It figures that a politician who tried to pull off his own Tiananmen Square would have backing from Beijing.
This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s the kind of evidence that Democrats often claimed that they had involving Trump and Russia, but didn’t, and that actually exists and was being kept top secret involving Trudeau and China.
The full extent of the Chinese interference operation is laid bare in both secret and top-secret Canadian Security Intelligence Service documents…
How explicit are we talking here?
The CSIS documents reveal that Chinese diplomats and their proxies, including some members of the Chinese-language media, were instructed to press home that the Conservative Party was too critical of China and that, if elected, it would follow the lead of former U.S. president Donald Trump and ban Chinese students from certain universities or education programs.
“This will threaten the future of the voters’ children, as it will limit their education opportunities,” the CSIS report quoted the Chinese consulate official as saying. The official added: “The Liberal Party of Canada is becoming the only party that the PRC can support.”
That’s a hell of an endorsement.
The documents say the Chinese Communist Party leadership in Beijing was “pressuring its consulates to create strategies to leverage politically [active] Chinese community members and associations within Canadian society.”…
CSIS also explained how Chinese diplomats conduct foreign interference operations in support of political candidates and elected officials. Tactics include undeclared cash donations to political campaigns or having business owners hire international Chinese students and “assign them to volunteer in electoral campaigns on a full-time basis.”
Sympathetic donors are also encouraged to provide campaign contributions to candidates favoured by China – donations for which they receive a tax credit from the federal government. Then, the CSIS report from Dec. 20, 2021 says, political campaigns quietly, and illegally, return part of the contribution – “the difference between the original donation and the government’s refund” – back to the donors.
And China had targets.
CSIS noted that Ms. Tong, who returned to China in July, 2022, and former consul Wang Jin made “discreet and subtle efforts” to encourage members of Chinese-Canadian organizations to rally votes for the Liberals and defeat Conservative candidates…
In early November, 2021, CSIS reported, Ms. Tong discussed the defeat of a Vancouver-area Conservative, whom she described as a “vocal distractor” of the Chinese government. A national-security source said the MP was Kenny Chiu…
The source said Mr. Chiu was targeted in retaliation for his criticism of China’s crackdown in Hong Kong and his 2021 private member’s bill aiming to establish a registry of foreign agents, an effort inspired by similar Australian legislation to combat foreign interference.
Did Justin Trudeau know?
Mr. Trudeau has said it found no meddling, telling the Commons in November of last year that the task force “determined that the integrity of our elections was not compromised in 2019 or 2021.” He also told reporters that “Canadians can be reassured that our election integrity held” in the two elections.
The Globe has reported that the Prime Minister received a national-security briefing last fall in which he was told China’s consulate in Toronto had targeted 11 candidates in the 2019 federal election.
He knew and he lied about it. That’s a massive red flag. And not the maple leaf one either.
We vote, China decides. Wakey, Wakey ! They are at war with us and we don’t know it.
So Biden is the peoples’ choice.
However, that would be the PRC’s people. Not ours.
It doesn’t matter how corrupt the Liberal Party is. Most Senior civil servants, judges, and other Justice officials are all tied to the Liberals; and ;profit from it. Same as you have in the USA. You can’t get real justice….because the people who are supposed to protect our freedoms; are part of the scheme.
Why do you think they want to take away all the guns? They don’t want you to be able to protect yourself from tyrants.
It seems manipulating and stealing elections has been a major part of the modern Great Game since 1945.
Are Canada and California truly the future of North America, then?
Looks that way. Unfortunately.
Gee, just imagine – the CCP interferring in Western elections and domestic Leftists lying through their teeth. Color me shocked.
I’d like to see the heavy hand of public responsibility reach out to them .
First, I want that heavy hand connected to the muscled arm of an actual American President named Trump.
Second, I want that hand to grab that Chinese throat until the face is purple and the tongue protrudes.
Figuratively of course.
China has their own Major Domos to do their Dirty Work
Trudueau is a far left socialist who despises civil liberties except for the “rights” of abortion and euthanasia
Justin;s father must be revolving in his grave!!
lol, good one 🙂
The Liberals knew which 11 Members to investigate, even though nobody told them which 11. They knew which 11, and there are likely many more, even Opposition staff.