We spend a lot of time talking about Antifa, completely out of proportion to its actual numbers. Black Lives Matter has the numbers. But hardly anyone is talking about the gang violence that is sending shootings and murder rates skyrocketing in major cities.
Especially Chicago.
Some of these gangs are also heavily involved in the organized professional looting and the commercial burglaries in major cities. Again, especially Chicago which has more gang members than cops.
And now matters may be escalating.
federal intelligence alert obtained by the ABC7 I-Team has gone out to Chicago-area law enforcement with an ominous warning: nearly three dozen cold-blooded street gangs “have formed a pact to ‘shoot on-sight any cop that has a weapon drawn on any subject in public’.”
The “situational information report” from FBI officials in Chicago dated August 26, 2020, states “members of these gang factions have been actively searching for, and filming, police officers in performance of their official duties. The purpose of which is to catch on film an officer drawing his/her weapon on any subject and the subsequent ‘shoot on-sight’ of said officer, in order to garner national media attention.”
There’s only a partial list, but these are not insignificant gangs.
The FBI alert, headlined “Pact Made by People Nation Gang Factions to ‘Shoot On-Site’ Any Police Officer with a Weapon Drawn” lists street gangs that have become well-known in Chicago the past five decades, from the Latin Kings and Vice Lords to the El Rukns and Black P Stones.
The Vice Lords have tens of thousands of members. The Latin Kings effectively have their own religion.
This may be a trial balloon meant to carve out space for the gangs to dominate neighborhoods even more than they already have.
The Black Lives Matter Effect has been even more effective than the Ferguson Effect in suppressing police enforcement. There’s not much standing in the way of the gangs and they’re showing their muscle.
Gangs and certain Democrat politicians, again especially in Chicago, have well-known entanglements and the Democrat-Criminal alliance may be heading to knew heights.
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