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Democrats, led by the Biden administration, decided to ram open the border, shut down security measures, and funnel mobs of invading migrants all through the country. Not only Republicans, but Democrats aren’t happy when their neighborhoods are overrun by the invaders.
Here are scenes from the class struggle in Chicago.
Kenwood resident Doris Lewis, saying she lives across the street from the hotel, blasted Yancy and other city officials at the meeting for their plans.
“I am absolutely livid, livid. You all are so hypocritical. I live right across the street from that hotel. Back when they were there in the spring … they would be on our lawn, on our benches. I’m walking around the building, what do I walk upon? Three men urinating on the building,” Lewis said. “I don’t want them there. Take them someplace else or send them back to Venezuela, I don’t care where they go.
“This is wrong … 73 percent of the people homeless in this city are Black people. What have you done for them?” Lewis asked, drawing claps and cheers from some in the crowd. “What are you doing for the thousands of black children who are not in school?”
Alderman Andre Vasquez, a socialist politician who still has a red rose on his social media despite the DSA kicking him out, tried to fix everything by telling the angry black residents that they were a bunch of racists who were playing into the hands of Republicans.
Vasquez, chair of the City Council’s Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights, said residents were playing into the hands of those seeking to divide Black and Brown communities by sending the buses to the city.
“It is an intentional attack on the city of Chicago to get us to be divided,” Vasquez said, eliciting some claps. “They don’t want to see a successful Democratic Party, they don’t want to see the president reelected, they want to see Chicago look like a disaster.”
Could Vasquez have been any more condescending?
And while the socialist may be very invested in Biden’s success, that’s not true of the average resident faced with having their community overrun, who don’t give a damn about Biden or the image of the Democrats taking a beating. Chicago is a disaster, that’s why they’re outraged.
But there’s a simpler solution. Take all those huge Obama Foundation buildings and turn them into migrant shelters. Let the Obamas live out their principles and hand over their mansions and offices to the invaders.
Somehow I don’t think that’s happening and everyone knows it.
Ordinary people are expected to suffer and keep their mouths closed, but some of them aren’t having it.
And calling them racists and accusing them of dividing the Democrats won’t change that.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol, great humor. My first laugh of the day 🙂
Great article! Thanks Daniel!!!
Jeff Bargholz says
I know, right?
“Obama Foundation buildings.” I don’t even know what those are, although I suspect they suck. That shows you how ignorant I am, that I don’t know what they are and am too lazy to look it up.
None of the “sanctuary city” scumbags are willing to share their homes with wet backs. That makes them worse than the wetters. At least the wetters admit they’re here for free stuff and don’t pontificate about being supposed victims of Republicans.
You know America is lost when scum like them abound.
Shit. If I were from Venezuela and eating cats and rats, I
Jeff Bargholz says
….I would want to sponge off America, too.
Not exactly the best “migrant” pool.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Obama is trying to build an Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, to glorify his reign.
Greg Swank says
Do they know? Do they understand? Do they think Communism is a three day work week and sipping cappuccinos at the local coffee shop on their days off? They are in for a rude surprise.
“We are not utopians, we do not “dream” of dispensing at once with all administration, with all subordination. These anarchist dreams, based upon incomprehension of the tasks of the proletarian dictatorship, are totally alien to Marxism, and, as a matter of fact, serve only to postpone the socialist revolution until people are different. No, we want the socialist revolution with people as they are now, with people who cannot dispense with subordination, control, and “foremen and accountants”. – Vladimir Lenin.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” ~ Norman Thomas.
“You cannot do anything without rousing the masses to action. A plenary meeting of the Soviet must be called to decide on mass searches in Petrograd and the goods stations. To carry out these searches, each factory and company must form contingents, not on a voluntary basis: it must be the duty of everyone to take part in these searches under the threat of being deprived of his bread card. We can’t expect to get anywhere unless we resort to terrorism: speculators must be shot on the spot. Moreover, bandits must be dealt with just as resolutely: they must be shot on the spot.” ~ Vladimir Lenin.
“We do not have time to play at “oppositions” at “conferences.” We will keep our political opponents… whether open or disguised as “nonparty,” in prison.” ~ Vladimir Lenin.
“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” ― Leon Trotsky.
“It never succeeds in the form of Marx’s imagination, but always degrades into a strongman dictatorship.” – Leon Trotsky.
“Look back at history – those who guided the revolution in the time of its culmination never kept their leading positions long after the turning point.” ~ Leon Trotsky
These would-be Communists in Chicago are in for some big surprises!
