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The fact that China was able to do this is catastrophic. We’re losing any pre-war prep to China which means that it’s likely to move more aggressively. A balance of power is the best way to avert a war and that depends on us keeping up our end. The Biden administration has failed grotesquely at that. Biden’s latest decision to pick a “historic” Navy Chief of Naval Operations instead of the one readiest to take on China just plays into that. But the national security complex has also failed badly at doing its job. Yet again.
Finally, a basic question is what exactly does an act of war with the PRC look like short of live fire?
This looks a whole lot like planting bombs in the event of a future conflict. It’s closer to the wire than the past hacks because this is not espionage, it looks more like terrorism. And we consider that an act of war.
The closest counterparts to this were the revelations that the USSR had planted nuclear weapons on American soil in the event of a war. While arms caches were found in some European countries, the suitcase nukes never were. The Clinton administration showed no interest in the subject and no one followed up since. That means we might still have bombs waiting to go off in major cities.
But whether the Russian suitcase nukes exist, the Chinese digital malware certainly does.
The malware, one congressional official said, was essentially “a ticking time bomb” that could give China the power to interrupt or slow American military deployments or resupply operations by cutting off power, water and communications to U.S. military bases. But its impact could be far broader, because that same infrastructure often supplies the houses and businesses of ordinary Americans, according to U.S. officials.
They say the investigations so far show the Chinese effort appears more widespread — in the United States and at American facilities abroad — than they had initially realized. But officials acknowledge that they do not know the full extent of the code’s presence in networks around the world, partly because it is so well hidden.
There is a debate inside the administration over whether the goal of the operation is primarily aimed at disrupting the military, or at civilian life more broadly in the event of a conflict. But officials say that the initial searches for the code have focused first on areas with a high concentration of American military bases.
“The Biden administration is working relentlessly to defend the United States from any disruptions to our critical infrastructure, including by coordinating interagency efforts to protect water systems, pipelines, rail and aviation systems, among others,” said Adam R. Hodge, the acting spokesman for the National Security Council.
And a fine job they’re doing of it too.
NAVY ET1 says
As a former member of the military, if I allow myself to statically ponder this information, it could send me “’round the bend” in fear for my country’s safety.
As a Christian, I’m reminded that an omnipotent hand is orchestrating a glorious plan: the Lord is the one who “removes kings and establishes kings” (Dan. 2:30). We tend to think that a ruler has to be righteous for God to use him, but Proverbs 21:1 tells us that the Lord can direct the heart of any national leader whenever He wishes. In fact, He describes two pagan kings, Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus as “My servant” (Jer. 25:9) and “My shepherd” (Isa. 44:28). While unknown to them, God guided their paths to fulfill His purposes.
Fear is the opposite of faith. While there is much left to do on our parts, our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to live in fear. As the children’s song reminds us, “He’s got the whole world in His hands”.
roberta says
What you were feeling while reading the above, is what losing feels like.
It pales in comparison to what lost is going to feel like.
What the chinese have shown themselves able to do to their own people, should give one a good idea
of what they will do to us.
Oddly enough no one in DC sees this. Or do they?
The Captain says
What do you think many, if not most, of those Chinese PhDs, computer scientists, engineers and researchers working in technology jobs in the US are doing? They are beholden to the PRC either out of loyalty or fear and doing everything they can to advance the cause of China and hurt the US. That means probably every power source, utility, communications system and logistics provider in the country is compromised. We’re being overthrown from within and don’t even see it coming.
Angel Jacob says
Are they sure it was China?
Iran has been actively hacking and infiltrating US networks for decades. The mullahs don’t have the IQ for that, but they have billions of dollars in their accounts and hire all kinds of criminals.
If they manage to shift the blame to China, it’s a win win for the terrorists.
Neither US nor China have an ultimate goal of global dictatorship. Islam does.
How do we know covid virus wasn’t released by muslims in China?
Both China and US should never lose focus on fighting islam. In fact they can come together in fighting the most destructive enemy of all humanity.
Michael C Wood says
Ever since my USMC Boot Camp in 1959 I’ve been aware of China as our number one enemy, even before the USSR. The Marines experience at The Battle of the Chosen Resevoir left an indellible impression of us, one that would be taught to every Marine Boot from then on. Over the years I read every book I could get on the Chinese threat to Taiwan and our predominant position in the Pacific. Many very powerful American politicians are in bed with China. The malware terrorism combined with the biowarfare lab discovered in Central California recently are just the tip of the iceberg. And by the way, Islam while a threat no doubt, pales in comparison to the PRC. In the 60s it was “Wars of Liberation” that pushed their agenda. With 1.3 billion people, China can afford to sacrifice millions to achieve their goal to dominate not just the pacific but the world. Aiding the CCP in its goals in return for money is a treasonous act for which the Biden family should pay the ultimate price. Conviction in court and the dweth penalty.
Alexander Scipio says
Not only can they afford to sacrifice millions – look at their demographic profile: They have 40 million more men than women of marriageable age. How do you get rid of excess males? War. A war that cost China tens of millions of men between 18-45 would be a blessing to China.
Cat says
How about the bioweapon release in an election year?
Cassandra says
Or a globull frying lockdown.
Spurwing Plover says
This leads all the way to the Top Biden and his acts of Treason and with the aid of the UN CFR/Globalists
Josiah says
The russians are coming, the chinese are coming, islam is coming, but the democrats and most republicans are already here.
Christ controls history and this is an interesting time in which we live.