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Remember how Russia supposedly elected Trump using only the television ad budget of a failed congressional race in Amish country?
The Senate intelligence report actually found that “most of the videos” put up by Moscow “pertained to police brutality and the activist efforts of the Black Lives Matter organization”.
The Russians had created their own Black Lives Matter groups, activists and protests. Their favorite ‘Black Russian’ hate groups included Marxists who under their “gender non-conforming” leader marched through Atlanta shouting, “Kill the police! To get free, you’ve got to kill the pigs.”
Not to be outdone, the People’s Republic of China decided to join the fun by paying black nationalists to organize rallies against a ban on solar panels produced by its slave laborers.
In a historical irony, black nationalists went out to protest in defense of slavery.
At least two known protests were organized in Washington D.C. where a crowd waved signs outside the White House with terrible slogans like ‘Solar Panels are Paneless, Leave Them Alone’, and ‘I’m Getting Heated,- Leave My Solar Panels Alone.’ Coverage of a previous rally by an alleged Chinese propaganda outlet claimed that “except for Caucasians, other races are restricted by law in terms of rights, and they even do not have the right to participate in politics.”
The organizer of the first rally has since been identified as Imani Wj Wright, a black nationalist activist who told CNN that he was hired through a gig work site to set up a flash mob. The organizer of the second rally is unknown but a photo displayed on Chinese propaganda sites featured a woman holding up signs related to the Socialist Worker organization. It’s unknown if the British leftist group actually took part in the solar panel protest in Washington D.C.
While the Chinese effort to recruit Black Lives Matter to its cause may seem more amateurish than the Russians, Beijing is slowly picking up on the vocabulary of wokeness. Chinese propaganda coverage of its own protests claimed that “anti-racist educators link racism and white privilege, insisting that they are essentially intertwined concepts—as long as there is any form of racism, a certain form of white privilege will work” and that, “before advocating global peace and democracy, the US should resolve its domestic conflicts and protect people’s livelihood rather than go bare-handed on the world stage.”
That was big of the People’s Republic of China which had responded to the outbreak of the Wuhan Virus by blaming it on African workers and expelling them from hotels and housing to stop the disease. Then there was the time that Communist state television decided to celebrate its relationship with black people by having a Chinese woman in blackface with a fruit basket on her head accompanied by a monkey shouting, “I love Chinese people! I love China!”
And this was Chinese state television actively trying not to be racist.
The Chinese Communist dictatorship obviously doesn’t have any respect for its useful idiots, but this latest revelation is a reminder that black nationalism remains a dangerous fifth column.
There had already been evidence of collusion between Chinese front groups and BLM activists during the race riots of 2020, but here the Communist dictatorship appeared to be recruiting black activists to explicitly campaign for its own economic goals inside the United States.
In 2020, Black Lives Matter riots inflicted the worst enemy assault on American cities since 9/11. It’s not surprising that on seeing the handiwork of the racist domestic terrorist movement that China is interested in being in the BLM business. Chinese propaganda outlets have amplified and tried to incite racial conflict after police shootings. Xinhua, a state propaganda outlet, has tweeted out the racist BLM hashtag and showed up to interview people in hot spots.
Chinese diplomats practicing confrontational ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy have used slogans such as, “I can’t breathe” and accused America of racism. This follows an extended history of alliances between Maoists and black nationalists. When Robert F. Williams fled the United States, he headed to Castro’s Cuba, then to China where he wrote and dispatched his propaganda to the United States. In China, Williams tried to form ties between the Nation of Islam and the Communist regime for a joint campaign to overthrow America.
“Let me thank our great leader and teacher, the architect of people’s warfare, Chairman Mao Tse-tung, for his great and inspiring statement in support of our struggle. And to our great Chinese brothers and true revolutionaries throughout the world, we revolutionary Afro-Americans vow that we shall take the torch of freedom and justice into the streets of racist America and we shall set the last great stronghold of Yankee imperialism ablaze with our battle cry of Black Power!” Williams, who is remembered as a civil rights leader, had declared.
