development shocked Chicago, and prompted angry reactions from Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, who each reiterated their belief that the incident was a hoax — with Emanuel wondering aloud, “Is there no decency in this man?”
The duo went on to accuse to ‘Empire’ actor of receiving preferential treatment by the Illinois State Attorney’s Office.
“This is without a doubt a whitewash of justice,” Emanuel said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon. “There is no accountability. It is wrong, full stop.”
Johnson said he was surprised to learn of the decision to drop charges against Smollett while attending a police academy graduation with Mayor Emanuel.
A furious Johnson said prosecutors brokered a deal with Smollett in secrecy.
“I’m sure we all know what happened this morning,” Johnson said at his press conference. “Do I think justice was served? No. What do I think justice is? I think this city is owed an apology.”
But Magats said that in addition to forfeiting his bond, Smollett also did community service for Operation PUSH, the non-profit community organization founded by the Rev. Jesse Jackson. He also noted that Smollett did not have a criminal history,
“Our goal and our No. 1 priority is combatting violent crime and the drivers of violence and we look to our resources to do that and I don’t think that Mr. Smollett is a driver of violence or a violent individual,” Magats said.
He said the decision to reach a disposition in the case was “mine and mine alone.” He said he did not consult with Foxx before making the decision.
So Joe’s current position is that only people who commit violent crimes get prosecuted?
Mark Geragos tweeted, “Today, all criminal charges against Jussie Smollett were dismissed by the Prosecution. Jussie’s record has been wiped clean. Jussie was attacked by two people he was unable to identify. He was a victim and was victimized again in a rush to judgment. Apologies accepted.”
Based on some of those Avenatti reports, at least someone involved in the Smollett case is going to jail.
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