Throughout the pandemic, Communist China’s position has been consistent and clear. It has no COVID problem. The pandemic is someone else’s problem and was only spread in China by African workers, American researchers or space aliens. It can impose zero COVID ruthlessly not only on its own people, but on visiting Americans and foreigners, but other countries had better not restrict travel from China.
The Chinese government blasted Covid-19 testing requirements imposed on passengers from China and threatened countermeasures against countries involved, which include the U.S. and several European nations.
“We believe that the entry restrictions adopted by some countries targeting China lack scientific basis, and some excessive practices are even more unacceptable,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a daily briefing Tuesday.
I’m sure WHO will claim that the “science” backs up whatever Beijing says.
“We are firmly opposed to attempts to manipulate the Covid measures for political purposes and will take countermeasures based on the principle of reciprocity,” she said.
Does this mean we’ll have 80% fewer spies?
Australia and Canada this week joined a growing list of countries requiring travelers from China to take a Covid-19 test prior to boarding their flight, as China battles a nationwide outbreak of the coronavirus after abruptly easing restrictions that were in place for much of the pandemic.
Other countries including the U.S., U.K., India, Japan and several European nations have announced tougher Covid-19 measures on travelers from China amid concerns over a lack of data on infections in China and fears of the possibility that new variants may emerge.
Considering what we’ve experienced, that’s wholly sensible.
China has starved its own people, sent them to camps and walled them off in their own homes, but the regime is throwing a hissy fit because their people are being asked to take COVID tests before flying?
(The tests are obnoxious, but it’s nothing compared to what Americans living in China have experienced.)
Does the PRC really care about how its people are being treated? Obviously no. But other countries are demonstrating that they don’t trust its claims, which reinforces domestic suspicions by its own people, and the regime is very sensitive about being viewed as a source of infection internationally.
And so China is once again throwing its weight around while betting that they’ll back down.
Like any staring contest, this isn’t just about COVID, it’s the larger geopolitical frame in which China’s ‘wolf warrior’ diplomacy has set a pattern of countries kowtowing to the murderous Communist regime on any number of issues.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Should ban visitors from China.
THX 1138 says
What Ayn Rand said of the Soviet Dictatorship is fully applicable to the CCP Dictatorship, Cuban Dictatorship, Korean Dictatorship, and Venezuelan Dictatorship. Any and all dictatorships.
“I would advocate that which the Soviet Union fears above all else: economic boycott. I would advocate a blockade of Cuba and an economic boycott of Soviet Russia; and you would see both those regimes collapse without the loss of a single American life….
It is immoral for the U.S. (and for all free or semi-free countries) to engage in any undertaking with Soviet Russia as a partner. It is particularly immoral if the undertaking is intellectual or cultural. Such a partnership necessarily implies and proclaims the acceptance of Soviet Russia as a peaceful, well-meaning, civilized country….
THX 1138 says
…There is only one form of protest open to the men of goodwill in the semi-free world: do not sanction the Soviet jailers of [the dissidents]—do not help them to pretend that they are the morally acceptable leaders of a civilized country. Do not patronize or support the evil pretense of the so-called “cultural exchanges”—any Soviet-government-sponsored scientists, professors, writers, artists, musicians, dancers (who are either vicious bootlickers or doomed, tortured victims). Do not patronize, support or deal with any Soviet supporters and apologists in this country: they are the guiltiest men of all.” – Ayn Rand
Bob Mack says
A. Little any rand never hurt nobody. It will light a match to your ass if you ain’t careful. Just win, baby!
Una Salus says
Nobody ever lost a Yuan underestimating the intelligence of the American public.