Communist China had welcomed a Black Panther delegation led by domestic terrorist Huey P. Newton. “What I experienced in China was the sensation of freedom,” Newton claimed after meeting with Premier Zhou Enlai. It’s a long way from that to paying a few protesters to march around Washington D.C. chanting, “Solar, solar, you are not the controller”.
China is trying to rebuild its relationships with black nationalist groups. The trouble though is that while the PRC is officially Communist, it’s not the brand of brutal revolutionary mass murder that convinced Williams, Newton and others that the future lay with Maoism not with Moscow.
Maoist China was able to convince black nationalists that it represented a revolutionary vanguard, but today it all too obviously stands for nothing except a Han Chinese oligarchy. And how better can Beijing demonstrate that than by organizing black nationalists to chant in favor of Chinese slave labor solar panels. While China may not especially excite the “trained Marxists” of BLM, the existence of a fifth column remains an ongoing national security threat.
If Beijing decides to invest enough money in BLMers, the next race riots may be Made in China.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Well, good material for comedy. One thing that occurred to me reading the article is how the ChiCom underlings are often sycophants, shouting slogans heard from their masters that even their masters don’t believe, being slightly more informed than their underlings.
Mo de Profit says
They are earning social credit points. The soviets did this and so did the national socialists in Germany.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Mo! I was thinking that also, might be a syndrome characteristic of totalitarian regimes.
Jacques Dupuis says
I always appreciated Daniel’s writing and information. In this case, he’s getting played by our own (US) propaganda. But we surely know that China, Russia bad, bad, bad, eh? Our CIA, and all our Intelligence Agencies along with our glorious State Department are all Saints. LMAO
Daniel Greenfield says
That’s a Communist baseline. Leftists in general.
You get people to shout slogans so they never think for themselves. The less they understand the slogans, the better.
If they understood the slogans, they might actually think about them.
Annie45 says
Communist China is taking advantage of a very weakened America –
especially since it’s such good friends with the U.S. President Biden
crime family. There are signs of parasitical invasion everywhere:
Chinese police service stations in N.Y. and L.A. – infiltration of
American classrooms for propaganda purposes through such
programs as the Confucius Institutes – record number of young
Chinese males entering illegally over our southern border.
So why wouldn’t they take advantage of the racial wedge
dividing America – by aligning with the Commie BLM movement
to further destroy us? All of us can see – so the ChiComs can
certainly see it – that American Blacks are eager to tear everything
down. In just the past few days, there’s been a destructive riot of
mostly Black “teens” in NYC over giveaway PlayStations – which
Mayor Adams said required better parenting, not policing. And
a riot of mostly Black “teens” in Chicago which looted and
destroyed a 7-11 – Mayor Johnson was outraged that the
hundreds of rampaging young Blacks were referred to as a
Beijing most likely will invest more money in the thugs of BLM
because it’s an excellent investment for them. After all, think of all
the Black youth who will help them riot and destroy America –
for free.
Kynarion Hellenis says
There is in westernkind a kind of compassion and charity for blacks (and children, puppies, turtles, etc.) that is notably absent in the Asian peoples. If China gets its wish, blacks will suffer greatly, being largely a custodial race (ugly truth).
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Good points. Thank you.
Oh yes, the youthful multi-millionaires of the NBA playing basketball in China because they are so beaten down in America. What darn fools.
Mo de Profit says
“ Socialist Worker organization”
I remember back in the 70’s when these people were promoting sex with babies. Nothing much has changed since.
Daniel Greenfield says
Except that their beliefs have gone mainstream and dominate the culture.
Cat says
Ive read that Communist Chineses Party money is involved in funding Antifa organizations `(which are far more organized and funded than it may appear). I’m sure they have other more local backing as well. Andy Ngo has written about this.
Obama's boyfriend says
This has been going on since the 60s. Who do you think funded the anti war movement? The Amish?
Lightbringer says
Coulda sworn it was the Soviets.
