It seems the chickens are coming home to roost in New York City. The Upper West Side neighborhood of Manhattan – long considered one of the most liberal communities in the country — is up in arms as there are several new homeless shelters packed with junkies and registered sex offenders.
According to media reports, hundreds of homeless people have descended upon the area causing chaos. How many of those people blindly vote Democrat, yet are opposed to homelessness in their own backyard? Do these folks, who just a few months were clamoring to defund the police, expect police protection from those shooting drugs up in the streets by their homes? Do they just hope masturbators in the street will miraculously stop?
Against this backdrop, New York City is stopping cars at random checkpoints to enforce quarantine rules, but lets people commit crimes and get out of jail with no bail.
This week, I was thrown out of “Upper West Siders for Safer Streets,” a Facebook discussion group formed to discuss the problems of that neighborhood, for daring to suggest protesting Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio for their policies which are to blame for the issues in our city.
Organizers of these groups removed me for “discussing politics” as they advocate instead, calling City Council members. Nearly all of them vote Democrat and voted de Blasio.
Meanwhile, de Blasio has called people like me who are now living in the Hamptons “fair-weather friends,” saying:
“This city is for New Yorkers, this is for people who live here, work here, fight to make this place better, fight through this crisis.”
I am a native New Yorker, a product of the NYC public school system who is raising a family in this city, and who has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for this city. Where does it say we need to put our families in danger?
For the next few years, the city that never sleeps will be sleeping. Without restaurants, culture and all the things that made our city great, many residents have left and will not return. Taxes, over-regulation, and soft-on-crime policies like bail reform leave many like this native of NYC wondering why the hell we need it.
Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio will go down in history as the great destroyers of New York City.
Let us pray sane minds prevail in New York City, but I don’t have my hopes up.
Ronn Torossian is a native New Yorker and entrepreneur.
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