Tony Petroski says
“‘It is an intentional attack on the city of Chicago to get us to be divided,’ Vasquez said, eliciting some claps. ‘They don’t want to see a successful Democratic Party, they don’t want to see the president reelected, they want to see Chicago look like a disaster.’”
The Democratic Party has had a century to be successful in Chicago. It’s time to try another way. I suggest having honest elections with real choices rather than Venezuelan-style “elections.”
And “they” in Chicago don’t want to see their city “look like a disaster.” They want to prevent it from looking like Venezuela. Why not send the Venezuelans home?
roberta says
” Three men urinating on the building,” Lewis said.”
In the countries these people come from, the shopkeepers and owners know that if they allow people to use their facilities-they will shoplift while inside. No favor goes unpunished in the 3rd world, not one not ever.
Therefor they are accustomed to public urination and defication. Watch your step.
NAVY ET1 says
While I’m sure it must be painful and eye-openingly unfortunate for blacks in the short term, it’s good for them to see how they’ve been replaced as the PROP RACE of choice by Democrats. Though everyone else could see that it was NEVER about digging them out of poverty, but sustaining that poverty as a perpetual voting block for them through sweet, unfulfilled promises…the harsh light of dawn has broken.
No one likes to find out they’ve been played. With the language and cultural barriers the illegal represents, Democrats know they can play them for quite a while.
I am curious, however, to know how blacks feel about being on the receiving end of the “racist” monogram. That must sting a little, huh? Understand that your party of choice loves negative labels and couldn’t subsist without them. Your emulation of them has it’s consequences.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, fuck those racist cunts. They’re getting what they’ve deserved all these decades.
bob says
it took an idiot like biden to bring together black racists and white people.
CowboyUp says
“It is an intentional attack on the city of Chicago to get us to be divided,” Vasquez said, eliciting some claps. “They don’t want to see a successful Democratic Party, they don’t want to see the president reelected, they want to see Chicago look like a disaster.” — Giving Chicago what Chicago claims it wants is an “attack.” The democrat party is “successful,” Vasquez, and as a direct result Chicago not only looks like a disaster, it IS a disaster. Smile and suffer for the Party, comrades. Try not to dwell on the fact that the dems had you in the back of the bus, until those awful Republicans came along, and now the dems are just tossing you under the bus, lol.
As “chair of the City Council’s Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights,” Vasquez might be asked where that $150 million went, that the city claims it spent on illegal aliens.
Angel Jacob says
Blacks are the most racist group of people.
90% of interracial violent crime is black on white. How many times blacks have condemned those criminals? Or any other black criminals?
How many times blacks have embraced, solidified with or protected other races?
Justin Swingle says
Chicago Residents Gather to Oppose New Migrant Shelter at Lake Shore Hotel
Scores of angry residents of Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood gathered at an August 30 community meeting to oppose City Hall’s plans to house several hundred illegal border crossers at the Lake Shore Hotel.
The hotel had been a designated shelter in the past, but residents say that the illegals brought with them a host of problems, including loitering, noise, littering, and open drug use and dealing, according to ABC 7.
No one wants these forgein Invaders from south of the border Biden and his Democrat/Globalists wants to flood America with Illegal Aliens/Future Democrat Voters and Supporters and here is a another reason for Bidens Impeachment and trial for Treason
Guy Jones says
Gullible, dim-witted and easily manipulated Chicago blacks are getting exactly what more politically savvy people would fairly expect from empowering and electing vile Dumb-o-crats.
I find the protests of black Chicagoans to be farcical — these rubes still don’t comprehend that the Dumbs have been hustling, exploiting and undermining their interests, for decades.
Mike says
From all I see and hear and read, IS IT TIME TO NUKE ILLINOIS?
LJ says
Blacks are racists. In fact, they tend to be the most racist group of people in the US at this point in our history. They just get a pass because everyone is afraid that the racists will riot, loot and burn down their cities if they are ever held accountable for their actions.
Steven Kardas says
The left will eat thier own because with leftist, the end justifies the means. People are just tools to commies to be used and used up. That goes for both Black American’s and the illegal’s they flooding into our Nation unabated.
Send them all to the United Nations Building to live with Coffee Cup Anan
Andrew Blackadder says
Young healthy foreign men carrying a better Phone than the one I can afford is given better treatment than the actual Americans sleeping on the streets of America and its good to see blacks in Chicago taking note of which political party is looking out for them and which Race of people are gunning down young black Americans every Weekend in Chicago..
The only thing anybody can say to black folks across Chicago is that YOU voted for this so suck it up.
FYI… Both Martin Luther King AND Malcolm X were registered Republicans…
How many Negroes in America are aware of that FACT.