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Soros DA Kim Foxx is committed to social justice and ending mass incarceration. What that means is that killing a baby is a misdemeanor and not just at the offices of Planned Parenthood.
Two teenage boys are facing only misdemeanor charges after they allegedly stole a car and crashed it into another vehicle, killing a 6-month-old baby in Chicago last week.
The 6-month-old boy, Cristian Uvidia, died in the hospital following the crash.
As of Sunday evening, a Chicago police spokesperson said no further charges have been brought against the teen boys.
Rivera called the misdemeanor charges “disheartening” in an interview with Fox 32 Chicago.
People are now asking the Soros DA to have something resembling human feelings in place of her racist black nationalism and fervent love for criminals and actually do her damn job. For once.
Cristian Uvidia’s family, like many, took his photo to commemorate his monthly milestones.
But, Cristian’s family would only get to capture five photos.
“It’s sad, because my mom took a picture of him every single month,” said Rivera, Cristian’s aunt. “We never got to take the six-month picture.”
Rivera said now, the West Side family is planning the baby’s funeral within a year of celebrating his arrival into this world.
“The funeral director, he suggested that we put balloons, because, ultimately, they’ll be the only balloons that he’ll ever receive,” Rivera said.
Community activists on Monday demanded that stiffer charges be filed.
“The charges did not fit the crime,” said Andrew Holmes. “My message is to the state’s attorney, and anybody else that has hands on this case, ‘What are you looking at? What are you feeling? How about first degree murder? How about reckless homicide?'”
Cristian’s family is determined to fight for justice.
“To say that it hurts; it’s like reliving the day all over again,” Rivera said. “And, it just it sends a message of to us, at least, that like, truthfully, his life meant nothing.”
The Riveras are the wrong race and they’re not murderers. That’s two strikes against them as far as Kim Foxx and any Soros DA is concerned.
The Left loves criminals and hates the innocent. Its pro-crime activism is at the core of its heart of darkness.
Just imagine the outrage – marches, graffiti, vandalism etc. – if that had been a black baby killed by whites.
Probably another example of black crime vs Hispanic.
DAs are elected by the citizens of a local legal jurisdiction to enforce the law (both the statutory law and the decisional law) in that place. Nowadays we are seeing something that really has never happened before in our country–DAs (usually Soros-funded DAs) are deciding in a WHOLESALE way which laws they will enforce and which they will not enforce as if they really had the legal right to do that (in case you are wondering, DAs never have had that legal power before). There are approximately seventy-five ‘big-city’ DAs in our country whom Soros has funded. Everyone can now see what damage Soros has done to our country by doing this. If a State does not already have the legal right to do so (and I suppose that there are some States which still do not have such a legal basis for doing so), EVERY State legislature should ensure that its State has the legal basis to remove and/or disbar any DA who arrogates such legal power to himself to do this (regardless of how that State chooses to do this). If someone who is a DA wants instead to become a lawmaker, he should run for the legislature. In our country we do not believe that only one person should be judge, jury and executioner which (in a sense) is what these Soros-funded DAs have now become.
That’s what Florida did. Conservative states need to follow suit.
And we need to end this whole selective enforcement thing that took off under Obama.
The Left wants selective enforcement, how about we stop enforcing most environmental regs
I have no words to describe this decision. “Digusting” and “depraved” approach a description but don’t do it justice. Nor does Kim Foxx.
Soros and his ilk needs run clean out of America and take his Open Society group with him to the French Alps
As Colin Flaherty used to say (without racism, without rancor and without apology), “Crime is the new black entitlement.”