Whenever SKDK sends out a press release, it makes sure to mention that Politico had once called it “the loyal opposition where powerful Democrats plot the anti-Trump agenda” and that the Holmes Report had described the firm “the hub of the resistance.”
The “loyal opposition” now works for Communist China. And the “hub of the resistance” is being employed on behalf of a company operating out of one of the world’s most totalitarian regimes.
Faced with a possible ban on its destructive social media app, TikTok has gone out and hired the Biden administration and its “resistance” apparatus. And it probably even got a good deal.
SKDK’s managing director, Anita Dunn, is Biden’s senior advisor and unofficial campaign manager who took control and steered him through the Democrat primaries.Dunn, an Obama vet, is now in charge of crafting the response to Biden’s classified documents scandal.
SKDK people became Biden’s campaign comms and they’ve continued to fill that role in the administration. White House Deputy Communications Director, Herbie Ziskend. was an SKDK veep. As was Biden’s deputy communications director Kate Berner. Biden’s special assistant and senior adviser Jordan Finkelstein was an SKDK associate. Biden’s former press secretary and current Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh was a senior SKDK associate.
TikTok had previously hired a Pelosi senior adviser and another senior adviser to Rep. James Clyburn: the third highest ranking Democrat. Now it decided to go all the way to the ’big guy’.
Biden’s messaging apparatus consists of SKDK vets. Hire SKDK and you get insights into what the Biden administration thinks and how to best influence its thinking.
During the Obama administration, a senior Democrat warned that, “it’s an open secret in the Dem consultant community that SKD has been signing up clients based on ‘perceived White House access’ tied to prior relationships and employment.”
There’s no reason to believe that the game is any different at SKDK.
Under Trump, SKDK was the “hub of the resistance”, fighting to keep government bureaucrats at their jobs, opposing travel restrictions for terrorist states and fighting to save Obamacare while cashing in on Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller Foundation and also working for Disney, Google and AT&T. The “resistance” was about getting its own people into power so that the company could benefit from even more lucrative contracts. Including overseas money.
Ukraine had signed up with SKDK and the firm helped draft some of Zelensky’s UN speeches with the Ukrainian leader benefiting from the services of one of Obama’s former speechwriters.
Why not China?
The “Hub of the Resistance” has gone to work for a company that has an internal Communist Party committee and which covers up China’s slave labor and persecutions of minorities.
SKDK dumped Starbucks because opposition to unions was against its “principles”. But like most Communist countries, China bans independent unions. The only legal union is a Communist government organization that exists to pressure foreign companies. That, like the forcible abortions, political prisoners, mass murders and political terror doesn’t bother SKDK.
But maybe that’s also a matter of principle.
Anita Dunn was forced to step down as Obama’s communications director after a video surfaced of her describing Mao as one of her favorite political philosophers. Dunn’s lesson from one of the twentieth century’s greatest mass murderers was, “You’re going to make choices; you’re going to challenge; you’re going to say, ‘Why not?’; you’re going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before.”
SKDK is still making its choices and doing things that have never been done before. Why not?
In June 2021, Biden revoked Trump’s TikTok executive order and his people began reaching out to TikTok influencers to build an “influencer army”. Among the other horrifying results was the deaths of seven children who strangled themselves to death after TikTok promoted the “blackout challenge” to them. Their blood is on Biden’s hands and that of his comms people who prioritized using TikTok to boost his image over protecting the lives of American children.
Now after the latest round of revelations exposed the fact that TikTok’s American mouthpieces lied, that the company is run out of China and sends information back into that Communist dictatorship, and with bipartisan momentum gathering to ban TikTok, the company has gambled that Biden can still be bought. And with his track record, there’s every reason to think so.
SKDK is intertwined with the Biden administration. Its winning argument will be that keeping TikTok open in America will be crucial for any 2024 campaign. TikTok was already proven to be a very effective tool for recruiting and mobilizing younger voters and pre-voting activists. A ban on TikTok would weaken Democrats and strengthen Republicans. And the same SKDK comms people inside the White House who no doubt talked the administration into its TikTok outreach may be in a position to make the case and close the deal for Communist China on the inside.