Hardball1Alpha says
“Unrestricted Warfare”, aka, “Omni-Directional Warfare”, published in the CCP’s playbook, by definition requires insurgency tactics,
Do a bit of roll-playing… If I were in charge of destroying America, amongst many other tactics, I’d steal BILLIONS out of the COVID relief funds, and pay millions to every known criminal organization in America for foot soldiers. Think Vito Corleone, owning all the criminal organizations like so many coins in his pocket but with modern technology.
Dial-a-riot, dial-a-smash and grab, dial-a-pack of dirt bike riders… or just dial-an-intimidator.
And no one ever questions if smart phones in the hands of everyone is an enshrined human right.
Daniel Greenfield says
That’s community organizing 101.
Much of the welfare state is really about subsidizing leftist organizations that then turn out votes and protest and sue when Republicans are in office.
I wish conservatives would get on the ball.
NAVY ET1 says
The saddest part of this article, for me, is seeing how easily we Americans can be manipulated, especially the younger generations. Truly a tragedy of our own creation via neglect and the relinquishing of authority to Maoist-friendly educational systems and administrations.
Daniel Greenfield says
People all too often get their sense of reality from the media and from the entertainment industry which is embedded in social media and peer messaging.
They can be convinced to shout BLACK LIVES MATTER.
And then once that’s done, they can be enlisted in any parallel cause like jeering the flag, denouncing Israel, supporting China, etc…
Kit_Jefferson says
So many protesting the “slavery” of the 18th century but where are the protests of the new slavery of children today.
Daniel Greenfield says
The protesters are the ones enabling the enslavement of children by allying with Islamist regimes, promoting open borders and selling us out to Communist China.
Craig Austin says
There are a lot of nice buildings in Canada for 6 million dollars, but the BLM just had to have the Canadian Communists Party headquarters in Toronto. It just felt right.
Daniel Greenfield says
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, I read about that awhile ago.
Below is a random link:,the%20Communist%20Party%20of%20Canada%20.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Well, that attempt to send a link didn’t work so well. Here is another link, hope it works:
Ugly Sid says
A little Executive Capture goes a long way.
Bird of Paradise says
Now we see the use of a extremists group and Chinas Puppets to control like it of r not their Slaves again slaves to China and their leftists leaders
Daniel Greenfield says
That’s what the Left always is. It claims to offer liberation and freedom, but all it actually offers is slavery.
Eliška Homolová says
Ano a formy jsou různé – přímo ukázková je, když si levice hraje na pravici a pod rouškou boje za demokraci tak zblbne lidi, především mladé, že jdou ochotně vstříc světlým zítřkům – nové totalitě.
Starší generace, ví své. Mají osobní zkušenost .. Mluvím o střední Evropě.
Algorithmic Analyst says
“Yes, and the forms are different – it is truly exemplary when the left plays with the right and under the guise of fighting for democracy makes people, especially the young, so stupid that they willingly go towards a bright tomorrow – a new totality.
The older generation knows their stuff. They have personal experience .. I am talking about Central Europe.”
(in English, according to the software language translator 🙂
JAM says
I want to know when hunting season opens?
CharlieSeattle says
BLM is stupid enough to do it!
Richard Courtemanche says
Not surprising that so many BLM and other activists found employment.
Don’t think it would work with the West doing the same in Russia and China, although not to exclus=de the CIA!
Snowfrog says
If you observed the symbols that the anarchists used on their helmet and shields, it was very obvious who was backing them. The Chinese communist and Russian symbols along with the verbatim slogans of the Marxists were present. Some blacks seem to be attracted to communism and parade as useful idiots for their program.
Knowing this we must be concerned with the lack of opposing violence to the protestors by t law enforcement. The only people who were demonized were the Proud Boys. Why is that?
George says
Xi Jinping is an all in communist who reveres Karl Marx and has no problem committing mass murder with revolutionary zeal. He is torturing thousands in secret prisons at this very moment. He is tightening his gripe with advanced technological surveillance of people’s every move and thought.
Bird of Paradise says
The slavery of the China how many in Commie China are in Forced Labor Camps?