The Chicago Statue Topplers Commission, formally the Chicago Monuments Project Advisory Committee, formed by Mayor Lori Lightfoot to decide which key dedications to American history to purge and which ugly politically correct propaganda works to replace them with has called for artistic interventions.
The Nazis were big on artistic interventions involving bonfires and Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Statue Topplers Commission has delivered its expected recommendations.
All the Columbus statues have to go. The Statue Topplers Commission hasn’t quite nerved itself up to purging Washington and Lincoln just yet, but has called for artistic interventions targeting Lincoln and Washington.
Several artworks are historically and/ or artistically significant, but either do not acknowledge the challenging legacies of their subjects (e.g. slavery) or they use stereotyped portrayals within the works themselves. CMP recommends these monuments as sites for permanent and/or ongoing artistic prioritized interventions that will help viewers reconsider the works and their subjects.
The works in this category include: » “George Washington”
Concurrently, the City will revise the monuments’ accompanying text. Though not prioritized for immediate artistic interventions, such measures may be employed in the future through ongoing program investments. These monuments include: The City’s collection of Lincoln statues including “Standing Lincoln,” “Seated Lincoln,” “Lincoln Rail Splitter” and “Young Lincoln”
Monuments to significant people including “General John Logan Monument,” “Ulysses S. Grant Monument,” “Benjamin Franklin,” “Robert Morris-George Washington-Haym Salomon Monument” (Heald Square Monument), “Leif Ericson” and “Robert Cavelier De La Salle”
Yes, they’re coming after Lincoln, Washington, Franklin, and Grant.
They’re not quite ready to begin the formal purge, but they’re prepping the ground. Expect lots of added material about how they were evil imperialistic slave owners.
These people hate America. They’re the party of hating this country.
Meanwhile, more immediately headed to the chopping block, Fort Dearborn Massacre” Why? » The sculpture’s title and violent imagery reinforce a founding myth of Chicago that characterizes American Indians as deceitful and untrustworthy.
The Fort Dearborn Massacre” commemorates an actual historical event that was crucial to the history of the region. Women and children were brutally murdered. The event has since been fed through a historical revisionism mulcher. The term massacre is no longer used, instead it’s being called a battle, and now the memorial is being purged.
As someone who has been researching a book about the War of 1812 for the past three years, I can say this, indeed, was a bloody massacre, committed by an overwhelming number of Pottawatomie and other Native Americans, whose victims were scores of white men, women and children. The two sides did not meet as equal forces on a battle field. On one side was a column of hundreds of Native American warriors who descended from behind the sand dunes on a column of soldiers and civilians who had handed over Fort Dearborn to the Indians and were peacefully departing. The column of 148 soldiers and civilians, including women and children, presented no threat to the Native Americans. When it was over, more than 60 were killed, and most of the rest taken prisoners and sold into slavery. One entire wagon load of children too young to make the hike on foot were slaughtered.
This was typical enough in Indian wars.
It’s possible to have a balanced historical view of events at the time without denying the past. This is just revisionism. And it’s despicable. Much like Lightfoot and her Chicago Statue Topplers Commission.
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