SKDK is a corporate brand that knows how to look like the woke grass roots. Take the “Princess of the Resistance”, dubbed as such by another SKDK employee, whose real name is Danielle Moodie-Mills, a former SKDK VP of Public Affairs, who hosts WokeAF Daily and is constantly on TikTok. The “resistance” is full of consultants who sound like edgelord influencers.
They’re a crucial element in making the Democrats seem like an insurgency rather than the corrupt authoritarian oligarchy with strong corporate elements that they actually are.
What works for corporate clients like AT&T and Pfizer can also work for Communist China.
TikTok will undergo another makeover. New faces will be trotted out to promise that this time the company can be trusted. Ex-FBI and NatSec types will be drafted to claim that they will oversee data handling and that this time, unlike before, it really will stay in America. All these lies will really come down to the interconnections between Biden,SKDK and TikTok.
The Left and China both want power over America: SKDK has gotten big by offering it to them.
Some people (looking at you SKDK) will do anything for money, especially in D.C. BTW, Ms. Dunn said, “Two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to most.” So one of two political philosophers she turns to most said “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” and killed tens of millions of his countrymen to implement his political philosophy. Good to know her values.
And what she and her allies intend for us.
I think that the money is a nice thing to have but what they are really after is the power/control of people.
“SKDK is a public affairs and political consulting firm that specializes in working for Democratic Party politicians. It has offices in Washington, DC, New York City, Los Angeles, CA, and Albany, New York.” THIS should have been the FIRST sentence in this article! NOW I KNOW what “skdk” is! I’m sure some people might have known, but dang man, we’re not ALL that deeply involved or familiar with ALL the DEMOcrat-COMMUNIST CHINESE organizations! Don’t forget the “who, what, when, why” part of journalism!!
Now that I looked up “skdk” and corrected my earlier reckoning that it meant “skidmark”, the article makes sense and just shines ANOTHER light on the incestuous relations of the DEMOcrats and COMMUNISTS!
You took the words right off my keyboard.
I also was wondering… Thanks!!! Don’t need to look it up .
With all that’s (finally) coming out about the Biden crime family, one wonders why little is said about Sen. Dianne Feinstein and her late husband’s ‘china deals’?
No one has served red china in the U.S. Senate more. In fact, China kept a tight rein on Feinstein who employed a chinese spy for 20 years.
America’s China Dependency Syndrome Lessons from the USSR. Lloyd Billingsley
Posted By Ruth King on April 28th, 2020
““We cannot outsource our independence,” the president said last Monday. “We cannot be reliant on foreign nations. I’ve been saying this for a long time. If we’ve learned one thing it’s let’s do it here, let’s build it here, let’s make it here.”
On a visit to Shanghai in 2006 Feinstein told James Areddy of the Wall Street Journal, “I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer.” That would put her first visit in 1975, one year before the death of the Great Helmsman Mao Zedong his own self. Feinstein was then a San Francisco supervisor, and as mayor struck up a sister-city relationship with Shanghai. On the 2006 trip Feinstein spent time with former Shanghai mayor Zhu Rongji, “a good friend.”
Professional mind controllers.
So many bad people. You’ve peeled away another layer of moral rot.
How many more until we reach the core of evil?
Joe Biden in his meetings with the Communist President of Red China, Xi Jinping, will always results in agreed to policies that will be very favorable to China and let him get away with his horrendous cruel oppression of the people of China as well as accepting Jinping international policies designed the lowering of the United States as a world power.
For Xi Jinping knows that Biden is very weak and feeble-minded and he even likes Socialism and will be very easily manipulated to be the useful idiot ,stooge , tool and” lap dog” of XI Jinping will able to use Biden to have do anything to wants him to do. In other words, Biden is his stooge and tool because he malleable, for old Joe very cognitively challenged since is an empty-headed mindless idiot.
For example, Joe Biden in a speech he declared Bogus “President” “Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.”
exactly….my thoughts exactly…Biden was paid to destroy America and make it ready for a quick takeover…
1st act cancel 1776 project
2nd act…cancel oil production
later: sell oil to China…oil that was reserved for emergencies
undid everything Trump did to make America great again…therefore he WORKED TO MAKE AMERICA WEAK AGAIN.
This is a classic case of the fox guarding the chicken coop
Like putting a lit match in charge of Dynamite