Here we go again. (via Lauri Regan)
Jeffrey Goldberg helped embarrass Obama by greedily pimping the “Chickens__t” quote thereby not only causing the latest crisis between Obama and the Jewish State, but sabotaging his own effort to harm Netanyahu while helping Obama.
Since then Goldberg has gone back to making the same tiresome arguments that a child can see through. The argument is a false choice. Liberals love it more than they love 50 dollar ethically sourced water. It goes something like this.
“Either you believe that the current immigration system works or you have to get behind my proposal for illegal alien amnesty. Either you believe that our national security is flawless or you have to back my plan to nuke Denver.”
The Goldberg variation on it is the same old, same old.
My rule of thumb is simple: If you believe that the status quo in the Middle East is sustainable, which is to say, if you believe that Israel can maintain its settlements across the West Bank ad infinitum, and continue, into the indeterminate future, to subvert those Palestinians still working for a two-state solution, then Obama can plausibly be judged – rhetorically, at least – as anti-Israel.
Goldberg is wrong in two ways.
First it’s possible not to hate Israel, but to believe that the situation is unstable. That’s not the case with Obama who does not like Israel and does not care very much whether the situation is sustainable or not. Though to be fair, no president cared whether it was sustainable.
Second, and more relevantly, no situation is sustainable “ad infinitum”, when it comes to countries.
Is the United States sustainable ad infinitum? History would suggest otherwise. Therefore the United States is unsustainable. So let’s nuke Denver.
All nations and civilizations are inherently unsustainable. It’s their imbalances that provide them with momentum and growth. A truly sustainable civilization would be static and dead incapable of growth or change.
That’s something liberals who love abusing the word sustainable even more than they love Obama, don’t see to grasp.
Third, there are no Palestinian Arabs working toward a two-state solution. The last round of negotiations, thoroughly sabotaged by Abbas, proved that.
Aside from everything else, that’s why Goldberg’s argument and the various “Israel needs to stop being selfish and do more for peace” are nothing more than crazy lies being used to sell a campaign against the Jewish State.
Israel has shown up to countless negotiations, made endless offers, only to get bombed, shot at and have the other side walk away at the last minute because that’s what it’s been doing ever since Arafat moved into the place.
The only thing that Jeffrey Goldberg’s latest screed establishes is that he’s a dishonest lying hack.
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