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When Hamas launched the attacks of Oct 7, it used Da Jiang Innovation (DJI) drones to sneak in and drop explosives on key Israeli targets. China’s DJI drones can also be found flying in the skies above Ukraine spying on and dropping explosives on the other side.
And perhaps also spying on the United States.
In 2017, the Trump administration banned the use of DJI drones by the United States military after warnings from Homeland Security that the Chinese drones were “likely providing U.S. critical infrastructure and law enforcement data to [the] Chinese government.”
Finally DJI was placed on a blacklist for “acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States”.
The Chinese firm, which has received Chinese Communist state run funding, however turned to a key law firm with ties to the Obama administration and the Kamala Harris campaign.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Obama’s former Associate White House Counsel Roberto Gonzalez signed a letter to the Department of Defense on behalf of DJI.
“It is disgraceful but unsurprising that Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is now working on behalf of a Communist Chinese drone company that the Department of Defense has identified as a Chinese military company,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) charged. “Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is lobbying the DOD to request they remove DJI from this list so the Communist Chinese company can operate with impunity in America.”
Lynch and Gonzalez, partners at the Paul Weiss law firm, were acting on behalf of DJI, despite the national security issues involved. The Paul Weiss firm is one of the most influential in the country. One of its partners is Robert Schumer, the younger brother of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries was formerly at Paul Weiss.
The connection between Paul Weiss and the two top congressional Democrat leaders is no coincidence. The powerful law firm, where 90% of political donations go to Democrats, formerly employed both Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Elena Kagan. Karen Dunn, co-chair of litigation at Paul Weiss, handled debate prep for Kamala in 2020 and is prepping her again now.
“We have many alumni and friends in senior positions in the Biden-Harris administration,” Paul Weiss Chairman Brad Karp bragged.
The Wall Street Journal described Karp as one of Kamala’s “closest confidants on Wall Street.”
Karp (pictured above) met Kamala back when he was representing Citigroup and she was the Attorney General of California investigating the financial giant. “I came away from that experience enormously impressed by her intellect, tenacity and creativity, and have supported her political efforts since.”
Kamala’s biggest Wall Street booster is Ray McGuire who served as Chairman of Banking at Citigroup during the “investigation”. Kamala Harris claimed that she “took on the big banks” like Citigroup, but when the chairman of banking and its lawyer came away funding her, the implication is not so much that she took on the big banks as that they took her on.
Karp became a bundler for Kamala’s original presidential campaign in 2020. In 2024, Karp had organized the initial post-coup Zoom call with top donors and is heading up a ‘Lawyers Committee for Kamala Harris’ aiming to raise millions of dollars for the vice president.
After the donor coup that removed Biden, Karp promised, “I’m working with many business leaders to raise money for the Harris campaign to enable her to fund what will inevitably be the most expensive election battle ever and provide whatever additional support I can, including voter protection support.”
The Paul Weiss law firm sits at the intersection of Wall Street, Democrat activism, Big Tech corporations that have turned to it to litigate their cases and Communist China.
Paul Weiss boasted that it was “one of first foreign law firms to establish an office in mainland China, opening in Beijing” and “played a role in a number of precedent-setting and innovative transactions in and relating to China.” When the Trump administration launched the China initiative crackdown, Paul Weiss co-hosted a roundtable with the US-China Business Council to discuss “navigating the current regulatory environment.”
Kamala Harris likes to claim that she “took on the big banks”, but Wall Street is funding her as it did all along. During the 2020 primary campaign (in which she dropped out without winning a single vote) she took top honors for getting the most donations from 46 billionaires. After the donor coup, instigated for her, Wall Street and top law firms rushed to her side.
Kamala Harris is far from the only politician to talk tough on Wall Street and then take its cash under the table, but the story of DJI also shows that the risks of such activities can go beyond domestic corruption. Some of Kamala’s major tech and financial industry donors have a very different relationship with China than the one that most Americans would want. And that relationship can pose a threat to the national security and economy of the United States.
After formerly endorsing Da Jiang Innovation’s ambitions, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed a letter endorsing Kamala Harris. Also signing the letter were other current Paul Weiss partners and Obama administration officials including former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. When Lynch first mounted a defense of DJI, some were concerned that a controversial Chinese company was bypassing the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by using Paul Weiss. How close is a Chinese drone maker now getting to Kamala Harris?
Don’t forget the Spy Balloon we must remember that
Are they registered lobbyists for the CCP?
Because if they aren’t it means they can be charged and jailed if the Democraps fail to manufacture enough ballots to win in November.
Karp was “enormously impressed” by Harris’ intelligence? I’d not place much trust in his opinions.
You can thank the Republican conservative Richard Nixon for opening the door wide open to China.
“Precisely because of their pretense, the conservatives are morally lower than the liberals; they are farther removed from reality—and, therefore, they are more harmful in practice. Since they purport to be fighting “big government,” they are the main source of political confusion in the public mind, they give people the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. Thus the statist drift proceeds unchecked and unchallenged.
Historically, from the Sherman Act to Herbert Hoover to the Bush Administration, it is the conservatives, not the leftists, who have always been the major destroyers of the United States.” – Leonard Peikoff
Lenny is a bitter idiot, But then he always was. But never mind that.
Guess what. NFL pre season is in full swing. The regular season starts in two-three weeks. After rehearsal at the church today a bunch of us are going over to the sports bar to watch the Eagles/Patriots game. Beer, pizza, fun, talk, normal people who like to have a good time. You know, actual normals. No agendas. No worries about altruism. Do you have any idea just how unsophisticated that is?
You and your sniffy dumb-a$$ friends wouldn’t approve.
P.S. Nixon was not really a conservative in today’s sense of the word. And of course you don’t provide the context for why he opened up China. I’ll let you figure that out.
Sucks to be you.
I’m afraid that is true in UK after 13 years of “conservative” rule. The new regime is just adding more jackboots and gulag time.
So, like, in all seriousness, your argument is that Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg all want a Chinese drone-maker’s products to be used by the US government so that it can steal information and pass it on to Xi Jinping. And this tangled web is proof of the giant conspiracy at all levels of the DC establishment to hide the fact that the Democrats are allied with Communist China. That’s your argument.
I know you know that your readers believe this insanity is true. But do you actually believe this is true? Like, actually, really believe it? I can’t fathom it.
Of course you can’t fathom it. You are, after all, an idiot communist. Your biggest problem is you aren’t a decent liar.
I couldn’t even make sense of what paragraph wanted to be, but nice try anyway.
So, like, in all seriousness, your argument is that Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and Ruth Bade Ginsburg all want a Chinese drone company’s products to be used by the US government, so that it can capture information and pass it on to Xi Jinping. They are all part of a massive conspiracy at all levels of the DC establishment to hide the fact that the Democrats are allied with Communist China in a global plot to destroy America and Western civilization. That’s your argument.
I know you know your readers believe this is true. But do you actually believe this is true? Like, really, actually believe it? I can’t fathom it.
Yes. Like, really, like. “Incest. A game the whole government can play!”
It has been decades so people have forgotten the repeal of the banking acts of FDR. Jimmah Carter screwed up the savings and loan system. Young people do not even remember it. Then dollar bill clinton allowed interstate banking and the combination of banking and investments. He even admitted later that it was a mistake. All of the new systems failed miserably and cost taxpayers money to bail out incompetence and greed.
Anytime bankers get control of the water fountain there is a drought because they are politicians at best. That includes being crooked. The bail outs of all of them included the shareholders not just the depositors as required by the FDIC. Those election contributions paid off. As the obama said they were “too big to fail.”
The system starting with the Federal Reserve should be scrapped.
Bill Clinton was called Billion Dollar Bill in Arkansas because he was its first governor to get the state budget to one billion dollars. Yet, the state budget was much lower at that point than the New York City school budget. Clinton was a minor governor in responsibility, yet he was elected. Coupmala Harris, however, cannot hold a candle to Clinton as a bloviator. With her knowledge, she probably thinks that Amelia Earhart was a bloviator.
The democrat regime needs Chinese Communist drones to monitor and eliminate dissidents like the readers of FrontPageMagazine.
I just closed the blinds.
Will we all end up at The Village like in that British TV series THE PRISONR? with those freaking Balloons coming after you when your try to escape?! How your day #6?!